Politics and Religion

Thanks for reminding me about Rush and Anne Coulter, and that led me to....
mattradd 40 Reviews 392 reads

Chris Matthews.

Christy, Cruz and Paul. How are they similar? Well, all three may have their eye on running for president in 2016. How are they different? Cruz and Paul are U.S. Senators; Christy is governor of New Jersey (not Missouri by the way). Well, you all know that already, didn't you.  Since, Christy is not governor of Missouri, I think he has no reason, if he chooses so, to comment on the Ferguson violence, as Sharpton claims. In fact, being a governor of a different state, I think he's using a good deal of wisdom in not jumping into another governors backyard, and stirring up a bigger mess.

GaGambler415 reads

Christy certainly has the right to comment on the situation if he chooses, he also has the right to let Missouri take care of Missouri if he so chooses.

I don't really have much of an opinion on what happened in Ferguson, as I have not paid enough attention to have enough facts to draw a conclusion. I have seen enough to notice that all the usual suspects have all the usual opinions on the subject, with some jumping to defend LE at all costs, and others declaring the cops guilty before seeing even a shred of evidence proving their guilt.

As usual, the facts seem to be taking a back seat to all the media hype that naturally surrounds a media circus that seem to happen several times a year. Parasites like Sharpton always seem to appear when there is a national spotlight, but doesn't seem to care about the day to day violence that kills thousands of black youths every year. I guess he only has so much outrage to spread around, and some poor black kid who gets killed in a drive by or in a liquor store holdup just doesn't make the cut for him. What a POS

plus the fact it didn't happen where I'm at. Matter of fact, I haven't even read or listened to the stories, just read the headlines. I figure it will be some time before the evidence is all out, and see if I have any faith that the evidence reflects what happened. Then you have the issue of intent. That's always a difficult point for the prosecution to prove, if it goes that far.

I figure it will end up like so many other of the hundreds of similar stories; perp pushed it to the limits, cop made an error in judgement, cop lost it emotionally, for what ever reason. Now, the boy's family, friends and neighbors should care about which it was, but this left-coaster has no dog in the fight. Though I am concern about the militarization of the police forces around my area.

-- Modified on 8/18/2014 1:49:12 PM

he'll throw shit in any direction just to see what sticks.

  I can sit through any of the 1 to 3 hour shows and hosts that MSNBC has to offer EXCEPT Sharpton and his "Politics Nation".    

  What happened in Fergeson is a travesty, and it taints every civilian police force in the United States. Sharpton(as usual) is using others loss and pain to promote his self serving agenda. He is the biggest pimp of the African American citizen I've ever witnessed.

GaGambler374 reads

Sharpton on the left is one of them, Hannity on the right is another. Both of them simply turn my stomach after about 30-40 seconds. There are others, but these are the first that come to mind

I think it's about time to learn Italian. Perhaps my rusty Latin will help!  lol

John McLaughlin is another one I can't stomach. Constantly talking over his guests. I don't even know why someone would go on his show. He seldom lets them complete a thought.

-- Modified on 8/18/2014 4:28:43 PM

Yeah, I'm with you here Gag, but I would have to put Rush Limbaugh and Anne Coulter in the same league as Hannity. Can't listen to 'em without feeling the urge to commit felony murder.
On the left side of the extreme I can't watch MSNBC without getting sick to my stomach anymore, they are no better on the left than Fox is on the right, and they don't give us hot looking chicks with tits to ogle over. I mean seriously, with all due respect, who would YOU rather be strokin' it over? Rachel Maddow or Megyn Kelly?

JackDunphy369 reads

There are MASSIVE differences between FOX and MSNBC.

MSNBC has had NUMEROUS scandals/controversies that FOX has not had.  

Ed Schulz called Laura Ingraham a slut and prayed on air to have God kill Dick Cheyney.

Martin Braser was fired because he thought someone should shit and piss down Sarah Palin's throat.

Melissa Harris-Perry made a derogatory racial remark about Mitt Romney's adoptive black child and was forced to apologize on air.

Alec Baldwin made homophobic comments which lead to his firing.

Olbermann was a complete nut job and was routinely reprimanded.

They allow Sharpton, a guy who fostered fake rape allegations and who is a race baitor supreme, to take part in covering on his show the same stories he was apart of!

MSNBC got caught editing George Zimmermans 911 call to make him look like a racist.

And like I have said numerous times here, FOX gives voice to the liberal opinion on virtually every show I have seen on there and MSNBC, RARELY has conservatives on.

Doc, its not even close

Damn MSNBC lost or got rid of all their hotties.
Norah O'Donnell used to make my heart skip a beat whenever she was on, S.E. Cupp was a gun slinging fire-box who always had my full attention. CNN cajoled comely Erin Burnett away, and MSNBC is too dumb to let Kelly O'Donnel out of the White House press room and into a dominatrix outfit where she belongs.

Any twat make a comment like that about ANY of our first Ten Amendments should be relegated to a cash register at Taco Bell.....until retirement age!

That's the problem with 2nd and newer generation mouthpieces as well as voters. THEY don't understand the "Why's" behind our Constitutional Rights. "THEY" and their ancestors have lived as 'subjects' most of their lives. "They" have no concept of what being a free and "sovereign citizen" is about.

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