Politics and Religion

Something that doesn't quite fit however...
XiaomingLover1 67 Reviews 2772 reads
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Here's the newest threat emenating from the war-torn [if not descriptively cliche-ridden] Middle East:  Pally Geological Terrorism.

Read the link below; two earthquakes in less than one week, both originating in Hebollah Land [Lebanon to the more neutral among us].  As per their wont, the Pallys have latched onto a good idea and already FUBARed the application:  the only damage reported was in PA "controlled" territory, and one of Islam's holiest shrines [whatever that means, or counts for], The Temple  Mount, was damaged.  Typical of those feckless fedayeen!  

Happily, the link reports no fatalities.

Earthquake Damages Temple Mount and Shechem
by Ezra HaLevi

An earthquake shook Israel at 12:37 PM Friday. The only damage reported in Israel was on the Temple Mount and near Shechem (Nablus).

The earthquake measured 5.3 on the Richter scale; its epicenter was located in northeastern Lebanon. Earlier last week an earthquake measuring 4.1 was felt in northern Israel, also originating from Lebanon, near its northern city of Tyre.

A large hole opened up on the Temple Mount during Friday's earthquake (click here for pictures), which was soon covered by officials from the Wakf Islamic Authority that administers the mosques built atop Judaism’s holiest site.

The only other reported damage in the Holy Land was incurred between Palestinian Authority-controlled Shechem (Nablus) and Jenin, where an old home collapsed, blocking the main road to the village of Khufin. The village is not far from the site of the Biblical Joseph’s Tomb, which was set ablaze by Muslim vandals last week.

At least five people were injured and two homes were destroyed in southern Lebanon as a result of Friday’s quake.

Wakf Officials Blame Israel
Wakf officials tried to blame Israel for the 6-foot by 5-foot hole, which is about three feet deep, claiming it was caused by Israel, which it accuses of tunneling beneath the Temple Mount. They demanded an end to all Israeli excavations in the area.

Though several excavation projects are taking place around the Western Wall Plaza, none of them entail tunneling past the wall itself and beneath the mount. The Wakf’s official position is that there was never a Jewish Temple on the Temple Mount and has gone to great efforts to erase archaeological evidence of Judaism’s historical ties to the site.

Western Wall Rabbi Shmuel Rabinowitz issued a statement rejecting the Muslim claims. "These are mendacious reports without a grain of truth," he said, adding that work in the Temple Mount compound would be contrary to Jewish law. “Such claims are a desecration and cause hatred and incitement for no reason whatsoever,” Rabbi Rabinowitz said. He stressed that work on the Rambam (Mughrabi) Gate ramp to the Temple Mount is vital for the safety of those who visit the Western Wall and called on the authorities to finish the work speedily.

Disclaimer : this attempts to be  satire, as aboveboard but argumentative posting seems not to work.

quadseasonal 27 Reviews 2036 reads
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DoctorGonzo 106 Reviews 3016 reads
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The village is not far from the site of the Biblical Joseph’s Tomb, which was set ablaze by Muslim vandals last week.

Didn't the Muslims claim it was actually the tomb of a Muslim Holy man? so now they destroy their own shrines?

GOPGeezer 2 Reviews 2787 reads
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DoctorGonzo 106 Reviews 1828 reads
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Cpl_Punishment 2551 reads
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to each other, "allahu akbar" (god is great).  I think that's what passes for fire direction in the 3rd world - sort of like throwing holy water on the ammo or something.

That's some kind of home-job pipe-mortar or something, probably bored to a standard diameter.  For the Republicans WHO NEVER FUCKING SERVED, mortars normally sit on a mount that is adjusted by sighting on aiming stakes.  Anything that is held by hand is going to have group bigger than whale snatch, and actually hitting anything will be pure fucking accident.

The in-bore detonation (lovely shot) may well have been related to the home-job tube.

So you know, the IDF has this fearsome rep, but in fairness, look at their opponents - shit, I could have Girl Scouts doing a better job in 6 weeks.

quadseasonal 27 Reviews 2244 reads
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Posted by Cpl_Punishment, 2/18/2008 5:19:44 PM
"So you know, the IDF has this fearsome rep, but in fairness, look at their opponents - shit, I could have Girl Scouts doing a better job in 6 weeks."

 Cpl the only thing you could be doing better with  girl scouts is bitching...Are you sure you are not a woman?

DoctorGonzo 106 Reviews 2828 reads
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I appreciate your efforts to inform cpl. ty.
FWIW - I'm quite well aware of what they were actually intoning - they were uttering a blessing... exactly the same dynamic as a Christian family saying Grace before a meal to thank God for the bounty on the table... or Jews making "Kiddush" before a Sabbath meal for much the same reason.

They were praying for success. The success of their murderous efforts. This one got what he deserved, I only wish he had experienced the pain for a longer period. Allahu AkBOOM! Gotcha, fucker!

And as far as the IDF goes... they would be far more effective if their hands weren't tied by political correctness and the leash imposed upon them by Congress. The cretins on this board who claim a Zionist conspiracy running this country seem to fall short of rational argument especially when facts on the ground are actually put in play.

Considering Israel is surrounded on all sides by enemies craving the obliteration of not just Israel, but the Jews, I'd say the IDF has done pretty well.

We could be even more effective if we were as ruthless and uncaring of our children as the Arabs are about theirs. But Israel doesn't believe in using its children as political pawns to further an evil agenda. We don't dress our indigent and children in bomb belts. Quite the contrary, if the ISRAELI's didn't drop leaflets into residential neighborhoods warning them of impending airstrikes against terrorist targets operating in their neighborhoods, THEN you'd see some real collateral damage.

And for what its worth, if the IDF or Mossad was really behind the Mughniyeh bombing, don't you think they would have taken out alot more of the Hizbullah animals than they did? The fucking Arab terrorist blew his own ass up, but the Arabs couldn't wait to blame Israel and use it as an excuse to incite more violence.

I do not fucking care what anyone says or thinks anymore.... no more political correctness from me when it comes to Arab terrorists. Shower them all in pigs blood.

And you fools in the West who believe there is a way to rationally discourse with these animals have another thing coming.

Let the Games Begin.

quadseasonal 27 Reviews 2507 reads
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I think Syria Intelligentlemen killed Mughniyeh..

XiaomingLover1 67 Reviews 2312 reads
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stick to the topic at hand -- Pally Geological Terrorism.

If you guys want to chortle at the terminal antics of some feckless woul-be martyrs, start YOUR OWN DAMN THREAD!

XiaomingLover1 67 Reviews 1872 reads
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"And for what its worth, if the IDF or Mossad was really behind the Mughniyeh bombing, don't you think they would have taken out alot more of the Hizbullah animals than they did? The fucking Arab terrorist blew his own ass up, but the Arabs couldn't wait to blame Israel and use it as an excuse to incite more violence.

I do not fucking care what anyone says or thinks anymore.... no more political correctness from me when it comes to Arab terrorists. Shower them all in pigs blood.

And you fools in the West who believe there is a way to rationally discourse with these animals have another thing coming."

"You fools in the west..."  Doc, are posting from 18,000 above sea level in some Tibetan Lamastery?  What's the hobbying scene like up there?

Even with a Hyperbole Discount Factor, it's clear that the Pallys and their various fun-loving organizations are not the only ones to hold cheaply the lives of their opponents.  You, however, are safe and comfortable and prosperous, whereas they...

DoctorGonzo 106 Reviews 1698 reads
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It's rhetorical, although I'm pretty sure you knew that going in.

Re: Hobbying at 18,000 feet... the air is thinner, the girls are hornier, and outdoor sex is limited to the months of july and august.

Re: Hyperbole Discount Factor - I value human life a great deal. I place no value on the lives of terrorists chanting Allahu Ahkbar while indiscriminately firing rockets at elementary schools.

Re: You, however, are safe and comfortable and prosperous, whereas they...

Frankly Xiao, I don't  give a fuck about "whereas they"... let them all blow themselves up, we'll have a better world for it.

DoctorGonzo 106 Reviews 2728 reads
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you're absolutely right, Xiao.

And now it can be told here, I admit it. The recent earthquake was part of the world Zionist Conspiracy. The earth trembles at our whim.

Be Afraid, Be Very Afraid.

Actually, what happened was Israeli scientists at the Technion in Haifa have been generating  earthquakes to learn how to better predict baklava allergies, and to determine the validity behind claims of the Chinese putting anti-freeze in toothpaste. Another Zionist conspiracy only the dumbest of dumb goyim would ever take seriously.

And about the thread hijacking stuff Xiao... it was funny awhile ago... but you know what they say right?

Once a joke, twice a jerk.

Give it a rest Xiao... go on a date and write a review instead:)

Cpl_Punishment 2437 reads
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Cpl_Punishment 1324 reads
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for actually knowing WTF one is doing.  Or you could argue that study in advance is more effective prayer than some slapdash last minute voodoo ritual.

The political aspects of conflict are much harder to deal with than the military ones.

My suspicion is that the biggest difference between the fundamentalist assholes in the mideast, and the fundamentalist assholes among us, comes down to line 37 of their 1040, adjusted gross income.  These guys can't afford and don't know how to use sights, whereas the snipers who take out abortion docs do.  I'm not sure you can blame the mortarman's mom or mullah any more than you can blame Little Timmy McVeigh's DI.

So which came first, the chicken or the egg, asshole culture or asshole economics?  Your argument is that it doesn't matter anymore, and in many cases, I think that's true.   OTOH, I doubt it applies to the entire population of Cairo, and we're all amazed how the original asshole Khaddafi has changed his stripes.  

The idiot who blew himself up probably callously hurt a fair number of civilians.  The same can be said of many American pilots and even infantry.  We can point out any number of conflicts where terrorists turned into patriots.  Ignorance and poverty doesn't leave people nearly as many options, and makes it much easier for assholarity to spread.

Banastre Tarleton said about the same thing about Americans as you're saying about Arabs.  maybe the better mantra would be, "there but for the grace of god, go I".

All that being said, I seriously doubt we should be taking a lot of effort to jump into big problems before we understand them.

Cpl_Punishment 2875 reads
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I'm simply noting they are dealing with 3rd worlders.

It's not that political restraints cripple the IDF, it's that any combat is incredibly confused, especially when you are dealing with reservists, as the IDF does.  What I'm thinking of is after-action reports & other accounts I've read from the various israeli wars.

I will give it to them, they put a lot of thought into it, as they should, and are damned serious of necessity - while the US cultural background is bureaucratic - when was the last time we fought a war that might actually involve the families & friends of our national leadership??

Cpl_Punishment 2255 reads
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you could buy your way out of the draft for $300 during a lot of the Civil War.

FDR (the fucking socialist) did manage to get even the Bushes to pony up their valuable-assed time to shoot at Axis evil-doers.

DoctorGonzo 106 Reviews 2323 reads
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the ONLY reason George H W Bush ever served was to mitigate the stain of both his father AND Father in law being labeled Nazi collaborators after their business connections to the Nazi's was revealed.
Otherwise, oh hell never mind, noone is going to do shit about it anyway because we no longer have any integrity left in our "representative" government, its all run by a bunch of corporate puppets and self-serving cunts.

XiaomingLover1 67 Reviews 2574 reads
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you might think that imitation is the sincerest form of flattery, but you'd be thinking along the wrong lines.

speaking og giving it a rest, it's time you retired the porcine Mohammed, as i think you got all the mileage out of it you possibly could, and it was considerable, back in late 2006

hey, it just occurred to me - MoHAMmed, porcine, lemme think...

-- Modified on 2/19/2008 9:56:53 AM

Cpl_Punishment 2150 reads
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actually signed up and went where Uncle Sam told him.  Not Ronald Reagan, who served making films, nor Joe DiMaggio, who served playing baseball.  Following orders when you could be doing something else better for your career is what happens.

It's about putting your money - and your ass - where your mouth is.

I can trust people who ran off to Canada before I can trust people who signed up and then flaked, because I'm looking for people who can be trusted.  I cna't trust people who had "other priorities", but expect that my family doesn't have other priorities.

That's the point exactly - we all have other priorities.  Only asshole Republicans think other priorities exempt their asses from the dirty work.

GaGambler 2645 reads
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in response to a high school dropout?(no offense Quad) I certainly hope that poor soldier found better representation than your dumb,sorry, undermedicated self. ROFL

What a waste of a law degree. "STFU, blockhead." What a brilliant fucking argument.

DoctorGonzo 106 Reviews 1978 reads
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MoHamHead was retired, I just brought him out of retirement to show solidarity with Jyllands-Posten who recently RERAN those same cartoons.

besides, its a true golden oldie that needs dusting off every once in awhile.

Cpl_Punishment 1982 reads
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and that is what a high school dropout is most likely to understand.

You seem to respond to it, too.

GaGambler 1477 reads
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Sorry, but I don't see myself shutting the fuck up anytime soon, especially at your request. ROFL

Cpl_Punishment 3165 reads
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XiaomingLover1 67 Reviews 1788 reads
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Ok, but will you still love them when they run critical cartoons of Ehud Olmert, perhaps accompanied by unfavorable editorail comment?

don't bother to anmswer -- this is a rhetorical Question

amnyway, i'm think about the Hamas/Pally Rabbit.  There's a post in there later.

NeedleDicktheBugFucker 22 Reviews 1800 reads
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"""some slapdash last minute voodoo ritual."""

is about the best your gonna get.

how much planning can you do in a millisecond?

-- Modified on 2/20/2008 12:59:40 PM

Cpl_Punishment 2082 reads
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i.e., chanting instead of even attempting any field expedient sighting system.

That sort of planning may be an indicator of the same sort of mental advancement that also increases the probability of in-bore detonations.  We can't know; shit happens, especially when you play with explosives.  

But using surplus commie ammo (as they usually do) in home job pipe mortars doesn't do much for your life expectancy, either.

You notice there wasn't much comment about Allah AFTER the explosion.

NeedleDicktheBugFucker 22 Reviews 2143 reads
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