Politics and Religion

Soon we forgetsad_smile

fucked the far left bench warmer CULT is.  

Now go cry to admin some more .

GaGambler990 reads

and unlike Laffy's predictions from yesteryear, I did so right here.

it was a pretty safe bet. Look at Jimmy Carter's numbers and how they improved with time.  ;)

GaGambler1045 reads

That doesn't change the fact that almost every lefty on the board disagreed with me at the time.

It's also a pretty safe prediction that GWB's numbers will continue to improve as the memory of the financial pain of 2008 begins to fade.

As for Obama, this is not a prediction, but it would not surprise me that since his one major "accomplishment" is ACA, if socialized medicine becomes the multi trillion dollar clusterfuck I expect it to be, history might not look so kindly at him. Being the first black POTUS may mitigate this to a certain extent, but I don't really see why history should give him any special breaks just because of the color of his skin.

Snowman39913 reads

people are clueless about what a really good POTUS is...

A lot of people still think JFK was GREAT, not really...

He was so so at best and only idolized because he was young, good looking and died in office.

Washington, Lincoln, Truman....

Now those were GREAT presidents...

GaGambler877 reads

He was young, charismatic, and knew how to use the new medium which was television. No had other POTUS had had the ability to beam himself right into the living rooms of his constituents, and very few since have been as good at it.

As for his actual presidency, I would say average at best.

his wife was stunningly beautiful.  and his mistress was a beautiful free-spirit.  I would say he was blessed.  And I am a more spiritual person, than political.  But it makes me sad his head was blown off on national TV, although I was too young to remember

...ago yesterday?  Until that speech, no one had the balls to speak out for equality.

He ended his speech by saying: "Thank you very much."  That must be why 'followme' ends his posts the same way - JFK was his idol!

I miss those days when presidents didn't have to pander to Thumpers by ending every fucking speech with: "God bless the American people and the United States of America."

-- Modified on 6/12/2013 8:06:32 PM

I think the ballsier thing to do. Would have been not to intervine into the opressed peoples uprising.

IMO that would have been ballsier.

Most people, collectively speaking have there own best intrests inmind...


St. Croix998 reads

Do you go to the Ladies room during the 7th inning stretch so you don't have to hear it?

...your wife. Actually, I'm singing and she's humming (not because she doesn't know the words).

GaGambler1040 reads

One speech doesn't make him great, He was a politician and a human being, complete with faults just like everyone of us. He was bigger than life mainly because he knew how to use the brand new medium of TV better than anyone else

I find it ironic that you use a speech that he made as a sign of his "greatness" and not an actual accomplishment, kind of proves my point, doesn't it?

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