Politics and Religion

Survival of the fittest actually makes a lot of sense
Blowing Chunks 254 reads

hese days is not entirely about having best genes...  

I guess money power and other things have always been in play ever since apes discovered the concept of resource gathering and power in numbers

See if his "belief" or Faith can save him from diving off a cliff?  

I've heard of this awesome quote from an awesome guy, I'll share it with you right here.  

"Faith can not defy the laws of physics" - D.A

GaGambler271 reads

it's just nature's way of thinning the herd.

One of the problems with modern society is that we have progressed to the point where even the weakest and most stupid can still survive. I don't know how that impacts the future of humanity, as the weak and stupid are not supposed to survive and pass their inferior genes down to the next generation. I bet you Ug the cave man didn't take it on "faith" that he could go up and pet a saber tooth tiger, or if he did we should all be thankful that he ended up as tiger shit before he could fuck up the whole species by passing down the "stupid" gene.

hese days is not entirely about having best genes...  

I guess money power and other things have always been in play ever since apes discovered the concept of resource gathering and power in numbers

Back in  my youth  I would often take enormous risks , with hope to reap small  rewards from  girls .

  On a beautiful summer day I took a  few girls I knew from  school  to the top of an enormously high cliff overlooking water .  
 While we were enjoying the scenery  one of the girls jokingly  dared me to jump off the cliff  .  Without hesitation, I took off my shirt and shoes and jumped   .  

  On my way down while my life was flashing before my eyes I thought to myself , I better break my fall or the water might  break my neck .  
  I raised my hands straight above my head while  pointing  my toes towards the water , keeping my body  as straight as an arrow  .  When I hit I could feel barely a ripple ,  gliding  down  what seemed like a hundred feet .
 When I swam up to the surface and smiled , the girls were looking at me clapping their hands and giggling .  
  I climbed back to the top and joined my friends for lunch , thoroughly enjoying their praise and admiration , while they kept  repeating  how  brave and awesome I was .  
  After lunch the girl who  dared me to jump said , your jump  was incredible  are you  
  brave  enough to dive ?  
  I walked  to the edge staring  silently  at the water below . One of the  girls told  me repeatedly , don't  dive ,  it's too dangerous to dive from such a high distance .
  Being the stubborn guy I was back then , I didn't listen . I concentrated for a couple minutes while my mind was telling me don't do it  ,  diving from this height  is much too risky  .  I  finally quit listening to my hesitant brain  and  dove off the cliff .  
  On the way down I tried to align my  body in as straight a line as I possibly could .  
 When I hit I felt like I dove into concrete  .  After going below the surface  for maybe ten feet this time , I struggled   to the top  . I could barely move my arms enough to swim  , my back felt like it was broken and my legs were numb .  
  I barely made it to a large flat rock close to shore .
  After a couple hours  while waiting for the girls to climb down I felt much better , barely able to walk  and  extremely sore .
 I made  the journey  back to my car without any help though I was not well enough  to reap any rewards from the girls that night .  

    Soon after that day  I started dating the girl who dared me to jump and  dared me to dive .  
  One night after a torrential down pour we were  coming back from a party , a small bridge on the road  at the bottom of a valley was covered with water . It looked like maybe a foot of water or a foot and a half at most  .   I stopped,  started to turn around and take the long way home . My GF said  don't be afraid of a little water , you can make it through that no problem .  
  I told her she is too much of a fool  for me to waste my time  ,  she should find an attorney to date  , they are always  looking for stupid people .  
   I  finished my U Turn and  took her home the long way .  
That was the first time  I learned to use my Faith in my  Higher Power .
 The next day I called the girl that warned me not to dive off the cliff .  
  After we had dated for a year I asked her if she would marry me .

 She said   " I really like you more than any guy I've met   , unfortunately you are too reckless to marry ,  but thank you  for asking ".  
   I can't find  fault in  anyone,  for believing and listening   to their own  Higher power.  


-- Modified on 3/13/2014 12:27:00 PM

ok, in movies and books.

D.A., believe in the unbelievable in you!

But one can't become so delusional to the point of ignoring common sense.  Getting bit by a snake after thinking he's the chosen one

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