Politics and Religion

Thanks to Obama, the chickens come home to roost in Libya attack.
sappybullfighter 1813 reads

or, perhaps:

"When you lay down with dogs, you'll stand-up with fleas"

The presstitutes operating within the US corporate media are currently working overtime to perform their yeoman's duty to bury, hide, cover-up and mis-characterize the "enraged mobs of Ghadaffi loyalists reacting to an obscure American film" that recently carried-out the attacks against the American consulate in Benghazi, Libya.  The attack and murders of Ambassador Stevens and 2 aides were, in fact, committed by the same gaggle of psychotics, fanatics and murderers that Obama and NATO annointed (with material support including weapons, funds, training, and air support in direct violation of USC § 2339A & 2339B) as the "most effective group to provide the future Democratic governance of Libya."  

Which is merely their doublespeak way of saying "Al Qaeda."

Not so long ago, no less than Hillary Cunton herself summed-up the American intervention in Libya by her arrogant brag, "We came, We saw,...He died!"


Madame Secretary's hubris has now come full circle, with the American Ambassador, J. Christopher Stevens's murder in Benghazi at the hands of a lynch mob (images released in the hours after the attack show Stevens’ body being paraded around by a mob. The body appears to show signs of torture).

The media's continuing failure to correctly report the events in Libya is an attempt by the west to create the false perception that the US and Israel are working in tandem against violent Islamic extremism, when they are actually working with the extremist groups they have created, funded and supported (Hamas, Al Qaeda, and most Wahabbist sects) in the interests of furthering their own corporatist, imperial ambitions, and to disguise the fact that NATO powers are brazenly arming and supporting radical extremist Muslims all over the Middle East and North Africa.  Ambassador Stevens's murder will be utilized as grist by the propaganda mill to further enable the fraudelent basis underlying the phony "War Against Terror."

Prior to the US/NATO bombardment, Libya was the richest country in Africa and it's people enjoyed the highest standard of living in Africa.  As a result of the "kinetic action" unconstitutionally authorised by Obama, Libya has, almost overnight, been turned into a hellhole run by brutal armed gangs of Al Qaeda thugs who have rounded up black people in huge numbers, subjecting them to torture, incarceration in concentration camps and execution.  Libya’s oil resources have been carved up between NATO-aligned corporations while the country’s financial enslavement to global bankers is ensured with a fresh IMF loan and the end of their state-owned central banking system.  With armed thugs hostile to the west now in control of the major Libyan power centers, Obama is intent on repeating the same disaster in Syria by funneling arms to rebels, the majority of whom aren’t even Syrian, and are being led by Al-Qaeda terrorists.

                                Al Qaeda Flag Flies Above Benghazi Courthouse

of the press colluding on out how to back  Romney up against a wall, instead of talking about the issues in the Middle East and our President apologizing WTF.   But Willy told me they,  (Egypt, Libya etc.) are our friends.  Looks to  me like they just want the Millions they can get  from us so they use that money to knock us off the face of the earth.  Hell Pakistan knew exactly where Obama was and was just protecting him and collecting our money.

THis was not random, the movie was a great excuse,  but this whole attack looks like it was all planned and arranged around 911 to "send us a message".

Middle East hates us and all Westerners and plans on knocking us off the face of the earth,  and if don't get someone with some balls,  they might just succeed.


-- Modified on 9/13/2012 12:31:29 AM

-- Modified on 9/13/2012 12:32:08 AM

Sorry to admit, but I managed to sleep through those choice examples of the wit and wisdom of our own willywonka, wherein he said the Libya, Egypt are "our friends."  But, those ideas sounds like the very kind of half-vast thoughts and knitly-witly concepts coming out of the rich pagent of pure reason he often manages to pronounce.

Your idea that "it was all planned and arranged around 911 to "send us a message," is more credible than the meme that it was a spontaneous, mass movie review but may be somewhat off the mark.  The US put Al Qaeda into power in Libya and now, less than 1 year later they are acting-up enough to the point where US drones and on-the-ground US Marines are being sent there as a reaction.  If you're in the War business as Obama the puppet and his corporate sponsors are, can you think of a better business model?  You supply a bunch of lunatics with billions of dollars worth of war materiel (bought with taxpayer money-at interest) which enable them to take office and the various corporate interests are enabled to seize the resources located within the captive country.  

And then, in a short amount of time, when these thugs start their usual murderous stunts it gives them another excuse to invade them again at further profit.  What a racket!

GaGambler274 reads

but in Libya's case it wasn't about our interests, or even about keeping the oil flowing to the Western World like in the case of Iraq. This time our "Apologist in Chief" got punked into protecting the interests of the French, and quite possibly creating another Iran in the process.

Unlike Hussein, who had thumbed his nose at the UN sanctions for over a decade and who was a real threat to interrupt Mideast oil shipments which could have possibly ground the entire world's economy to a halt, Libya only real beef was with the French, and the French took advantage of a very weak and inexperienced Obama to do their dirty work for them. What a fucking joke.

I don't have a lot of confidence in Romney to be a "real" leader in any sense of the word, but the bar has been set so low by Obama, anything would be an improvement. As much as I am on record about hating the "Hildabeast" even she would have been a vast improvement over our current "Apologist in Chief.

And, the Republican's were tripping all over themselves because many of them would have gone after Gaddafi sooner and more unilaterally, but they had to be against anything Obama did. Who are you kidding?

-- Modified on 9/13/2012 8:59:09 AM

GaGambler205 reads

and many of us right here on P&R,  mostly righties, asked the questions that Obama should have been asking. Just who are these Libyan rebels we are supporting? and why are we supporting them? Where did they come from and who has armed them so far?

Just like Bush 1 in Iraq, we should have been asking who is going to fill this power void before we topple yet another regime, especially one where none of OUR interests were at stake.

As for McCain, he spoke the truth in  re to Iraq and was

pummeled for it by the libs when he said that "he didn't care if we were in Iraq for another hundred years, as long as our guys weren't dying" That was a statement by a guy who actually got it, but that didn't stop you and your crowd from bashing him for it.

Fact is we don't know what McCain would have done. What should be plain though is that Obama did France's bidding against our own interests and now it has cost American lives and threatens to embroil us in another conflict that we obviously can't afford.

Just like Bush !! acted like a Dem with his uncontrolled spending, I can't believe you Dems can possibly support Obama's actions in Libya.

Would you care to put up any quote where Obama is apologizing with regards to events the last 3 days in Banghazi or Egypt? That's a remarkably crazy and irresponsible thing to say and of course you have no quotes to back that up.

I wrote, read and have now re-read my OP (which, if the placement of your post is any indicator, you are responding to with your post entitled, "Only the delusional think Obama apologized to anybody--he essentially said he'd kill them").  In all of my repeated contacts with my OP, I am unable to find any so much as one word suggesting that Obama has apologized to anybody.

Would you care to share with me and the class from where you gleaned this idea?


WTF is with all the all "user ignores"  you know Jeff,  you are correct and I am the first to admit to my error's and never try to cover them up,  I had heard and totally misinterpreted,  I did listen to his address on the attacks,  and heard not those exact words, but I daresay his speech was weak at best, but then again he has done nothing but apologize for America.

Stumbling Onward

I've tried 3 times to reply and my post keep getting ignored.  Of course I do believe I know who it is.

Let's see if this one stays up

followme281 reads

And he said he will bring them to justice. In obamas mind that means read them their rights and put them on trial in New York.

You're Welcome
2012 = GOP

that is kind of like terror too, isn't it?  since Americans can be called terrorists now. I use to think Obama was trying to destroy us from inside out.  But I believe now, they very well may all be on the same side.

P.S.  I have huge project to start with a Christmas Day deadline.  It's been interesting to be open-minded here and see how others are feeling in an anonymous atmosphere.

I will be back again, I am sure.  Take care.


As I asked Jeff, what in the wide world of TSA's vaginal patdowns are you talking about?  I invite you to detail which facts and conclusions you found mischaracterized and erroneous.  A word or two as to the "why" you took umbrage would also be helpful, as well.

was directly responsible for the NDAA passing, then Obama signing.  Traitors, all of them for taking our rights and freedoms.  Is Levin and Ron Paul the only one who cares?  Everything seems so compartmentalized that nobody knows what the fuck is going on.  Damn.  I got to get up from here.........before I get angry over something I am completely powerless over.  Madison

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