Politics and Religion

Talk about 'Chick Magnet" !!....Hey "Z"teeth_smile
Bill Clinton 1415 reads

is that for sale?

Not because he gave a lousy speech at ALEC but because he has a spy as one of his political advisor--JAMES CARAVILLE'S WIFE!!!!

How anyone can even consider having her on staff--- giving her any secrets or strategies is beyond me.

She's married to James Caraville! That should make her a pariah to anyone running for office as a Republican.  She probably tells lizard boy all kinds of secrets when his lizard weenie is---you know where!

I bet she did it to Bush 1 and she'll do it to anyone else who is dumb enough to hire her.

Tusyan1668 reads

Are you serious? If so, maybe you should watch fewer Tarantino movies and read a bit more. Mary Matalin is as much a hardcore Republican as Carville is a Democrat. The difference is that Carville is smarter and has been right on the issues. They say politics makes strange bedfellows and these two are living proof.

Who Knows?!?!??!!!!

How can you trust either of them.  Is it their bread and butter schtick? They seem to get on the Sunday morning shows and get hired by people?

What does Mary see in lizard boy?  The whole situation is nuts.  I can't understand how anyone would hire either of them.

That's one interpretation.  Really, quasi-Stalinist paranoia should not be encouraged in American politics, especially before the fact.  

Maybe they got married as a way to sell a book and sitcom based on their lives?  Maybe it's really a commercially-minded marriage.      

Actually, I don't find either of them attractive.

RightwingUnderground1167 reads

that two very different people are highly attracted to one another and that's ALL there is to it?

Your notion that a staunch D and a staunch R can't simply be attracted to one another totally amazes me.

Besides that DO have one thing in common. They are both political junkies.

but common sense also suggests that H&W aren't going to be able to hide all that much for each other.  When you sleep with somebody, you learn to figure things out intuitively, from things like their schedule.

It was a notion I thought was funny.  

Then again, in this environment, it could happen.

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