Politics and Religion

That was my point as well.
GaGambler 268 reads

As for her using a private email account, I am afraid I am not as concerned as many on you not because I am NOT jaded, but maybe because I am so jaded to know that she would never have sent anything incriminating sending either from or to a .gov account or another country's official equivalent.

The only incriminating email that she ever would have sent would have been from a private email account of hers, to a private email account of someone elses, and any 12 year old could create a "burner address" for her that never would have been discovered, so unless the very act of having a private server was illegal at the time, and it certainly appears not to have been, I will put this way at the bottom of "dirty tricks" I believe Hillary is guilty of.

Now I do !,000% agree that IF she broke and rules/laws, the Obama administration she be at least as accountable as she, but somehow I don't ever see that happening.

nuguy461251 reads

Actually she will be lying. All her posse has been on TV over the weekend...brings back memories of the 'right wing conspiracy" associated with the 'dress' or the many previous so-called scandals. Will she blame it on Bush today?  Obama said he found out about the email problem from the newspaper. Then two days later emails to and from him and Hill show up. Pathological liars both! I know I know, it's Bush's fault.

othing new here...

And they wonder why people no longer trust the government.

Iran/Contra. Ya, he did seem to find government, particularly a democracy quite cumbersome!  ;)

Here's what LBJ did when Hurricane Betsy hit New Orleans:


After Katrina, Dubya did a flyover and put Brownie in charge.  Reagan's 9 words only apply when it's the Republicans who want to "help."

GaGambler243 reads

if it is indeed an issue, AND it turns out that rules or even laws were broken, then why in the fuck isn't the Obama administration being taken to task, both Obama and his Chief of Staff had to have known about this, no one could possibly be that incompetent and any blow back on this issue should be shared equally by Obama.

As for "right wing" conspiracies, if anyone has a right to be paranoid, it's Bill Clinton. Do you remember the Ken Starr investigation, he was basically given a blank check, spent close to $100,000,000.00 of taxpayer money with the sole mission of "get something" on Bill Clinton, and all he came up with was a fucking blow job.

bigguy30402 reads

This is a bigger deal now.

The clowns keep showing they cannot run this country.

I always knew the GOP would fuck up in the leadership role but this is more than what I even expected.

So you can talk about Hiliary Clinton all you want but the GOP scum created a bigger problem for themselves!

Posted By: nuguy46
Actually she will be lying. All her posse has been on TV over the weekend...brings back memories of the 'right wing conspiracy" associated with the 'dress' or the many previous so-called scandals. Will she blame it on Bush today?  Obama said he found out about the email problem from the newspaper. Then two days later emails to and from him and Hill show up. Pathological liars both! I know I know, it's Bush's fault.
-- Modified on 3/10/2015 9:32:52 AM

....and their internal server at their home, is that they can have it scrubbed at their discretion/hard drive replaced, and probably have already done so.

    What baffles me more, is why anyone would reply to an e-mail from "HillaryClinton@*****.COM; unless they were personal friends.   I often interact with government agencies for my other profession, and unless they use their .GOV account, I do not reply.  

     In addition, I have no doubt that Barack and Hillary exchanged e-mails during her tenure as SecState, and he tells us he never noticed! He learned about her using a private e-mail address like we all did.  Seriously?  The man is more stupid than I thought!


GaGambler269 reads

As for her using a private email account, I am afraid I am not as concerned as many on you not because I am NOT jaded, but maybe because I am so jaded to know that she would never have sent anything incriminating sending either from or to a .gov account or another country's official equivalent.

The only incriminating email that she ever would have sent would have been from a private email account of hers, to a private email account of someone elses, and any 12 year old could create a "burner address" for her that never would have been discovered, so unless the very act of having a private server was illegal at the time, and it certainly appears not to have been, I will put this way at the bottom of "dirty tricks" I believe Hillary is guilty of.

Now I do !,000% agree that IF she broke and rules/laws, the Obama administration she be at least as accountable as she, but somehow I don't ever see that happening.

email require someone to send an email to someone which means the person who receives the email also has a server. Every email she sent to any government employee, the white house, DoS employees, CIA director, Director of the FBI, any fucking person working on the planet on their federal government email has copy stored in a government server.  

If the republicans have something they want or even to fish around, all they have to do is to run search program on her email address. It doesn’t matter if she burned the fucking server, you can still get every copy of the email and the email chain.

Stupid is what stupid does.

There is absolutely nothing the Republicans want and they know there is nothing there, they just want get their 2 minutes of TV time

followme240 reads

And it is going to take a crew all night to clean up all the Bullshit

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