Politics and Religion

Sorry Jack, all these questions have been answered.
hound88 49 Reviews 863 reads


Issa has been pretty silent lately, and the Repubs. might now feel that they shouldn't be wasting more money on the a new committee investigating Benghazi than what they're spending on the VA failure; hmmm, well probably not! But, as this new report points out. They're not going to uncover any grand conspiracy regarding Obama hiding the truth about what happened! ;)

Not even close! Benghazi is, at least partially are response to the Repubs. embarrassment over this!   ;)

86H13LTP851 reads

You're as stupid as that fucking G-9 civie supply clerk who pretends to be a spook.

Jack, I know Obama didn't play any domestic dates, but do you want another apology tour?


I also think coming clean would make America look weak.

JackDunphy1120 reads

He refuses to answer what Leon Panetta told him when he first found out about the attack. Leon Panetta will not do any interviews on the subject. Obama didn't mention he couldn't discuss b/c of national security reasons when Bill O'Reilly asked him this question in the Super Bowl day interview. Did Panetta tell him it was a terrorist attack or a spontaneous uprising? He wont say.

What did Obama do that night immediately after he got the news? Did he deploy any assets to the compound to defend it? Did he contact any of our allies to see if they had assets in the area? He wont say.

Why did he go to the U.N. two weeks after the attack and claim the incident was caused by a sudden uprising when the CIA told him within 48 hours it was a higher level attack with more sophisticated weaponry than just sticks, stones and some hand guns? He wont say.

because I haven't followed Benghazi too closely as of late.

Posted By: JackDunphy
He refuses to answer what Leon Panetta told him when he first found out about the attack. Leon Panetta will not do any interviews on the subject. Obama didn't mention he couldn't discuss b/c of national security reasons when Bill O'Reilly asked him this question in the Super Bowl day interview. Did Panetta tell him it was a terrorist attack or a spontaneous uprising? He wont say.

That's the craziest fucking thing I ever heard!

Between fast and furious, limiting media access, issuing orders that bypass Congress, the VA mess, the IRS abuse, releasing terrorists and chaos at the border it is difficult to keep with the debacles of the "most transparent administration ever"

...but then there has to be a trial in the Senate where they would need 67 votes to remove Obama from office.  The Senate would never vote to convict him of the charges;  the House knows that but those BSC Republicans don't care - they'd impeach him anyway.

his title of "The Teflon President," and give it to Obama. But, the Repubs, can use all that subterfuge to avoid getting anything done in congress, which kills two birds with one stone: first they don't have to stick their heads out and commit, with votes that really count, to any particular issue, and second make Obama look bad by blaming him for the problems that are not getting solves.   ;)

-- Modified on 7/10/2014 12:51:21 PM

JackDunphy791 reads

Looks like "moderate Matt" has left the building. You really have gone FAR FAR FAR left in the past month or so.

I'd hate to see his approval and trustworthiness ratings if things DID stick. roflmao

middle of the road matt relishing the notion that between a low information voter and a compliant press obimbo will "get away with it". now we both know matty's gonna twist it that we're putting words in his mouth or that's not what he said but, well, we know how matt is!!

wonder if HuffyPooPOo covered this story????

BHO muzzling the news.....

Battered wife media syndrome returned to the spotlight this week when 38 journalism groups, led by the Society of Professional Journalists, complained to the Obama White House about numerous offenses that were summed up as the "politically-driven suppression of news."


Little dick,  I said they could enforce law. What about the  13th & 14th amendments?  What about the enforcement acts? Care  to respond old man?  

-- Modified on 7/10/2014 5:10:05 PM

-- Modified on 7/10/2014 5:13:12 PM

-- Modified on 7/10/2014 5:15:08 PM

Executive Branch, dumbell.

Congress writes the laws, the Executive branch enforces them. (up until O'fuckup,)  Ever heard of the US AG?

must be all that anger balled up inside, why dont ya go burn down a building or beat up an old white guy?

a few days in jail might do you good.

This is about congress enforcing laws. I cited several were they did. Your response,  a bureau. You stated congress could not enforce law and had your post deleted.  Typical right tactic, then declare victory.  

Posted By: NeedleDick, the BugFucker
Executive Branch, dumbell.  
 Congress writes the laws, the Executive branch enforces them. (up until O'fuckup,)  Ever heard of the US AG?  
 must be all that anger balled up inside, why dont ya go burn down a building or beat up an old white guy?  
 a few days in jail might do you good.

It's you that deleted your post THEN challenged me to quote it. Cowardly sneaky liar.

Too bad too, because you were right! There are enforcement clauses in the 13th, 14th amendments. I'm not gonna waste time biting around the edges to see if it really fucking makes 2 shits of difference, I'll just cede your point.

That's what men do, try it some time

There were always plenty of people who complained about the captain of the ship, ridicule him, and speculated about the possible reasoning behind his orders; why did he leave port now, why is he going in this direction, why is he calling fight-ops now, etc., etc., and rejoiced when he seemed to fail, and patted themselves on the back when they believed they were right. What they didn't seem to understand, time and time again, was the captain has his orders, and we were not coming into port until everything in those orders had been accomplished. So, the longer it took, the longer it was until we got what we wanted; to be home or in port. The more each person pulled their own weight, and did it right, the sooner the mission was accomplished. A good example was when we pulled out of dry-dock after several months of repairs, while going down the channel, the captain ran the ship aground. It's very strange feeling being on a carrier deck at about a 30 degree list to starboard! Well, those who hated the captain rejoiced. It was a while before it dawned on them, it was going to cost them two more months of being away, hundreds of miles, from home.

Too many of our citizen's, whether they be Democrats who hate Bush, or Republicans who hate Obama, are like those crew-members who are not smart enough to know that in their hate and desire to be justified in it, they are paying a price. It's always fair to criticize, but for some hatred feels so good, they fail to see how it is eating them up! Just as a captain can fail due to his own faults, but also his crew, and they all pay the price, same with our president, democrat or republican. If we continue with this kind of governing, we will soon have a constitutional crisis. The 'ship of state' needs the captain and the whole crew to be not so much like each other, but at least not be at each others throats, all the while being blind to the fact the the ship is sinking.

Our "carrier" is being run by Captain Schettino.

You, OTOH, are just being a good first mate!

I thought all those congressional investigative committees, had as their objective, to find possible wrong doing by Obama and others. As far as I can tell there's been none regarding Obama. Are you telling me that the Republican's sole purpose was undermining his approval rating, while using tax payers money to do so?  ;)

JackDunphy949 reads

Your service, and others like you, allow us all to sleep in freedom.  

I'll argue you with you another time about this and other things I am sure Matt, lol, but I didn't want to dilute with my main point of this post which again is gratitude.

I havent been posting here long enough to be aware of that service and now I know.

Thanks again!


salonpas907 reads

..........to these so called faux scandals. Hell will probably freeze over before you do.....lol.

According to your propaganda you are right!

Posted By: mattradd
Issa has been pretty silent lately, and the Repubs. might now feel that they shouldn't be wasting more money on the a new committee investigating Benghazi than what they're spending on the VA failure; hmmm, well probably not! But, as this new report points out. They're not going to uncover any grand conspiracy regarding Obama hiding the truth about what happened! ;)

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