Politics and Religion

Are GOP debates benefitting Obama ?
Priapus53 2572 reads

Certainly looks that way. The more of these debates that are being aired, the more his #'s inch up. Still close & could change, but puzzling that with economy this shitty, no GOP opponent is far ahead of him. I guess when it comes to the debates, people are opting out of "buying this brand of dog food" at the moment.

The debates are doing what they should be doing; revealing that the only candidates of any depth are Romney, Gingrich and Paul.  And that Romney is most likely the only electable candidate.  Also, if Obama's #s are "inching up," it's a stretch to attribute that to the GOP debates.  It's more likely the result of a slowly improving economy.

Posted By: inicky46
The debates are doing what they should be doing; revealing that the only candidates of any depth are Romney, Gingrich and Paul.  And that Romney is most likely the only electable candidate.  Also, if Obama's #s are "inching up," it's a stretch to attribute that to the GOP debates.  It's more likely the result of a slowly improving economy.

St. Croix844 reads

How about glacially slow? And it really doesn't need to be glacially slow. Irrespective of all the bullshit going on in DC, he can take some action on various initiatives. But then the putz decides to delay the Keystone pipeline project until after the election.

Jobless claims were down more than expected, corporate profits up, and almost all the other monthly reports showed more strength.  I'm not saying things are rosy, or moving as well as they should, just a bit better than before.  Considering where we've been, that's progress.  I believe consumder confidence is up a bit, too, and my guess is Obama's ratings will mirror any continuned improvement there.

bradagan1215 reads

Yanks don't like to switch horses. The last two who got booted were bush sr. and carter - two with serious failings against opponents with incredible campaigning ability and the press on their side.

It takes a push and a pull to unseat a pres, and the repubs don't have the pull - or the push. Obama can say, "I got osama bin laden. I unseated a dictator at a cost of a billion, making france and england do the heavy lifting. Chimpy and company spent a trillion doing the same thing. Who's your daddy?" And even though it was chimpy who set the "out" date in iraq, thanks to the metrosexual child molesters at fox doctoring the facts in a failed attempt to create a narrative about obama being a cut-and-run guy, the public credits obama with it - and will continue to do so (hide and watch).

The press is not going to be nice to whatever ass-clown prevails from amongst the ass-clowns attempting. Everyone likes Mitt - EVERYONE, - depending on which mitt we are talking about. He's a different guy from day to day. Cain is imploding, Perry already has. The repubs have nothing, and will set out the next four years molesting young boys, in keeping with their hobby.

and how much are you just uncontrollably driven by the evil righties who are the source of all evil?

Platipus says you're our fault so I'm just wonderin....?

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