Politics and Religion

That reflects the leftist indoctrination ....
no. 6 904 reads

... that passes for education in the contemporary university system.

Funny how educational levels track with politics - better educated = more likely to vote progressive, less education = more likely to vote conservative.

-- Modified on 11/11/2008 8:51:04 AM

It looks just like the breakdown of election results. Very interesting indeed.

no. 6905 reads

... that passes for education in the contemporary university system.

Stick with that - and be sure to back Palin in 2012. Please. We're begging you.

-- Modified on 11/11/2008 10:34:49 PM

coincides with racism and religious nuttiness.

When I began studying politics, the more educated one was, the more likely it was that she would vote republican. That began to change with the passage of the Voting Rights Act and now the republican party actively sells itself to the worst elements of American society.

I REALLY hope that will change after the spanking they've gotten in the last two national elections.

Elizabeth Dole should be the poster child for the need to transform the Republican party. All you right wingers on here ought to be working your asses off to bring about that change if you really do care about conservative values and the US.

GaGambler1253 reads

That was one of the stupider things I've seen in an election.

The chances of the Republicans separating themselves from the religious right are essentially nonexistant. They are about the same as the dems casting off the loony left wing of their party, it's just not going to happen.

I doubt that McCain loss is going to teach the Pubs anything but that they should nominate "true conservatives" that will appeal to their base. As opposed to a maverick that forgot he was a maverick once nominated.

I don't see the chances of the country coming together are any better now than they were a week ago. From the tone of many of the posts of the last few days, I would say the chances have gone down not up.

She looks like she was weaned on a pickle.

They are the party of anti-gay, anti-immigration, anti-tolerance, anti-public assistance, anti-peace.... when you define yourself in the negative you deserve what you get.

Bill Clinton said it best, to paraphrase: if one guy is selling fear and the other guy is selling hope, go with the hope guy every time.

is that they don't pander to them. You don't see the democratic party trying to do things like nationalize the oil industry or legalize bestiality.

Republicans OTOH?

GaGambler2339 reads

The idea has been put out there on this very board. The dems most definitely pander to their loony faction every bit as much as the Reps pander to theirs. You just don't recognize it, because of your perspective which starts well left of center.

This is not a critcism, but if your POV starts exactly at the middle both extremes look equal, the further left(or right) your own perspective is, the nuttier the extremes from the other side look to you. This is true about people from both sides of center.

As an example to a religious person from the right gay marriage may seem to be just as extreme a position as perceived racism would look to some one who looks at things from a liberal viewpoint. Someone as liberal minded as you will never find the same fault with the looniest members of the left that you will with the extremists of the right.

but that the dems don't pander to them as much.

Has there been any serious legislation introduced to nationalize the oil industry? To institute a living wage rather than a minimum wage? To give unions the money to buy GM? Why not?

I've had years and years of practice separating my own personal opinions from policy. I know left from right when I see it and the republicans have cowtowed to the extreme right in the US far more than the dems have to what tiny bit of extreme left exists here. That makes sense because we have far more right wing loonies in the US than we do left wing loonies so the right wingnuts are more of a political force.

Contrary to what some may think, I don't believe that we should move far to the left even though my political ideology is way over there. I'm much more interested in pursuing what works politically rather than promoting my own views and moving very far to the left would not work right now.

Now, when the system truly begins to collapse, that's a different story. We'll be forced to move toward the left then but that's something that has to happen when the time is right. It can't be forced.

WilliamFBuckley1267 reads

Instead, it has become the party of last resort, ...a refuge for the intolerate, homophobic, sexist, racist and religious fundemental fanatics!  And that has nothing to do with true "conservatives."  

The only difference between a Republican and a Islamic Jihadist is that one was born here and the other was born in the Middle East.

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