Politics and Religion

Straw polls are meaningless.
willywonka4u 22 Reviews 1321 reads

They are "mini elections" by the movers and shakers within the party, and is in no way reflective of the general GOP electorate. It's primary purpose is to determine who the moneybags want to invest in (i.e. bribe).

What's most interesting to me is that it seems that as the GOP has become ever more radical, their base has become ever harder to please. I'm reminded that McCain got the nod despite that the base was in no way satisfied with him, and he brought Palin on board as a response to this. It might have worked if Palin wasn't retarded and completely unprepared for prime time.

I don't see anyone taking this nomination away from Romney. But who he picks for veep is going to be interesting.

Bachmann and Perry are dropping like stones in the polls. Santorum and Gingrich don't stand a chance because of their past and Huntsman and Johnson lack name recognition.

So who are we left with in the current field?

Herman Cain's 9-9-9 Express seems to be picking up speed, and he would appear to be the current Flavor of the Month. Not a bad idea, actually; except a 9% national sales tax would once again, impact the poor and (what's left of the)middle class far more than the already affluent segment of the population. Add the city and state sales taxes to that, and you've added in some cases, more than 20% to the cost of an item, even some foodstuffs. Still, I doubt it would ever fly without the Supreme Court overturning their own decision equating a corporation with a person. (I'm simplifying for expediency sake... I give the readers the benefit of the doubt as to their background knowledge here)

Mitt Romney's numbers fluctuated with the rise and fall of Bachmann and Perry, but he has his solid base of support and is certainly in it for the long run. Agree or disagree with his policies, he's got the experience, and the backing. The odds are strong that if he wasn't a Mormon, his numbers would be higher.

Ron Paul seems to be the most consistent in the entire group. His message hasn't varied, he doesn't flip flop according to the latest polls, and whether you agree with his policies or not, you have to respect his willingness to say what he means, and to stay on message. It's just a damned shame the media (especially Fox) refuse to give him the recognition and validation he deserves.

And then there's the 800 pound gorilla (or is it bimbo) waiting in the wings to be the Savior of the GOP.
Smart move, keeping her out of the debates and letting Bachmann take the heat as the bimbo of the bunch. Mark my words, Sarah Palin is the GOP's Ace in the Hole even though she wouldn't last 15 minutes debating Cain, who has shown himself to be more than a mere flash in the pan, and she wouldn't stand a chance in a debate with Romney or Paul, both of whom have the education and smarts, and don't use crib notes written on their palms.

On the other hand, she could probably outdo the entire field of GOP candidates as a pole dancer.

I'm just sayin...

-- Modified on 9/28/2011 3:10:33 PM

Priapus531661 reads

If I'm being blunt, so be it. GOP has relied on
"Southern strategy" for over 40 years which dealt with white resentment over affirmative action & assorted civil rights measures. NO way in hell will an African-American get the nomination. Keep in mind Fla. straw poll was only composed of couple thousand delegates. NOT GOP primary voters at large. Cain MIGHT be able to carry one or 2 states out of the 13 "Confederacy states", but THAT'S IT. In fact, anyone wanna bet me that Cain WILL be the nominee ? Somehow, don't think I'll get takers.

The national front runners are still Romney & Perry at this moment. Many GOP Southerners don't like Mormons, but the majority will vote for one over a black candidate any time.

-- Modified on 9/28/2011 4:25:20 PM

and I am neither southern,christian or white and I detest affirmative action, even if I were the beneficiary of it.

Herman Cain is not campaigning as a "Black candidate". He, like Colin Powell before him, is just a man, a man that happens to be of color. I mention Colin Powell because polls showed him doing quite well in the racist South back when he was being courted as a Presidential candidate.

I think a black man can do quite well in the South today among white voters as long as he campaigns as an American first and a black man second.

St. Croix1733 reads

That be like watching an NBA game (lol). So much for my tasteless humor.

The economy is about to get worse, if that is even possible. This election will be more about getting rid of Obama.

The powers that be have spent 60+ years obfuscating the 1913 16th Amendment and implementing a wholly abstruse and ever changing tax code so as to chronically confound the public to what it owes, and while employing/protecting the tax law/preparation industry.

 Black, white, yellow or poka-dotted. A candidate/President who earnestly went after the tax "system" would end up another assassination victim to a "Quiet, kept to himself  LONER" making an incredulous shot at a moving target with a cheaply made, iron sighted rifle.

Snowman391843 reads

The Civil Right bill was passed with REPUBLICAN votes, it was the DEMOCRATS who opposed it.

If you want to start throwing around the over-used and no mean word "racist", then explain why you back such party with a racist history.

So explain to us your racist tendancies, but fell free to take off your bed sheet before you reply.

-- Modified on 10/1/2011 6:23:21 PM

Supposedly. Herman Cain isn't ready for prime time.  Neither is Ron Paul.  Jon Stewart (a Liberal if there ever was one) has been on a pro-Paul campaign for weeks.  What has it done?  Zilch.  He even had Paul on his show last week and gave him a platform to broaden his base.  Paul, IMO, blathered and blew it.  He ain't goin' anywhere.
Palin?  Even most Reps. think she's a joke.
Christie doesn't want it.  If he changes his mind he'll get chewed up.
It's Romney, even though the Rep. base hates Mormons.  They hate Obama worse.  That's all that matters.
Just a guess, of course.

Priapus532611 reads

"Porky" better lose some weight pronto, as an another poster recently wrote about. Fatso Taft was our biggest POTUS; SO big he needed special white house bathtub built to accommodate his girth.

If Christie becomes POTUS, what's next? Widen front doors to the WH ? Man---dude's SO big his ass can carry several Jersey zipcodes----;)

-- Modified on 9/28/2011 6:09:07 PM

so much slimmer than he really is????  Gonzo's description of him as a blimp is much more apt.

I give Christie 5 years and he'll be in mobility chair from either his knees giving out under the weight, or other medical complications stemming from gross morbid obesety.  Nuthin' personal, and I ain't fat bashing (I could lose 40 pounds myself). Just call'n it how my flatscreen displays it.

the same girth as Christie, you would say that it didn't matter.  Your comments, while they have some merit, are strictly politically driven in a very partisan manner.

Posted By: PitchingWedge
the same girth as Christie, you would say that it didn't matter.  Your comments, while they have some merit, are strictly politically driven in a very partisan manner.
I'm not such a fan of Christies 'side' But I actually can't help liking many things about his straight-up, no bs, bring it on style. But even if he was backed by the other "side" my FIRST thought would be "Who's the guy who is going to take over when Christie strokes out?".

They are "mini elections" by the movers and shakers within the party, and is in no way reflective of the general GOP electorate. It's primary purpose is to determine who the moneybags want to invest in (i.e. bribe).

What's most interesting to me is that it seems that as the GOP has become ever more radical, their base has become ever harder to please. I'm reminded that McCain got the nod despite that the base was in no way satisfied with him, and he brought Palin on board as a response to this. It might have worked if Palin wasn't retarded and completely unprepared for prime time.

I don't see anyone taking this nomination away from Romney. But who he picks for veep is going to be interesting.

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