Politics and Religion

That was pretty much my line of thinking, so I was wondering if...
mattradd 40 Reviews 109 reads

he was calling on Obama, GW, or Bill Clinton to run again!  ;)

I can't stand how the media is always talking about someone looking presidential.   Wouldn't we rather have someone that IS presidential?

Maybe Colin Powell.  I wish he would have ran in 2000.  I wonder how different are country and world may have been if Powell or Gore were president in 2001.  We all know that Trump is not presidential, not sure if Clinton is either.

And one of them doesn't look at all Presidential, and the other is overwhelmingly harassed by the conservatives trying to make her look non-Presidential.

So we don't really know if either one really is presidential, but since we're pretty sure one of them will actually be the President, we want to look at them and try to imagine them as the President.

It's kind of like checking out which greyhound looks like he has the biggest chest lung capacity before a dog race.

And especially for the pundits and the propaganda journalists on Faux because their careers are at stake.

It's also a little like how you gaze at the pics on the providers websites to see which one looks like the most fun companion. You won't know till you get there whether or not she'll actually be fun. You go by how she looks.

I hope that explains it. If you have any other questions, post them here and we'll get to them as soon as we can.

he was calling on Obama, GW, or Bill Clinton to run again!  ;)

George HW Bush looked Presidential. Hated the son of a bitch but he had the chops and the look.

Reagan was an actor so he could act presidential while Mommy pulled the strings.

Nixon lost the election in 1960 because John F Kennedy looked presidential while Tricky Dicky looked like a traveling salesman in a rumpled off-the-rack plain cloth suit.

Maybe 2 in 10 voters really pay attention. The rest are more interested in appearances and what the candidate says than anything even remotely resembling interest in policy. KUWTK is on in 10 minutes!!!

Just as an aside, perhaps if we could get in touch with the Reagan's psychic, we could get them to run again! ;)

P.S. What is KUWTK?

P.S.S. I always imagined what Nixon selling, door to door, was Electrolux vacuum cleaners! ;)

BigPapasan's deceptive comment is partly correct....
it does refer to the reality show.
But the context was about people being superficial.

I only knew them. Never watched the show.

This is the era of the soundbyte, the 140 character tweet, and the Kardashian Kulture.

Why is it a surprise the media is more concerned with appearances than substance?  
Been my complaint for years now.

I've talked to several women, over the years, who had mothers that got up in the wee hours of the morning to put their face on (makeup). No one was allowed to see see them until the duty was done.

GaGambler112 reads

There have been a lot of candidates who never got any traction despite great ideas  simply because the voters looked at them and could never imagine them being POTUS

Posted By: GaGambler
There have been a lot of candidates who never got any traction despite great ideas  simply because the voters looked at them and could never imagine them being POTUS

....After the mess Pawlenty left Minnesota's government in it would not matter what he looked like, he could not get elected dog catcher.

...Sorry but I am not available at this time.

brooks561 reads

wearing Kim Jung Il/Kaptain Kangaroo suits!

and they called Trump fat! ;

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