Politics and Religion

butterflydust See my TER Reviews 1298 reads

I really miss what conservatism USED to mean.  The Republican party has gone downhill, and McCain's desperate pandering to the extreme right EVEN ON ISSUES where it contradicted his long-standing opinions is evidence of that.  Whatever happened to being proponents of smaller government - but now they're in everyone's business, saying who can marry who, etc. etc... I mean, WTF?  Since WHEN is legislature of religious zealotry a conservative hallmark? :(

New Jersey

and more coming too.

Until OBAMA comes clean on the many closets in his skeleton.

anon11122452627 reads

Unfortunately the only suits that will stick to Obama have Armani on the label.

just a messenger here

and this lawsuit was by another Democrat from New Jersey

i guess this board proves you people are clueless as ever

no wonder Obama got elected, I see a lot of dumb people who are walking though life like John Belushi in Animal House. They have absolutely no reason why they voted in first place.

Yes it did get a lot of dumb responses didn't it "dude"? I don't know if he is hiding behind one or more untruths. His citizenship, place of birth, loyalty to this country and maybe more things are being questioned. If he is legitiment in all phases more power to him and carry on. If he is not then he should not be allowed to hold the highest office in our country. I for one need to know before I can support him.

ShanH1226 reads

borderline juvenile.

I understand that what you are feeling. It hurts, but there is always the next electoral cycle. So, let us lick our wounds, build the party up and try again in 8 years because Obama will be reelected for another term. You can take this to the bank.

My friend, our party has been massively rejected by the American people, massively rejected. Ask yourself why? We must have done some things wrong to deserve such a slap in the face. Our party can no longer manage a good tight budget, can't fight wars, can't secure the borders, can't account for its failures, can't open up, can't provide emergency services...........and to top the whole thing, the leaders of our party call back congress in the middle of the summer to pass one bill that takes care of problem of one person (remember that stupid terry Shivo bill)....is this how my party uses Congressional powers? No. If Goldwater were alive, he would have cursed every single republican alive. I am pretty sure that he would have left the republican party.

We need new blood, fresh ideas, and we need to get back and reconnect with our founding principles: efficient government, good steward of people's money and we need to get the hell out of people's bedrooms and what they do and do not do in the privacy of their homes. These were the principles that attracted me and made a Republican a long time ago, not the fucking wackos of the religious right who fucked the party.

So again, please stop with this nonsense. There is nobody to blame but ourselves. The American people spoke and they spoke very very loudly and respecting the verdict of the people is what made America the greatest country in the world.

Hi ShanH; I could have a conversation with u. My 2 cents, I've said this over a year ago, Obama owes his election to bush, what u wrote is part of the reason and people wanted anyone who used logic and not the rehetoric of a fanatic.

I really miss what conservatism USED to mean.  The Republican party has gone downhill, and McCain's desperate pandering to the extreme right EVEN ON ISSUES where it contradicted his long-standing opinions is evidence of that.  Whatever happened to being proponents of smaller government - but now they're in everyone's business, saying who can marry who, etc. etc... I mean, WTF?  Since WHEN is legislature of religious zealotry a conservative hallmark? :(

There are DEMOCRATS filing these lawsuits, not right wingers, become informed, read my posts !!

I for one want to know the truth, over 100,000 AMericans on RALLYCONGRESS . COM want to know the truth.

They want to know the answer to a simple question:


The constitution is there, via our founding fathers, and spoken very well by one of the original electors in 1789 "to protect the uninformed public against the tyranny and evil scheming of a few men". He was talking about Article III of constitution and the electoral process.  OBAMA has three more hurdles:

electoral college
ratification by Congress
swearing in by Chief Justice.

So you see the people , as those in California found out when FOUR judges over turned a popular vote on GAY counterfeit MARRIAGE last spring are just a minor obstacle in the course. BTW in California, after prop 8 passed, again this time around both the GOVENATOR and the MOONBAT ATt. General BROWN said they were going to ignore it. So much for the vote of the uninformed people , eh.

9-man1258 reads

It seems the first black POTUS has completely unhinged some people.

Waste Of Money Brains And Talent.  It pisses me off when I see the court system clogged with shit like this.  Costs lots and lots of taxpayer dollars.  Something that is in short supply right now.

-- Modified on 11/12/2008 9:05:11 AM

kerrakles1726 reads

Having healthy debate during campaign is great but people who believe in Democracy and Freedom must accept the result. Otherwise we are not any better than the crucifiers.

Even though I did not support Obama candidacy, I happily accepting the result. I also believe he is going to do a great job and put the democracy and freedom back where it belongs and I support him fully. If you cannot trust your own people then, who can you trust. I also believe, he is going to open up the Federal Government and especially like his idea of putting legislation on-line and having people to comment for four days. Using technology, we can really do that. I have always been a centrist Independent and only critical area of concern I had with Obama was his lack experience but, he is selecting the cabinet very methodically.

Time to confess, this is the only election I have ever voted for a republican and the only reason I like McCain. Other republican right wing nutcases peddling religion, abortion and waht not would never get my vote.

Church and religion must separated and abortion is a women's right and they know best, everything else just pure manure.

Yes Mr. President-Elect you have complete support.

Judge the man by the content of his character not the color of his skin- MLK.

I am also sure these bitter nut cases filled with hate has nothing better do with their lives so, they will keep on bringing up these charges. America has changed since the Constitution was written and it may time to look at various aspects of it based on the modern day reality. Dumb ass electoral college should obe on top of the list for revision.

Echochamber1915 reads

from your posts [O'Bombi] during the election, I'd never have expected a post like that ...

All the same, I applaud your candor.

You too?  I read his whole post waiting on the damn punchline.  

That wasn't sarcasm that went over my head was it?

dumbass electoral college?

it's there to prevent frauds and phoney's like OBAMA from becoming a usurper of the Constitution.

The founding fathers had put this process together to prevent a FRAUD from getting in behind scheming men. Let's see if the Supreme Court and other courts have the courage to uphold the Constitution and demand the truth of the matter or let the BO off. If they let him off there is no more Constitution in effect, no laws, we are a nation of nothing then.

And the rest of the world will use that to their advantage , especially our enemies who will say that obama has no real authority to do anything. CAn you imagine four years under a false god, a false president, which nobody can remove? Everything he signs will be worthless. The military wouldn't have to listen to him. He would just sit there until someone removes him or next election.

talk about a waste of taxpayer money......there it is spelled out in perfect legal constitutional law.

LMAO***2603 reads

I, Barack HUSSEIN Obama, do solemnly swear... etc etc

Iw onder which Holy book he'll use?     :-)

The holy book would be "The wealth of nations"...

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