Politics and Religion

So...back to the original question
nuguy46 215 reads

what is the difference between Nixon and Hillary?  He was run out of office while destroying tapes....she's being urged to run for Prez while destroying e-mails.... something is wrong with this picture?

nuguy461351 reads

Nixon destroyed the tapes. Clinton destroyed the e-mails.

Clinton is alive and Nixon is dead! Nope, that's not it?

Clinton is a Democrat and Nixon was a Republican! Nope, that's not it?

If you are talking about Hilary Clinton, she's a woman and Nixon was a man! Nope, that's not it?

I give up!   ;)


Here are the seven principles of Nixon's plan for comprehensive health insurance.  Sound familiar?

"First, it offers every American an opportunity to obtain a balanced, comprehensive range of health insurance benefits;

Second, it will cost no American more than he can afford to pay;

Third, it builds on the strength and diversity of our existing public and private systems of health financing and harmonizes them into an overall system;

Fourth, it uses public funds only where needed and requires no new Federal taxes;

Fifth, it would maintain freedom of choice by patients and ensure that doctors work for their patient, not for the Federal Government.

Sixth, it encourages more effective use of our health care resources;

And finally, it is organized so that all parties would have a direct stake in making the system work–consumer, provider, insurer, State governments and the Federal Government."

However, like Bush, Republicans don't want to talk about Nixon. Both are very embarrassing charters in Republican political history!  ;)

pot/kettle276 reads

Every Republican I know is very proud of President George W. Bush.  Nothing embarrassing at all about the manner in which he led our nation.  We'll talk about him all day if you want us to.  His type of strong leadership is sorely missing in the White House today.

Sure, like any human, he made his share of mistakes.  And he was man enough to accept those mistakes and never push the blame onto anyone else

followme218 reads

Very well said.

Thank you

bigguy30244 reads

So you are proud of former President Bush?

Thanks for the laughs pot/kettle and followme! Lol

Posted By: followme
Very well said.  
 Thank you

-- Modified on 3/16/2015 12:42:30 PM

I usually do not respond to aliases, but that was too rich. So, why is it then that GW is seldom, if eve,r invited to Republican events like the last two Republican conventions, or to campaign for Republican candidates?  ;)

nuguy46216 reads

what is the difference between Nixon and Hillary?  He was run out of office while destroying tapes....she's being urged to run for Prez while destroying e-mails.... something is wrong with this picture?

" He was run out of office while destroying tapes..."

You are somehow suggesting that destroying tapes had to do with him being "run out of office." He quit because of the embarrassment cause by what was found on tapes that were not destroyed, and to prevent being impeached.

So, you see, there's little they have in common!  ;)

However, it may be true. We may never know!  ;)

-- Modified on 3/14/2015 9:19:56 PM

Ken Starr after spending millions of tax payer money and 7+ years of investigation on  all things Clinton could only find that Bill Clinton go a BJ in the WH.  

There must be evidence to hide, when there is none, no one can find.


GaGambler208 reads

and I have already pointed out the complete folly and ineptitude of the Ken Starr investigation, and the fact that it gave the Dems the ability to argue in the future that "they started it"

Really Fungy, I know you aren't too smart, but you really need to at least TRY to keep up.

and for the record it was 4 years of investigation, not 7, not really a big deal, just pointing out how you tend to get EVERYTHING wrong.

Bush went out very unpopular so he brings little or nothing to a GOP candidate, or perhaps he would even hurt them.  Just as Obama, the sitting president last year, with his low polls, was not asked to assist many of the Dem candidates.

Took the country to war on series of lies

Killed hundreds of thousands of Iraqi civilians for no good reason whatsoever

Created ISIS, the worst terrorist group humanity has ever seen .

Destroyed middle east peace for decades to come

Presided thorough an economic melt down close to a second depression

Lost millions of jobs

Killed and maimed thousands of Americans

Destruction and willful lying is beyond his share of mistakes. There is not a proper word in dictionary other than ALBATROSS to explain what Bush did.

Suppose, by strong leadership, you mean war with Iran and everyone else in rest of the world or do you mean war with Russia over Ukraine?

You must not know a thing about either of those two countries, do you?

nuguy46200 reads

...and with the current WH incumbent has given us since he has been in office:

- middle income loss of @ $2500.
- lies to get O-care passed (keep your doctor, etc).
- Made over 5 million lose their insurance so another 5 million could get free insurance.
- black teen unemployment of @ 50%.
- overall highest black unemployment in history
- lowest rate of job participation.
- highest part-time job creation in history / lowest full time job creation.
- highest debt in history (we'll pay for this after he vacates the people's house).
- etc, etc, etc.

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