Politics and Religion

St. Croix and NC two smartest people on the planet
anonymousfun 6 Reviews 815 reads

Supported by equally smart GaG.

Aha, the Tax Cut mantra. Solution to every problem on the planet. Taxes and Over Regulation in the United States of America? Compared to whom?  Since when?

Once you are able to see beyond the tip of your selfish noses, you might get it.

No, that is not possible.

NCJimbo3897 reads

...no wonder why the US is going downhill fast.

If this is correct why not increase the number of people on umemployment and the amount of money we give them.

Pelosi: Unemployment Checks Fastest Way to Create Jobs

Unemployment benefits are creating jobs faster than practically any other program, House Speaker Nancy Pelosi said Thursday.

Talking to reporters, the House speaker was defending a jobless benefits extension against those who say it gives recipients little incentive to work. By her reasoning, those checks are helping give somebody a job.

"It injects demand into the economy," Pelosi said, arguing that when families have money to spend it keeps the economy churning. "It creates jobs faster than almost any other initiative you can name."

Pelosi said the aid has the "double benefit" of helping those who lost their jobs and acting as a "job creator" on the side.

"It's impossible to think of a situation where we would have a country that would say we're not going to have unemployment benefits," Pelosi said.

Democrats have been trying for more than a month to pass a bill extending jobless benefits to more than 1 million people. Currently, jobless benefits last nearly two years -- up to 26 weeks paid by state treasuries with federal help for up to an additional 73 weeks.

Of course, those workers could be sending a lot more money into the economy if they had jobs since unemployment benefits generally do not cover the entire cost of lost wages.

The counterintuitive statement drew jeers from Republicans, who claim Democrats can't figure out any way to tackle the economic slump that doesn't involve spending massive amounts of taxpayer money.

"No plan to create jobs -- just more stimulus spending," House Republican Leader John Boehner said at a dueling press conference.

Despite the wave of unemployment aid and stimulus spending dating back to the end of the Bush administration, the jobless rate is still hovering close to 10 percent. New figures out Thursday showed new jobless benefits claims rising for the second time in three weeks.

Rep. Dave Camp, R-Mich., on Thursday called the newest extension plan "fiscal insanity" because it is not paid for and will only create future problems.

"I support, and Republicans have supported, extending unemployment benefits, but we must not do so at a cost to the deficit, to the economy and to future generations. Our inability to get our fiscal house in order isn't just damaging future generations; it is wreaking havoc on jobs today," he said in a statement.

Pelosi criticized Republicans Thursday, saying she's still optimistic the bill will pass though it failed again in the Senate Wednesday night.

GaGambler503 reads

Why should you be surprised by any other type of inanity that comes out of her mouth?

Timbow584 reads

I saw you or ST Croix a mile away coming back with that one and I used it myself on another forum about what the idiot Pelosi said about natural gas the other day  :)

St. Croix1713 reads

Pelosi said last year that natural gas is not a fossil fuel. Somehow all that cosmetic surgery is affecting her SFO liberal brain.

At the end of the day, the unemployment rate is not going down, not unless you take into consideration the 2 million who have stopped looking for work. That's one way of lowering the unemployment rate. What is it about companies NOT hiring, and won't hire that liberals don't understand? Talk to a CEO of a Fortune 500, or a small business, and the majority all say they won't hire in significant amounts in the U.S. because of taxes, over regulation, and general uncertainty in D.C. Add the fact that large companies did a great job via productivity gains in the past few years that hiring is not a prime objective. Granted there is hiring overseas as their business in the emerging markets is expanding, but not here.

The conservatives are not totally insensitive on this issue. They did come back with a proposal to extend unemployment benefits by using the money from the $878B Stimulus, but that was rejected by Reid. They also suggested cuts in other areas of government, again rejected by Reid.

-- Modified on 7/4/2010 2:50:13 PM

Supported by equally smart GaG.

Aha, the Tax Cut mantra. Solution to every problem on the planet. Taxes and Over Regulation in the United States of America? Compared to whom?  Since when?

Once you are able to see beyond the tip of your selfish noses, you might get it.

No, that is not possible.

Bobby Boucher713 reads

-- Modified on 7/4/2010 3:36:53 PM

Bobby Boucher1054 reads

when it comes out of her fossil ass!

GaGambler614 reads

Unemployment benefits, like Social Security, are supposed to be insurance. People pay into the system and when certain parameters are met, they are able to draw benefits.

Somehow this has morphed into lifetime benefits for everyone, at the expense of those of us who are still paying into the system. All insurance companies who want to remain solvent cap benefits at some point. The government cannot do otherwise unless they plan on removing the very thin facade that these programs are "insurance" and just admit that we are moving towards outright socialism.

We don't need to be the three smartest people on the planet to be smarter than Pelosi, don't even need to be the three smartest on the thread, but we are. lol

Like the politician who says how honest he is, keep your hand on your wallet & when u say how smart u r, people would be wise to disregard.

Or health insurance, or benefits, or whatever.

I am dman tired of this change crap, I work hard for my money, DC please quit trying to re distribute my hard earned dollars to the lazy bastards who don't want to work.  Don't you see that taking my hard earned dollars to pay for someone elses bad judgement on buying a house means I can't see all the gals I want to see?

"I predict future happiness for Americans if they can prevent the government from wasting the labors of the people under the pretense of taking care of them."

Thomas Jefferson

... that our government is beyond practical reform?

When a woman that STUPID can be in such an incredible position of power ... you can stick a fork in this Republic, because it is DONE.

DoctorZGonzo1029 reads

The Republic known as the United States of America effectively came to an end on September 11, 2001.

We had already been on the downslope due to the utter blatant corruption in our government to begin with.

The Holocaust of Lower Manhattan merely accelerated the process.

This is not the same country it was as little as 10 years ago. California is not the same state it was as little as 5 years ago. And I'm not the same person I was a year ago. Things have changed far too drastically, and I for one, can no longer accept or tolerate it.

Let me know when you've all decided its time to stop slinging partisan bullshit and start working together to rebuild the greatness this country has squandered.

Until then, I'll be hunkered down in the trenches trying to deal with the total ruination of my own life. Come join me in Hell.

a fundamental change in the way capitalists produce profits. Full employment is no longer necessary for the capitalist class to be profitable. Unemployment is caused by the greed of the capitalist class. The recession will end when the capitalist class is forced to end it.

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