Politics and Religion

It's Official: The Jesus Freaks in the House just voted to make abortion illegal.....
willywonka4u 22 Reviews 1966 reads

...after 20 weeks into a pregnancy.

Let's be clear here. This isn't just an attack on women's rights. This is an attack against the 4th amendment right to privacy, the 14th amendment right of Due Process, and an attack on the 1st amendment right of the free practice of religion.

When Jesus Freaks want to shove their delusions down your throat they are violating your religious rights to freely worship as you choose, or to not worship at all.

The only reason why these fuck faces would concern themselves with abortion when there's so much other shit wrong in this country, is because they're a bunch of delusional fucking Jesus Freaks who want to push their bullshit delusions onto everyone else.

How do you think they would like it if other people pushed their beliefs on them? Like how about we passed a law that required churches to teach evolution in their Sunday Schools. Or how about we passed a law that required all Jesus Freaks to have forced abortions if they already have 1 kid. Or how about we passed a law that said that preachers weren't allowed to get married unless it was with someone of the SAME sex?

I suspect those mother fuckers wouldn't like it a bit. Maybe what we ought to do is just bring back crucifixions. For every time one of these Jesus Freaks gets caught with their hands in the altar boy cookie jar, we crucify the son of a bitch upside down....on an ant hill....and smear strawberry jelly on his face.

-- Modified on 6/18/2013 7:22:38 PM

...abortion up to 24 weeks.  It's a futile effort since the Senate won't pass it and Obama wouldn't sign it.

It's the same thing with Obamacare.  The House has voted to overturn it 37 times but it dies in the Senate.

What fucked up priorities the House GOP has!!  But TER righties think their shit doesn't stink.

I guess in about 20 years another doddering, old Republican war monger like McCain will need to get us into ANOTHER war so as to thin out the populace via western/Christian civilizations only accepted form of population control.

All of it.. No rape, incest, life of the mother exception..

If you are pregnant...That's it..I am really sorry that you were raped.. I am sorry your father had sex with you. I am sorry your life is in danger. But you can't take another life because something unfortunate happened to you....

And I am not religious at all. I consider myself as agnostic. Its not about God or any religious beliefs. Its about life...

Isn't it sad and silly to be pro choice, when you are alive in the first place. Remember.. Someone had the choice of aborting you. Aren't you glad they didn't?

P.S. This is not a tongue in cheek post..I'm not being sarcastic...

-- Modified on 6/19/2013 6:18:37 AM

Why should a child be brought into this world from a rape from a monstor?   I am for planned pregnancies, or at the very least a child being born from Love.  Period

It wasn't the child's fault that he/she was born out of rape. You are punishing the wrong person..  

I doubt any kid is going to grow up and kill herself/himself just because he was born out of horrible act of rape....

Love or No Love doesn't matter... Doesn't make the innocent life any better or worse...

It's my feeling because I have seen angry young adults that were born into addiction, didn't bond with their mothers, didn't feel Love.  Have you ever seen anyone that full of rage?  Why bring someone like that into this world?  They will slice you up if you try to Love them.  They hate life and don't want to be here.  I have seen a young adult beat a grown man until his brain was hemorraging out of his ear.  He should have been aborted.  His mother threw him candy in his crib to stop him from crying when he was a baby, so she could smoke crack.  She rotted all his baby teeth.

There are adults who are born in perfectly happy homes, who still have problems with addiction and substance abuse..

I can understand mothers not wanting to love the child who was result of the rape. But that doesn't justify killing the child. If you don't want it. Give it up for adoption.

There are women that only have a child so they can get child support.  They will never give that child up, until it's too late and they can't do anything with them.  Abortion wouldn't stop them anyway.  And others can spend 10's of thousands of dollars for custody into a broken system to try to save the child.  And the child ends up with the unfit mother anyway

You are talking about broken system and that neither justifies the end result. i.e. lost life..

Education is the key...

If I am raped by a monster, I will not bring a child into this world that born from hate.  If I had a sick relative that had sex with me, I would abort the child.  I hope that is every woman's right.  I hope I got back to my point.  LO

Congratulations.. You are in United States of America...

You have right to your own opinion. However wrong it may be...

And to disagree, is quintessentially American....

The problem is choice. You are free to love your life how you want. Regardless of religion beliefs or political beliefs individual like is about your own personal believes and that's we're the issues starts.

octovert502 reads

is an abstract idealistic concept. Does it mean that when a fertility clinic makes a bunch of embryos, each a life with rights by your definition, they all need to be grown into babies or else it is multiple negligent homicide? If a woman should miscarry, (an occurrence which gave me some siblings I will never know) should she be subjected to all kinds of investigation as to how it happened, while she is grieving her lost child? Should mis-carries require death certificates and decent burials?

What if the Monty Python song "Every Sperm is Sacred", from "The Meaning of Life", became a universal belief, and you were bound to father a child every time you ejaculated

DirtyJesus439 reads

When Jesus was born, King Harrad had all the babies under two years of age killed in the town and God/Jesus did nothing to stop it.. Which leads me to believe that infant-killing at the hands on adults isn't that big of deal in God's overall plan for the redemption of humanity...

passing these bills that doesn’t go anywhere but the dust bin. Suppose, they like to hear themselves talk to each other about what they did.  

Senate will never ever take up the bill and even if it does, the President won’t sign it so, what the fuck is the point other wasting tax payers money.

Congress is the biggest waste in this country and we should cut all their funding because that accomplish NOTHING.

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