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STUPIDITY WILLY WONKA , COME GET SOME !!!!!!!!!!!!teeth_smile
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Mr. Know It All5540 reads

FEC fines Biden more than $200,000 for violations
Share this on:Mixx Facebook Twitter Digg delicious reddit MySpace StumbleUpon LinkedIn July 17, 2010|By Alexander Mooney, CNN Political Unit

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The FEC fined Joe Biden for spending violations during his failed 2008 presidential bid.A day after the Federal Elections Commission slapped Joe Biden with a $219,000 fine for spending violations during his failed presidential bid, a spokeswoman for the vice president is calling the ruling "commonplace."

"Some repayment is commonplace after presidential campaign audits and the repayment ordered here is relatively small," said Biden spokeswoman Elizabeth Alexander. "Payment is due to the Treasury 30 days after the FEC issues its formal ruling and 'Biden for President' will comply with that."

In a report released Friday, the FEC said a mandatory audit showed the campaign had accepted conthttp://articles.cnn.com/2010-07-17/politics/biden.campaign.fine_1_fec-excess-contributions-joe-biden?_s=PM:POLITICSributions above the legal limit, failed to adequately pay for rides on a private jet, and issued several checks that had never been cashed.

and they've come out of their scandals unscathed...Hell, Vitter is going to win re-election rather easily....

The current Nevada governor is entrenched in scandal, and though he's not running, his republican replacement is up big in the polls..

No accountability republicans are doing quite well in this years races..

BidensNotBK2323 reads

So you can't read the other news accounts that show things like:

This version replaces an earlier AP story to show that the FEC directed the Biden campaign to pay the Treasury $219,000, but that amount was not necessarily a "fine."

Oh dear. Not to worry, Bidens campaign had plenty of money to repay the treasury unlike ODonnell taking 17 years to repay $4k in student loans without so much as a degree to show for it - the woman really needs a job or she'll go BK before she even gets to the election, unlike Biden.

Mr. Know It All904 reads

Biden has been feeding at the public and campaign donor trough so lond now that he's flush with cash so he can pay it back.

Besides, flying private jets instead commercial is far less agregous than using $20 bucks to pay for your own bowling. Nice you can things in perspective.

You're probably ok with paying for mistresses and illegiamate children too:

Edwards acknowledges campaign funds probe
Democratic presidential candidate says there are no improprieties

RALEIGH, N.C. — Failed presidential candidate John Edwards, whose political action committee paid more than $100,000 to his mistress' company, acknowledged Sunday that federal investigators were looking into how he handled his campaign funds.

But the former North Carolina senator said he was confident no money was used improperly.

Edwards' political action committee has been under scrutiny for making payments to a woman with whom he had an affair. Edwards admitted the affair with Rielle Hunter in August after months of denying tabloid reports about the relationship.

"I am confident that no funds from my campaign were used improperly," Edwards said in the statement. "However, I know that it is the role of government to ensure that this is true. We have made available to the United States both the people and the information necessary to help them get the issue resolved efficiently and in a timely matter."

Edwards' statement was first reported by The News & Observer of Raleigh.

His political action committee paid Hunter's firm $100,000 for video production in a four-month span in 2006, and then paid an additional $14,086.50 on April 1, 2007. At the time, the PAC only had $7,932.95 in cash on hand, according to records filed with the Federal Election Commission.

That same day, according to the records, Edwards' presidential campaign paid the PAC $14,034.61 for what is listed as a "furniture purchase."

JLWest2077 reads

politicians get the voters to play the blame game, voters blame Dem's and Republicans for their lies and frauds, point fingers and no one is held responsible. Voters are suckers, fools, chumps.

Simple vote the ones in out, no matter what. Don't care what they say about anyone, will vote for any canadate who is not currently in office and above a child molester on the social scale. In most case I figure I'm getting a beter politician.

Never acknowledge something that is fucked up. Just try to make the other side look as fucked up as you are.

Mr. Know It All1520 reads

bromide somewhere else.

But back ON TOPIC.......

Don't you find it a little...what's that word? Hypocritical for Democrat supporters like The Moose to act like O'Donnell's transgression are so grievious while his Vice President has admitted to missusing funds (That's why he paid ot back!!!!!) and a former Prssidential candidate used campaign funds to pay off his hoochiemama?

So Tell me Willie, by what standard should we judge her?

If you'd like, I'll use my Google Machine to find Democrats CONVICTED of all manner of financial crimes. So, by what standard should we be judging Ms O'Donnell?

Dubya's favorite philosopher, Jesus, defined it rather well. "Why do you point out the splinter in my eye and ignore the board in yours?"

Hypocrisy would be if Joe Biden criticized O'Donnell's use of campaign funds. And unless you have any insight that The Moose is the TER screen name for our VEEP, then I think you have a pretty shitty case here for hypocrisy.

Moving on, would the misuse of these campaign funds be on the same level? Hypothetically, if one candidate misuses campaign funds on clothing and kept it after the campaign was over, is that just as bad as using campaign funds to hire an assassin? Or is this all the same in your book?

Moving further on, if you've paid any attention to this board at all in the last year, you should know the standard I use to judge any candidate for public office, regardless of their political affiliation. And that is of contempt and distrust, and that's when they're fucking fabulous candidates. When they're dingbats like O'Donnell I start pining for the days when gulliotines were more popular. Has anyone ever invented an execution device that utilizes vibrators?

Mr. Know It All1383 reads

By your standard, The Moose, (or anyone else for that matter) criticizing oDonnell for her misuse of campaign funds and NOT applying the same standard to Biden, Edwards, et al, are being hypocrites. Thank you. I agree.

Moving on. As a matter of law, the specific use is irrelevant. If someone uses a $$ to hire a hitman THAT becomes a seperate issue. I'm not aware of the law differentiating between a candidate using $$$ to say, funnel money to a mistress like Edwards, or hire private jets instead of flying commercial like Biden, and say ODonnell spending $2 at Staples for paperclips. As a matter of FACT, they are on the same level.

As a matter of judgement, I'd say Edwards and Biden's misuse are more agregious because they are already wealthy and experienced.

I have not paid attention to your postings, nor have i accused you of being hypocritical. I will be watching however to see who else you think deserves decapitation

...about 500 of the 535 in Congress, most of the folks in the White House, half of the Supreme Court, most sitting Governors, the US Chamber of Commerence, and just about every asshat on Wall Street. Did I miss anyone?

Mr. Know It All1726 reads

that about covers it

Why did she run in the Republican Primary, if she is not a Republican?

She is indeed a Republican!

Priapus532142 reads

at least at this point, according to  polls, if election were held today, she'd lose big time :

-- Modified on 9/22/2010 2:00:55 PM

That seat has been held by a popular Democrat for a long time.  She would be way behind with a squeaky clean past and no "dabbling" in witchcraft.

-- Modified on 9/22/2010 2:40:28 PM

She was projected to loose the General Election before the primary.
But her primary opponent was projected to win.

Mr. Know It All1418 reads

Her winning the nomination has sent shock waves thru the RINO ranks. They need to get their house in order.

If they kiss the far right wing asses, just to be sent packing in the general election?

Get serious. This woman has made a career of manipulation through sanctimony and Right Wing religious pandering. The sod bust'n turds who who vote for a pious pie-hole like Christine ODonnell couldn't get through two paragraphs of the various rules by which high ranking representatives must abide. Ergo; they simply don't care.

She hates abortion and any form of personal reproductive rights, sex, free thought/critical discernment, and the omnipresent threat of SOCIALISM!!!

She is everything the mouth-breathers care about in a candidate.

Posted By: Mr. Know It All
FEC fines Biden more than $200,000 for violations

Share this on:Mixx Facebook Twitter Digg delicious reddit MySpace StumbleUpon LinkedIn July 17, 2010|By Alexander Mooney, CNN Political Unit

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The FEC fined Joe Biden for spending violations during his failed 2008 presidential bid.A day after the Federal Elections Commission slapped Joe Biden with a $219,000 fine for spending violations during his failed presidential bid, a spokeswoman for the vice president is calling the ruling "commonplace."

"Some repayment is commonplace after presidential campaign audits and the repayment ordered here is relatively small," said Biden spokeswoman Elizabeth Alexander. "Payment is due to the Treasury 30 days after the FEC issues its formal ruling and 'Biden for President' will comply with that."

In a report released Friday, the FEC said a mandatory audit showed the campaign had accepted conthttp://articles.cnn.com/2010-07-17/politics/biden.campaign.fine_1_fec-excess-contributions-joe-biden?_s=PM:POLITICSributions above the legal limit, failed to adequately pay for rides on a private jet, and issued several checks that had never been cashed.

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