Politics and Religion

That pardon definitely damaged any chances he had . . . .
PitchingWedge 88 Reviews 1300 reads

and will be used against him should he run. But, true to form, Huckabee took full responsibility for the pardon and did not duck the question.

That's one of the big reasons why I like him. He's a stand-up guy.

And when it comes to the evangelical question, he is nowhere near as over-the-top as Pat Robertson or some of the others.  When I hear him speak, I never even think of him being a minister and would never had guessed that he was if it wasn't such well-known knowledge.

-- Modified on 2/22/2010 1:59:26 PM

Make your pick. Give any reason why you think they are the likely candidate.

Priapus531350 reads

Ron Paul just won the straw poll at the CPAC convention, but he's certainly not gonna get it.
Romney has the best chance of beating Obama,but, the "teabaggers" mistrust him because of previously held liberal views.Also, don't forget the right wing bigots who hate Mormons. Very iffy prop. of him getting nomination nod. Someone who hasn't figured in the running yet----Scott Brown, perhaps ?

Timbow1815 reads

Ron Paul would not even use predator drones so one can argue  Obama is stronger on national defense ;)
Romney is the most capable and he has the business sense as well.

-- Modified on 2/21/2010 11:59:33 AM

with his previous liberal views or his religion.  His arrogance is very off putting.  

I call him the Republican version of John Kerry. Except Romney earned his money instead of marrying to get it!!! LOL

FollowmeForPresident1664 reads

At this time the more interesting  question is ….who will the democratic nominee be?.

Will Hilary challenge Obama in 2012?

Thank you
2010 = 28

"Will Hilary challenge Obama in 2012?"

No way ..Won't happen..Hillary doesn't have the guts because she knows she wouldn't have a job after Obama wins again in 2012..

passed universal healthcare in MA and the costs are shooting up. Nope he will not get the nomination.

I am a tea bagger looking for ladies mouth sorry a cup

it will most likely be a Republican Governor, with a relatively clean slate for the populous to project upon, who can keep all his/her skeletons in the closet. So far Pawlenty and Thune fit that bill. Crist, Barbour and Romney have a lot of past baggage to overcome. I won't rule out Hutchison. That's probably why she's running for Governor of Texas.

It will not be Paul.  He rants about the Republican establishment as much as the Democrats.  
I don't think it will be Romney.  His being a Mormon would rub the Christian Right the wrong way, (even if they don't dare publicly say so).  
Pawlenty is a real possibility.  He comes across as a very personable and likable man, and has moved his position closer to what the far right likes to see.  His victory in 06 when Democrats won every other statewide office make him look like a strong candidate.  
Crist is having to much trouble in Florida from within his own party to be considered for a nationwide office.

So who will it be? Pawlenty? Romney? Kay Bailey Hutchingson?

I hear a lot of conservatives saying that Obama will be a one term President. Think what you like of his skills as President, but you have to admit that he's a damn fine campaigner. Who in the GOP camp has the ability to beat him?

despite what Vice President Cheney says, I think President Obama will be a two-term President.  He still has tremendous support despite all the turmoil of his initial year in office.  He's an outstanding campaigner.

Most importantly, America is due for an economic upturn. The economy always goes in cycles and it is time for one of those strong economic periods to begin.  And it will happen, even though President Obama (nor any President before him) really has anything to do with why it will happen (in fact, his actions with the wasteful $787 billion Recovery Act have only delayed the coming turnaround in the economy).

A lot of things can happen, but unless something very extraordinary occurs, President Obama will be in the White House until January of 2016.

I like Newt's position on most issues, but I'm not sure if his past personal issues with some girl will get in his way.

GaGambler1614 reads

but I also share your concerns about what baggage he may be carrying with him.

Right now Newt is the only potential candidate that I can see myself actually supporting, instead of picking the lesser of the evils.

At least Huckabee is out of the running, my nightmare scenario would be Obama vs Huckabee, I couldn't bring myself to vote for either one of them. I would probably just write in "Willie Wonka" at that point. lol

to make you even think of the other name you mentioned (LOL).

I like Huckabee. Hell, he is one of the few politicians that speaks his mind and does so with no double talk.  He is bright, personable, funny as hell and doesn't back down from anything.

But he has two big problems.

One, he is from Hope, Arkansas and no way in hell does a small town like that produce two Presidents within 20 years of each other.

And two, how in the hell do you get elected President when your name is Huckabee???  LOL

GaGambler1833 reads

but as an agnostic, we are on the same page here. I couldn't vote for Huckabee anymore than I could vote for Palin. Huckabee is obviously a smarter, more polished politician than is Palin, but his Evangelicalism completely disqualifies him from ever getting my vote.

I don't want someone that takes the Bible literally anywhere near the "football", nor do I want the Islamic terrorists to be any way justified in waging a "holy war" against us.

Priapus531157 reads

it makes the Dukakis/Willie Horton episode look like child's play. As far as the GOP Prez nomination, Huckabee's toast.

GaGambler933 reads

it's the reason I stated that I was relieved that Huckabee was "out of the running" in my previous post.

and will be used against him should he run. But, true to form, Huckabee took full responsibility for the pardon and did not duck the question.

That's one of the big reasons why I like him. He's a stand-up guy.

And when it comes to the evangelical question, he is nowhere near as over-the-top as Pat Robertson or some of the others.  When I hear him speak, I never even think of him being a minister and would never had guessed that he was if it wasn't such well-known knowledge.

-- Modified on 2/22/2010 1:59:26 PM

misterdimes998 reads

Palin in 2012.....you dont have to be liked by every single Repub voter, just a majority in each state, and Palin will get just that

Remember in 2004 when it appeared that Howard Dean might get the Democrats nod, the Party finally realized that it had to do something to get less of a "lightning rod" on its ticket and it derailed Dean and gave us that spectacular and inspirational leader of men, John Kerry.

I think the Republicans will do something similar if Gov. Palin starts to pick up some delegates.  They don't want to see all the ammo that the Dems will have gathered on Palin (and they've been so scared of her that they have been building a war chest of video/audio clips and other things since she got the VP nom in '08) used in a general election that could really damage their party.

So, they'll find someone else, be it a Mitt Romney or a Mike Huckabee and let that candidate be the sacrificial lamb against the favored incumbent.

My apologies to Gov. Palin for comparing her to Howard Dean, er., excuse me Governor Dean.  While Sarah certainly has her faults and shortcomings, she is light years better than Gov. Dean.  For that matter, just about anyone is preferable to Mr. Dean. Hell, even one of the ladies from the View would be better than him . . . . . . .

GaGambler1631 reads

of having Obama run against Palin, "again". The GOP isn't stupid enough to let that happen. I am not convinced that the lackluster campaign McCain ran in 08 wasn't at least partly intentional.

Let's face facts, the Dems could have run any candidate with a pulse against virtually any Republican and still would have won. The country was that pissed off.

2012 will (hopefully) be another story, the economy will most likely be right back in the shitter once the effect of printing trillions more dollars that the world will be unable and unwilling to absorb. Obama has all the makings of a one-term POTUS just like Carter.

Of course that means the GOP will need to find a candidate that people can get behind. None of the current slate of candidates fills that bill, especially Sarah Palin. FWIW Romney might not make a bad POTUS, but I don't think he has a snowballs chance of winning a general election. I predict the ultimate winner in 2012 is not on anyones radar today.

EllaFrancon1242 reads

I was thrilled and a tad surprised a third of CPAC attendees voted Ron Paul for 2012.  I feel there are some amazing times approaching in American politics.  The citizens may actually be firmly breaking away from the partisanship!  

I don't think Palin could make it through the primaries. She seems to be taking more of a media/communications based route lately too, in a way that makes me think she won't run for office but build a solid career in broadcast journalism.  The type of media publicity she has been generating in the past year reminds me more of a reality TV star than a popular up-and-coming politician.

EllaFrancon1857 reads

If Ron Paul cannot pull off an amazing race to the finish in 2012, maybe Tim Pawlenty will.  I really thought he would get the VP nomination back in 2008.  

The fact that Romney has made unsuccessful past attempts to run for president with so much party support (winning the CPAC straw-polls several consecutive years) makes me think people won't vote him all the way to the official Republican nomination next time either.  Ron Paul ran once before but never had such support within the party until right now, so 2012 could prove an amazing turning point.

Ann_Fugly_Coultner1744 reads

because I have blown lots of Republicans Politicians over the years that I deserve their support!

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