Politics and Religion

So your issue is why Yahoo would make it into an article then?
JackDunphy 626 reads
1 / 18

Apparently we cant portray Polynesians as fat anymore.

Who even knew they had a constituency?

Good crap...

mattradd 40 Reviews 58 reads
2 / 18

A person voiced her opinion, on Facebook. Another person expressed an opinion opposite of hers. And, here I thought you were all for people expressing their options freely.  ;)

JackDunphy 60 reads
3 / 18

And this just in Matt...people are allowed to express their feelings freely and I am allowed to comment on them. You must be new to how a inet board works. LOL

I'll put you down as one anti-fat shaming Polynesians vote until you man up and have an opinion on the matter. :D

No worries. I hear Laffy is feverishly working on his next Trump hysterical thread as we speak as I know you need them the way others need oxygen. lol

Good day fine sir.

mattradd 40 Reviews 66 reads
4 / 18

It just seems, to me, you have a major hair up your ass when it comes to this micro aggression issue. I'm wondering why that might be?

P.S. When commenting on someone else's opinion, in ways that express an air of dismissiveness, contempt, disdain, etc., that is overt aggression. Seems like, to me, that's a much more prevalent problem than micro-aggression!  ;)

St. Croix 84 reads
5 / 18

They are the most physically intimidating, disciplined and hardest hitting athletes I've ever seen. We've got a few on our local HS football team, and they put the fear of God into the other team.  

There are stereotypes with each culture/ethnicity, and not all of them are necessarily negative.

Posted By: JackDunphy
Apparently we cant portray Polynesians as fat anymore.  
 Who even knew they had a constituency?  
 Good crap...
-- Modified on 6/29/2016 11:18:25 AM

JackDunphy 58 reads
6 / 18

Ironic isn't that you mentioned my need to control speech in your OP when it is libs that do so by intimidation.

Certain words and images now, for all too many libs, are off limits.

Look at the lunacy re: Washington "Redskins".

PC police lost that one thank God.

This is just another example in my OP how this nonsense starts. A few butt hurt libs wagging their moral finger at everyone else.

PCers try and stunt and control speech and I think that is a bad thing.

You disagree. Noted

JackDunphy 64 reads
7 / 18

Can we not have a man in a sombrero sitting next to a cactus as a mural on the side of a Mexican restaurant?

No more depictions of a heavy set man with a mustache and bakers hat on the top of my carry out pizza box?    

Its all just insanity.  

And it was PC nonsense that let to the map yesterday of the pool where even though two white kids were shown to have bad behavior, it was labeled racist by again, the micro aggression crowd

We have lost our collective mind.

St. Croix 62 reads
8 / 18

of the culture attempt to impose their views. The Haka dance is a centuries old war dance that is part of the Polynesian culture. There are a number of high school football teams that did the Haka dance. They did because they had a few Polynesian players that encouraged it. I believe the ASU football stopped doing it. Certain people (like liberal white people) saw the dance as disrespectful, cultural appropriation, or too violent. Unfortunately this shit is going to continue unabated.

Many Polynesians, including Samoans, are big, really big. I was under the impression that we should be shunning the size zero runway model, and embracing the fuller, larger, curvier person.

mattradd 40 Reviews 68 reads
9 / 18

Are you serious, or is that just hyperbole? Is it to be feared more than say, ISIS?  ;)

And, the article says: "The parliament member’s comments have created a whir of debate." The debate took place on Facebook. Hmmm! Wow, I whir!  Seems like no draconian measures have be taken by the New Zealand Parliament, nor our government!  ;)

As far as Disney's depiction of the character Maui, I have no problem with it at all. However, the woman, who is criticizing Disney's depiction, given she's a member of Parliament, I would assume has some degree of intelligence. And, given it seems she's Polynesian herself, I'm not one to tell my brother or sister what he or she should be offended by. When he or she does so, I listen to his or her reasoning. Should Disney change it? I'm not into marketing for Disney, so I have no opinion on that. I'm certain they will go with what's best for their bottom-line, and I'm all for free enterprise, as long as it doesn't put anyone's health in jeopardy  

As far as anyone who has a strong opinion, one way or another, about the name Washington Redskins, I recommend they volunteer some of their time on a reservation with an organizing like Big Brother or Big Sisters. Doing something more than sitting on one's ass, and feeling self-righteous in the opinion they hold on the subject.  ;)

Bottom line, in my opinion, you are making a mountain out of a mole hill. All this "stunting and controlling of speech" you talk about, I've never experienced.

mattradd 40 Reviews 55 reads
10 / 18

what I should fine attractive in a woman. Once in a while, when I'm truly bored, I will be suckered into clicking on the article, and always left with the thought: "Really?" My next thought: "If she was a hooker, she'd starve to death!"  ;)

JackDunphy 88 reads
11 / 18

Holier than though libs more outraged than the people responsible for keeping or changing the "Redskin" nick name, i.e. in this case, American Indians. LOL

They are PROUD of the name and wouldn't think to change it.

But dopey white libs know better. LOL

Maybe Matt sat on their reservation and convinced then they were wrong? :D

-- Modified on 6/29/2016 3:45:20 PM

St. Croix 58 reads
12 / 18

You wouldn't let "her" starve to death. It's in your political DNA to be caring, sharing and sensitive. Now do the right thing. Click on that Huffypo article again, and embrace (literally) a BBW provider. And tell her I'll send her $25 just to sit on your face. (lol)

Posted By: mattradd
what I should fine attractive in a woman. Once in a while, when I'm truly bored, I will be suckered into clicking on the article, and always left with the thought: "Really?" My next thought: "If she was a hooker, she'd starve to death!"  ;)

mattradd 40 Reviews 49 reads
13 / 18

particularly those who are so Pro-life, to take care of her. I'm certain she'll be in good hands!  ;

mattradd 40 Reviews 56 reads
14 / 18

Where have I said anything pro or con regarding the name "Redskins?"

JackDunphy 49 reads
15 / 18

I think you were about to say it.


JakeFromStateFarm 52 reads
16 / 18

I've been told that quadruped is not cisgender and the terrible sexual tension he feels as a result is the cause of his nasty temper and frequent eruptions.

mattradd 40 Reviews 63 reads
17 / 18
willywonka4u 22 Reviews 62 reads
18 / 18

I'm kidding. Sorta. Basically, the problem is this latest generation has been way too pampered. At the rate we're going, our entire civilization will weaken to the point of collapse. On a more positive note, an Islamic terrorist hasn't murdered multiple Americans in the USA this week.

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