Politics and Religion

Nuclear carrier leads US forces into Syria!
Priapus53 922 reads
1 / 17

Dude, maybe if you got laid more often, you wouldn't constantly be engaged in continual "apocalyptic chicken little worrying".

Ok, nicky, time to throw that brick-----:(

Priapus53 1240 reads
2 / 17

which has been going on for centuries as expemplified by such bullshit as "Elders of Protocols of Zion". The origins of wars are FAR more complex than the "Jewish scapegoating", which you are practicing. That sort of thing has been fodder for uneducated masses, such as German population in the 30's which ultimately resulted in the deaths of 6 million Jews.

Hon, you are DESPERATELY in need of higher education ; perhaps some nightschool JR college courses. You know, it's too bad-------saw your cityvibe ad pic & you look pretty cute. I'd be a client of yours If I were in Atlanta, but, have a strict policy of NOT fucking anti-semites. Even worse than CBJ, in my opinion.

-- Modified on 11/25/2011 12:32:37 PM

Priapus53 1387 reads
3 / 17

Or reading books by credible historians or reading a Ga. newspaper that you trust.

Simplistic black & white answers to highly complex historical & current events issues just don't cut it.

Priapus53 1961 reads
4 / 17

fought largely for oil & the fact that George W. Bush wanted "payback" for Hussein's botched assasination attempt against George Bush Sr. Others here will disagree with me.

M_oh, I STRONGLY recommend that you go back to College; you can find your own answers to things, plus you'll find it a great & enlighening experience to seek out the "truth".

mrnogood 4051 reads
5 / 17

Nuclear aircraft carrier USS George HW Bush has reportedly anchored off Syria. As an Arab League deadline to allow observers into the country passes with no response from Damascus, the possibility of intervention in Syria seems to be growing.

The George H.W. Bush Carrier Strike Group along with additional naval vessels are to remain in the Mediterranean to conducting maritime security operations and support missions as part of Operations Enduring Freedom and New Dawn.The US 6th Fleet is also patrolling the area, Interfax news agency reports.

Meanwhile, America and Turkey are urging their citizens to leave Syria. The US released a statement on Wednesday urging American citizens to “depart immediately while commercial transportation is available....

Now Russia has a base in Syria, and Russia has already came out and said of ONE of the soldiers is harmed by this Russia will strike against NATO and the west

Priapus53 517 reads
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Madison_Ohare See my TER Reviews 1044 reads
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I tend to not believe in anything on tv and watch very little except Tosh.O.  So, I don't believe in the Ancient Aliens on history.  I don't believe there is devil roaming about the earth.  I tend to think there is a battle of greed and traced it back to Rothschild central banks that I believe are behind all wars.  And at the risk of being called anti-semetic, I believe we are fighting Israels wars and there is just a small percentage of Jews that are Zionist Jews and they have infiltered our government with puppets while the true leaders are behind the scenes.  Other countries that hate Americans don't know that most do not agree with the wars, nor do our soldiers even know what they are fighting for anymore.  This is why I support Ron Paul and most active duty soldiers do too.  If that makes me a conspiracy theorists, then so be it.  We are powerless anyway but to do nothing but watch.

Madison_Ohare See my TER Reviews 2553 reads
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Posted By: Priapus53
which has been going on for centuries as explified by such bullshit as "Elders of Protocols of Zion. The origins of wars are FAR more complex than the "Jewish scapegoating", which you are practicing. That sort of thing has been fodder for uneducated masses, such as German population in the 30's which ultimately resulted in the deaths of 6 million Jews.

Hon, you are DESPERATELY in need of higher education ; perhaps some nightschool JR college courses. You know, it's too bad-------saw your cityvibe ad pic & you look pretty cute. I'd be a client of yours If I were in Atlanta, but, have a strict policy of NOT fucking anti-semites. Even worse than CBJ, in my opinion.

Madison_Ohare See my TER Reviews 2001 reads
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you tell me what you think?  History happened to be my favorite classes in school.  I been wanting to go back and have a talk with my old world history teacher anyway.  I would love to have a discussion with her.  I happen to think history will be rewrote and we repeat it again.  Your so much smarter than I, please tell me why we are we fighting?  Iraq was a disaster and based on lies.  Sorry the media told me lies and I had to go elsewhere to research.

Madison_Ohare See my TER Reviews 1452 reads
10 / 17

Posted By: Priapus53
fought largely for oil & the fact that George W. Bush wanted "payback" for Hussein's botched assasination attempt against George Bush Sr. Others here will disagree with me.

M_oh, I STRONGLY recommend that you go back to College; you can find your own answers to things, plus you'll find it a great & enlighening experience to seek out the "truth".

Domhnach_na_Fola 1007 reads
11 / 17

The 6h fleet, or components of it, have been hugging grid squares off the coast of Syria for over 30 years.

SpongeBob Squarepants 1661 reads
12 / 17

then you could be a stupidshit too.

inicky46 61 Reviews 2173 reads
14 / 17

Another futile attempt to confuse mrnogood with the facts.  It has been tried before and never works.  You are pissing into the wind.

Robertini 4 Reviews 795 reads
15 / 17

I don't know why I replied to this post. But anyway. ahh.. I don't know.

mrnogood 667 reads
16 / 17

researched! To understand the news media's double talk..

Anything the tv says is more than likely not true

mrnogood 1683 reads
17 / 17
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