Politics and Religion

Sure. Book and I'll pat your back and make you feel sexy in your business pants. E
Jacque_Jenesais See my TER Reviews 2413 reads
1 / 18

First of all, whenever someone wants to ask my political views, it is pretty general. My problem is, I believe in one sides views AND the other views at the same time - even if they oppose one another.

But in my future voting practices, I'm pretty lenient toward being able to stop hate crimes against people in this industry.

I.e. If a lady decides to leave the industry, she should be able to get a job after she leaves, and not be ostracized from the world and the benefits of being a law abiding, working, tax paying, respected citizen.

When prostitution is legalized in America, I feel that it shouldn't be legalized with the mindset that a lady will ALWAYS be in the industry.  

So, help me out here with all of these  
Very Liberal
Ultra Conservative
Non Conformist
Middle of the Road

This shit is driving me nuts.


GaGambler 449 reads
2 / 18

I am fiscally conservative, and socially liberal.

I am a law and order type, but only when the civil rights and the constitution are not trampled in the process.

I can't make up my mind if The Patriot Act or Obamacare is the absolute worst piece of legislation since the 18th amendment.

Do you get an idea where this is going?

Based only on those three observations alone, in which box would you try to put me in?

Jacque_Jenesais See my TER Reviews 464 reads
3 / 18

So I can't put you in a box yet. ;)

-- Modified on 8/31/2014 12:09:01 PM

JohnyComeAlready 401 reads
5 / 18

I would hope... That being true where is the hate crime?

Jacque_Jenesais See my TER Reviews 557 reads
6 / 18

Hopefully the same once sex work is legalized. Right now the fact that it is illegal doesn't allow us to be honest about our current occupation. It leaves the ability for someone not to hire because 'it's illegal'. Easy reason. Once it's legal, the reasoning may simply because we've been in the sex industry.

I'm thinking about a further step. Initially the sex work is legal, but then what? How can we guide the process of legalizing this while thinking about how the industry will run.

Legalizing doesn't solve all the problems. It helps with tax regulation, which helps with government getting more dough... But it doesn't help with a number of problems that follow, and/or benefits we could have had if we chose the right leaders or influenced the right people in the right ways.

If I vote for or even communicate about myself where I stand, it does help in some situations. It's knowing where I actually stand in the face of politics and different belief systems.

There may be someone who wants to legalize, or has the potential based on their campaigning for certain things, such as legalizing for the purpose of taxing sex workers, or someone who is for equal rights of occupation, sexual orientation, etc. But never mention sex work at all. In the end, it has the potential to be legalized, taxed, etc, but I would feel the person who stands for equal rights may influence to accomplish my goal - while hitting the other goals at the same time. The guy who wants to legalize it solely for tax purposes may influence this profession in a way it won't work.

The equal rights guy may actually accomplish more taxes being paid because the way this industry actually works best is legal, so everyone doesn't mind filing or admitting what they do.

The tax / money guy may make us work in brothels only. It simply will not happen. Maybe more will jump in and work, but tons of ladies will still work independently and illegally. Less tax money for govt.

Lots of ladies pay the uncle, but I'm sure many don't for fear of causing suspicion.

But stopping the hate will help us move in and out of the profession smoothly, I think. It's easier to defend yourself from others and not get arrested when what you're doing is legal.

Much more to say, but I'm sure I've already made a mess trying to explain this. Ugh lol

followme 495 reads
7 / 18

Fitting into a nice neat little box, in fact I insist it be neat.

Hmmmmm that may not be what you are takling about, however that is where my mind goes.

Thank you  
2014 = 28

JohnyComeAlready 442 reads
8 / 18

Feel free to contribute to my campaign.

GaGambler 458 reads
9 / 18

MOST of the world does just fine with some type of legalized prostitution. We don't need to reinvent the wheel. All we have to do is look at the rest of the world, determine which systems work, and which don't. Obviously our own country (Nevada) is a perfect example of what NOT to do, but many, many countries do just fine. I travel to Colombia, Panama, Costa Rica and a host of other countries on a very regular basis, they don't seem to be struggling with it at all. Why do we really need to make this any more complicated than we need to?

Jacque_Jenesais See my TER Reviews 479 reads
10 / 18

It doesn't matter where the idea comes from, all that matters is that it works.

I just see a power hungry person trying to reinvent that wheel in a way that it does not work at all. Then we've got a bigger mess on our hands.

I totally agree with you about seeing how it works in other countries and following in those foot steps, tailored to how the US works

GaGambler 502 reads
12 / 18

we still won't have a BIGGER mess than we have right now.

Even if the worst possible legalization scenario comes to pass, and we end up with a national version of how Nevada does it, we would simply end up with "legal prostitution" and a separate and most likely thriving underground version where things would operate pretty much as they do today, only instead of worrying about being put in jail, you might have to worry about "code infractions" or the like, which would carry civil penalties like a fine for operating without a license, or otherwise not following whatever kind of stupid legislation our idiot politicians would ultimately pass.

Hpygolky 208 Reviews 432 reads
14 / 18

way of life, to follow what some other countries do isn't American. I know it's easy and would be great but if it isn't American or we didn't think of it,we say fuck it!

joleneineugene 513 reads
15 / 18

The first two things would put you in smart company, Ga. The final one isn't even worth more than a minute's thought. It is what it is, and most of us ignore it anyway.

Hi. I'm not "back" so much as I was curious how things are going here.
Posted By: GaGambler
I am fiscally conservative, and socially liberal.

I am a law and order type, but only when the civil rights and the constitution are not trampled in the process.

I can't make up my mind if The Patriot Act or Obamacare is the absolute worst piece of legislation since the 18th amendment.

Do you get an idea where this is going?

Based only on those three observations alone, in which box would you try to put me in?

joleneineugene 447 reads
16 / 18

Actually, we do in many ways: the Magna Carta immediately comes to mind.

Jacque_Jenesais See my TER Reviews 386 reads
17 / 18
GaGambler 418 reads
18 / 18

but you are still an "unrepentant whore" in my book, of course that is high praise in my book. lol

Nice to see you here, been a while:)

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