Politics and Religion

Technically parties are private entities
lester_prairie 12 Reviews 20 reads

Political parties in the USA are just groups of citizens and aren't really parts of the government.  So they don't have to hold primaries.  They can pretty much do anything they want as far as nominating candidates -- defining slates of electors, etc.  
However it is shitty PR for a party to just screw over primary contenders.  It illustrates what they really think about their own base of voters.  Rubes too stupid to be allowed to have any influence on anything.  
There was always a tension in the Dem party between the elite and the great unwashed that they claim to represent.  They despise the smelly ignorant peons.
I have to say, the same is true for the establishment Republicans.  They screw over their base every chance they get.  

Op-Ed in yesterday’s Wall Street Journal

To help Joe Biden, New Hampshire is shunted aside and superdelegates return
Biden lost the New Hampshire primary last year. Superdelegate abuse enraged the Bernie supporters in 2016.
It has become clear that the Democratic National Committee doesn’t want a real primary and is willing to disenfranchise Democratic voters from choosing their nominee.

The DNC has refused to host debates, though a vast majority of Democratic voters want and expect them so they can judge which candidate has the popular appeal and vigor to challenge the Republican nominee.

We live in a time when a growing number of Americans think that democracy is broken and that the political system is rigged. The DNC’s recent actions confirm this outlook. It will better serve America to run a fair and free primary election.

Donna Brazil admitted to giving Hillary the questions PRE-DEBATE! ! ! Again WTF??

Democratic party is the most corrupt political organization in our history.  

Those corrupt ass clowns make Grant and Harding look like choir boys. Trump's administration was packed with more self-dealing swamp creatures than anyone ever, including Trump himself.

This was the line we got after Dems keep rigging their own primaries to screw over their own base. Democrats have a corrupt inner circle that will do anything to hold onto power. Anything. Any phucking thing.

Trump's own head of cyber-security told him the election hadn't been rigged. So Trump fired him.
Trump's own Attorney General told him claims of election rigging were "bullshit." So Trump fired him.
The Governor and Secretary of State of Georgia (both Republicans) told him the GA election was fair. So Trump tried to strong-arm them
Trump will do anything. Any chucking thing. And he did.

…the Dems stole the election, but I do know they stole it. Everyone with a lick of sense and the integrity to speak the truth knows they stole it. As ole Jim Hightower used to say, even a dog knows the difference between being tripped over and being kicked. That same inner Democrat circle was willing to lie to the American People for 4 years saying Russia stole the election, and then they burned down half the country and locked people in their homes for a year just to get Trump out of office. Stealing an election is nothing to these people. Democrats would nuke Texas if they thought it would keep them in power. Hell, they’re even denying Secret Service protection for RFK, Jr. They would take him out in a heart beat.

Posted By: inicky46
Re: "I don’t know precisely how…the Dems stole the election, but I do know they stole it."
Do you have any idea how stupid you sound, Willy?
DO  Y O U??? Your regurgitation of the lefts lies are as transparent as can be.  

I’ve come to a realization that your narcissism sounds very much like this diagnosis.  

“Narcissism is defined as having an inflated sense of self-importance, a need for admiration, and a lack of empathy. Self-loathing is defined as hating oneself or being unhappy with oneself. A self-loathing narcissist is someone who not only has an inflated sense of self-importance but also hates themselves.”

Which makes total sense now that I read it. So who was it that made you the way you do? Mom? Overbearing but in the same breath telling you that you were perfect in every way? Followed by insane berating for some accident or previewed mistake?  

Tell me icky am I spot in?

-- Modified on 9/14/2023 11:57:09 PM

1) Trump's con men filed more than 60 law suits about election fraud and won ONE of them on a minor point. The rest were thrown out, some by Trump-appointed judges, for presenting ZERO evidence.
"Separately, the Supreme Court did grant the Trump camp a minor victory in Pennsylvania on Friday evening, when Justice Samuel A. Alito Jr. ordered election officials there to keep the late-arriving ballots separate from other ballots, and not to include them, for now, in announced vote totals. But the victory was essentially in name only: Pennsylvania’s secretary of state had already given that instruction."
The entire dispute over the late-arriving ballots could be moot, because Mr. Biden has taken the lead in Pennsylvania even without them." And it WAS moot. This was Trump's only "victory" and it had ZERO to do with whether the election was fair.
2) The election officials in GA were ALL Republicans. They told Trump the election was fair.
3) The Republicans in AZ got to have an additional recount by some Republican-backed clowns calling themselves the "Cyber Ninjas" who'd never done a recount before. Even THEY ended up finding more votes for Biden.
Looooser really HATES actual facts, knows NOTHING about them and loves to wallow in ignorance.
He's "spot in" all right. Spotted in lies. But NOT spot on.
Keep on embarrassing yourself, Looooooser. You live in a world of lies.

Posted By: willywonka4u
Re: I don’t know precisely how…the Dems stole the election, but I do know they stole it.
From a month ago:
What do you mean you "don't know" how it was rigged? You have been told time and time and time again how it was rigged. You just have to pick one (or more) conspiracy theories from the list and embrace it fully.
1. Tens of thousands of dead people voted.  
2. Tens of thousands of underage teens voted.
3. Anti-Trump election workers ran ballots through the counting machines multiple times, as many as 10 times.
4. QAnon
5. Fake ballots from China voting for Biden were added to the ballot total.  
6. Italian Satellites changed the votes inside the machines.
7. Jewish space lasers changed the votes inside the machines.
8. QAnon
9. http://www.npr.org/2023/02/20/1158223099/fox-news-dominion-wackadoodle-election-fraud-claim
The 'wackadoodle' foundation of Fox News' election-fraud claims.
[Note: Fox employees were calling the claims and claimants "wackadoodle" internally. The press did not make it up.]
""The machine ran an algorithm that shaved votes from Trump and awarded them to Biden. They used the machines to trash large batches of votes that should've been awarded to President Trump. And they used the machines to inject and add massive quantities of votes for Mr. Biden."" - Sidney Powell  
10. QAnon
11. http://apnews.com/article/fact-check-trump-legal-team-false-claims-5abd64917ef8be9e9e2078180973e8b3
Trump legal team’s batch of false vote claims
"Trump attorney Sidney Powell spun fictional tales of election systems flipping votes, German servers storing U.S. voting information and election software created in Venezuela “at the direction of Hugo Chavez” — the late Venezuelan president who died in 2013. She also said Trump beat Democrat Joe Biden “by a landslide,” which he decidedly didn’t — Biden was the clear winner."
12. Sharpie markers invalidated Trump votes in Arizona. (But not Biden votes? I never got that.)
[and much more]
Everyone with a lick of sense and the integrity to speak the truth knows they stole it. As ole Jim Hightower used to say, even a dog knows the difference between being tripped over and being kicked. That same inner Democrat circle was willing to lie to the American People for 4 years saying Russia stole the election, and then they burned down half the country and locked people in their homes for a year just to get Trump out of office. Stealing an election is nothing to these people. Democrats would nuke Texas if they thought it would keep them in power.
Every allegation of election fraud was unproven and shown to be nothing more than the wackadoodle rantings of people such as Sidney Powell and willy.
EDIT: removed duplicate cut-and-paste

-- Modified on 9/16/2023 7:50:22 AM

Political parties in the USA are just groups of citizens and aren't really parts of the government.  So they don't have to hold primaries.  They can pretty much do anything they want as far as nominating candidates -- defining slates of electors, etc.  
However it is shitty PR for a party to just screw over primary contenders.  It illustrates what they really think about their own base of voters.  Rubes too stupid to be allowed to have any influence on anything.  
There was always a tension in the Dem party between the elite and the great unwashed that they claim to represent.  They despise the smelly ignorant peons.
I have to say, the same is true for the establishment Republicans.  They screw over their base every chance they get.  

Posted By: lester_prairie
Re: Technically parties are private entities
Political parties in the USA are just groups of citizens and aren't really parts of the government.  So they don't have to hold primaries.  They can pretty much do anything they want as far as nominating candidates -- defining slates of electors, etc.
Except that elections, including primary elections, are regulated by the states. Candidates must register as candidates and fulfill certain STATE requirements. E.g., many states require petitions signed by at least N number of citizens / voters to qualify. There are laws governing fund raising and election expense reporting. There might be candidate filing fees. And so on. I guess that there are fewer requirements if you want to campaign as a write-in candidate but if you want to be listed on the official ballots, you have to put in the effort and the big money.
Which brings me to the good old Smoke Filled Rooms. For decades, going back to the 1800s, candidates were chosen by politically powerful men getting together in smoke filled rooms to agree upon whom they wanted to run for office. There was wheeling and dealing and graft and corruption and selfish motivations. In 1968, Hubert Humphrey was chosen by Dem Party big wigs as the nominee even though he had not participated in any of the early primaries (Johnson hadn't dropped out yet). Activist Dems were pissed and primary rules started to change. In 1972, the Dems ended up with McGovern who lost to Nixon 49 states to 1 state. As 1976 approached, Carter had figured out the Dem primary system and carried out a strategic campaign for the popular votes in numerous state primaries and had the nomination locked up before the convention. He was not beholden to big wigs or power brokers. The Republicans also changed to a more citizen-based primary system. Keep in mind that those were the days of newspapers, radio, TV, billboards, and leafleting. No internet, no facebook, no twitter, no youtube, no PACs.
And here we are, today ... or even there we were, in 2016. I had posted to TER P&R back then about bringing back the smoke filled rooms. There is ZERO chance that Trump would have been a nominee in 2016 or ANY YEAR.  
If Ye Olde Smoke Filled Room system was in place today, we would probably have BETTER candidates than the twitter - facebook - youtube crap has given us. I'm not sure who the Big Party power brokers would select, but it wouldn't be Trump or DeSantis or Vivek. They might still choose Biden except for the age thing. What we do know is that every candidate that was NOT selected would demand that we get rid of Ye NEW Olde Smoke Filled Room and go back to the facebook - twitter - youtube woo-the-popular vote system.  
We, the USA, definitely needs a new and better system.
However it is shitty PR for a party to just screw over primary contenders.  It illustrates what they really think about their own base of voters.  Rubes too stupid to be allowed to have any influence on anything.  
 There was always a tension in the Dem party between the elite and the great unwashed that they claim to represent.  They despise the smelly ignorant peons.  
 I have to say, the same is true for the establishment Republicans.  They screw over their base every chance they get.  

When Bernie ran against Hillary, she had so many SDs committed to her early, it would have required Bernie to win something like 80% of the popular vote in the primaries to earn the nomination.

Both (Dem, Rep) party primary systems have been criticized. Dems allocate delegates proportionally. Reps use "winner take all" which allows an inferior candidate (such as Trump) to win ALL the delegates with a minority of the votes due to fragmented voting among several more capable candidates.  
Many have come out in favor of Open Primaries, such as they had in Alaska in 2020.
Open primaries in the United States
Difference Between Open and Closed Primary Elections
o In 2020, Alaska voters approved a ballot initiative establishing a top-four primary for state executive, state legislative, and congressional elections. The initiative also established ranked-choice voting for general elections for the aforementioned offices and the presidency.
o Under Alaska's top-four primary system, all candidates for a given office run in a single primary election. The top four vote-getters, regardless of partisan affiliation, then advance to the general election.
o In general elections, voters rank the four candidates that advanced from the primaries. A candidate needs a simple majority of the vote (50 percent + 1) to be declared the winner of an election. If no candidate wins a simple majority of votes cast, the candidate with the fewest votes is eliminated from the running. Voters who selected that candidate as their first choice have their votes redistributed to their second choices. The tabulation process continues in rounds until a candidate receives a simple majority.
Democracy implemented through elections SHOULD be GREAT! The devil is in the details.

Posted By: cks175
Re: Technically parties are private (Dems Replaced Smoke Filled Rooms With Super Delegates)
When Bernie ran against Hillary, she had so many SDs committed to her early, it would have required Bernie to win something like 80% of the popular vote in the primaries to earn the nomination.

State regulations on primaries are just offers of assistance to major political parties to cover the expense of holding the primaries.  The parties still essentially write their own rules.  I think if a state tried to tell a party how to run it's primary process it would be challenged as unconstitutional pretty quickly.  

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