Politics and Religion

Substance? In THIS thread? EOMconfused_smile
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Posted By: hound88

End of Message

randomvr3012284 reads

The Cuban says he can beat Hillary Clinton in 2016!    I am not sure what he was drinking or what he was smoking.    My response to him is:

You should go and reclaim your balls from Hillary!   LMAO.

Marco Rubio was born in the United States.

GaGambler420 reads

I just love how libs love to throw around their PC bullshit, but when they start using "Cuban" as a pejorative, their true colors come out.

What enforcements measures are you saying Congress should take to stop the flow of illegals from around the world currently flooding the southern border. Simple question.

And don't forget to back up your strange claim about me talking about "Tidwell", whatever the fuck that is,,,

Now go do your homework GD, and make it substantive. Calling me an old white man is way past tired.

Tick tock

Keep posting,  you are really looking stupid. .

Posted By: NeedleDick, the BugFucker
What enforcements measures are you saying Congress should take to stop the flow of illegals from around the world currently flooding the southern border. Simple question.  
 And don't forget to back up your strange claim about me talking about "Tidwell", whatever the fuck that is,,,  
 Now go do your homework GD, and make it substantive. Calling me an old white man is way past tired.  
 Tick tock
-- Modified on 7/13/2014 10:35:04 AM

They can start by deporting all the Italians who came here from Sicilly and took over NYC and Chicago as mafia.     Then deport all those Irish and WASP who came here and now trying force their bigoted religious beliefs on unwilling Americans.

...brethren when they inevitably attack Clinton simply for being a woman.  Being born a woman is as an immutable trait as being born of Cuban ancestry.

-- Modified on 7/12/2014 10:30:04 PM

GaGambler424 reads

but I detest her no more for simply being a woman than I do Obama for being black.

The OP used "Cuban" as a pejorative, coming from a open minded, PC liberal, I find that highly hypocritical, and I am glad that you appear to agree with me on that point

For the record, criticizing the Hildabeast is not misogyny when you attack her, not for being a woman, but for all the perfectly valid reasons to attack her as a person and a politician. If people start attacking her simply for her sex, I am sure you will point it out if I miss it, and then it will be my turn to agree with you.

If you neo cons can use "Kenyan" for a guy born in Hawaii why not someone use 'Cuban" for a guy who was born in Cuba?

No, he was born in Cuba.   Where is his birth certificate

followme310 reads

Marco rubio was born in Maimi Florida, USA


now it will be fun to watch you try to lie your way out that lie.

You're Welcome
2014 = GOP Senate anf House

Where is his Birth Certificate!

followme412 reads

You got caught in a lie, but it is oblivious you are not man enough to have the courage, integrity and honor to admit it.  

You're Welcome
2014 = GOP Senate and House

we have so many talented people born here in US.

GaGambler299 reads

have been Obama, Romney, McCain, Bush, Kerry, and Gore since the beginning of this century, maybe it is time we started outsourcing.

I start with Hillary Clinton,  Elizabeth Warren,   Julian Castro.

Who needs a white guy with national origin from Britain or Italy or Germany or whatever,  when there are perfectly good native Americans right here in the states?????    

Oh I forgot,  you guys put them in concentration camps,  reminds me of Hitler doing the Jews except Americans aren't cruel enough to be gassing them to death.  Rofl

racist, xenophobe and birther, unless of course it's your guy vis a vis Julian Castro

Can she get an abortion if it wasn't for the Cuban spanish speaking guy named Jesus?  

Or are we supposed to pronounce it "hayzuis"? Lol

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