Politics and Religion

that just doesn't fly anymore
tallslim26 26 Reviews 1456 reads

I respect your right to an opinion, but I really can't stand that often used reponse to a non-voter like myself.

This system has worked for over 230 years??? What country have you been living in my friend?? Our government has been stocked with total traitors for, I would say, something like 100 years. You think the system works when we have a government that knew about Pearl Harbor but was so under alien control even then (and I dont mean little green men,lol)that it was allowed to happen so America would be thrust into the war on false premise?? A government that is a prostitute for special interest that often are headed by anti-American forces is a good government??

The democractic system we have today is nothing like what the Greeks who coined the term envisioned, every featherless biped determining who leaders are. The current system is terminally corrupt and will never be changed by operating through it, a better society will not be built that could co-exist with this monstrouscity, rather it must be built on the ashes of the old. Not saying anyone should run out into the street with their guns, I am just saying that this system is not worth paying any attention too if you hope to fix America and the West.

Its time to start putting energy,time,and attention toward a different world view, one where we don't allow people who America's founders would not have even considered citizens dictating policy and running America into the gutter. It's time that a government run my media masters comes to an end..

PoliticalJunkie2532 reads

(This post is based, believe it or not, on an extensive number of articles in the peer-reviewed economics and political science literature.)

Consider two scenarios:

1. Scenario I: You vote. Everyone else votes. All votes are counted. The guy with the greatest number of votes wins (i.e., ignoring electoral college complications, the current system.)

2. Scenario 2: You vote. Everyone else votes. Everyone else's votes are counted. Yours is held aside and not counted. If one person gets more votes than anyone else, he is the winner. IF there is a tie vote--in a Presidential election, say 45,000,000 for the Republican and 45,000,000 for the Democrat, EXACTLY--THEN, and only then, is your vote looked at. There has never been anything close to a tie. Your vote, in your entire life so far, has never been counted.

Please note that Scenarios 1 and 2 lead to exactly the same results.

Given this fact, and assuming you place ANY value on your time, what is the point of voting?

1.  A candidate independent of the need for PAC money brings to bear many of the corruptions and inequities in our present government and electoral system. The giant corporate media immediately begins to subtly discount him as a viable elect-able candidate via matters that have no practical consequence on whether he/she could lead. The candidate is systematically marginalized and discredited through media brainwashing of the public no matter how much truth and genius there is to the candidate’s message and proposed answers.  

2.  A candidate independent of the need for PAC money brings to bear many of the corruptions and inequities in our present government and electoral system. By some incredible stroke of circumstances he survives the corporate media’s maligning and overwhelmingly wins the popular vote and even defies the corrupt electronic voting machines.
Shortly after his inauguration a lone, socially disenfranchised gunman or fanatical suicide terrorist manages to do what has been virtually impossible to do to ANY of the previously PAC moneyed, corporate bought Presidents. He assassinates him!!

-- Modified on 1/29/2008 6:28:10 AM

I am not going to get into my view of the political system in America today, for ,while correct, it is not politically correct and the last thing I want to do is get banned from the site for postings on here.

Basically your voting for tweedledee or tweedledum, the same alien masters remain the string pullers behind the scenes. The people who rule America and the West are the media masters and they will never allow the light of day to be shone on a truly patriotic candidate that will oppose them with fierocity.

Many think Ron Paul is this guy. Not true. While not a traitor like all the others on Capitol Hill, he plays by the rules established by the enemy. America's overlords have fostered an enviornment where you have no chance to get fair media coverage if you really oppose their policies and THEM. For the last 90 years the "conservative movement" has fought on the terms defined by the enemy and they have lost over and over from Buckley to Welch to Hogis to Goldwater to Paul.

To find who rules your society or country ask yourself one question, whom can't I offend???

. . . or out in the cold.  Your wants, desires, sense of right and wrong, or your concern for your own protection are all disenfranchised by not voting . . . You can't even complain about the govermnment because you've shirked your resposibility.

This system has been working for over 230 years, creating what has been and still can be not only the mightiest, but the best, yes, the best country in the world.  

But only if we, as Americans, accept our responsibility to participate in the selection of our leadership.  The coming election will be the forum for at least two very different visions of the future of America - any one who doesn't vote has no right to complain.  You blew it.

I respect your right to an opinion, but I really can't stand that often used reponse to a non-voter like myself.

This system has worked for over 230 years??? What country have you been living in my friend?? Our government has been stocked with total traitors for, I would say, something like 100 years. You think the system works when we have a government that knew about Pearl Harbor but was so under alien control even then (and I dont mean little green men,lol)that it was allowed to happen so America would be thrust into the war on false premise?? A government that is a prostitute for special interest that often are headed by anti-American forces is a good government??

The democractic system we have today is nothing like what the Greeks who coined the term envisioned, every featherless biped determining who leaders are. The current system is terminally corrupt and will never be changed by operating through it, a better society will not be built that could co-exist with this monstrouscity, rather it must be built on the ashes of the old. Not saying anyone should run out into the street with their guns, I am just saying that this system is not worth paying any attention too if you hope to fix America and the West.

Its time to start putting energy,time,and attention toward a different world view, one where we don't allow people who America's founders would not have even considered citizens dictating policy and running America into the gutter. It's time that a government run my media masters comes to an end..

Have you got a better idea?  From your absolutist yet cynical discours, I can't tell if your a Fascist, Communist, Anarchist or simply a Nihilist.  Be that as it may, I'm waiting for the alternative?  Oligarchy?  Aristocracy?  Dictatorship of the Elite?

It 's simple to naysay.  Offer some ideas.

Sure I have some ideas but I am not going to envoke the ire of some folks on here that might try to ban me for voicing them.

I will say that European oligarchies were anything but perfect but you didn't have the type of debased leaders in that time that we have now. Some kings, queens,etc  might have been corrupt and selfish but at the end of the day they all knew that they were only as strong and secure as their people, their folk. So they didn't betray their own people to favor forigners the way they do now.

One hint of what may stop America's decline is looking at a growing country and country that many regard as a strengthening power, China. That is a country by the Chinese and for the Chinese. Sure non-Chinese live and visit there but the whole country does not bend over backwards,make changes for, and try to adapt to forigners. We used to have that in this country.

Also I don't respond to smear words like "facist","Nazi", etc.

Basically any government that will fiercely oppose and refuse to pander to Zionist forces in our country and in the world is a step in the right direction as far as regaining our national integrity,strength,pride, and prosperity. Hopefully thats nice enough not to get me in trouble...lol...One thing is for sure, defeating America's internal and external enemies will not be a job that can be done through being nice.

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