Politics and Religion

So where is your rant...
RRO2610 51 Reviews 2558 reads
1 / 28

Missouri's Governor is giving his jack booted, homicidal, white supremacist thugs all the tools needed for a limited genocide.  

  If a uniformed, on-duty cop had committed the Sandy Hook Elementary massacre I'm confident The Presidential Medal of Freedom would be awarded to the murderous officer.

GaGambler 639 reads
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I don't see a thing he could be doing differently and keep in mind that I am one of those "right wing nut jobs" that should be taking the opportunity to slam a Governor who is a Dem.

So let me repeat my question, just what would you do if you were the Governor of Missouri right now?

NeedleDicktheBugFucker 22 Reviews 617 reads
3 / 28

Posted By: RRO2610
Missouri's Governor is giving his jack booted, homicidal, white supremacist thugs all the tools needed for a limited genocide.  
   If a uniformed, on-duty cop had committed the Sandy Hook Elementary massacre I'm confident The Presidential Medal of Freedom would be awarded to the murderous officer.  

AliquippaJones 12 Reviews 806 reads
5 / 28

Imagine the audacity of that Klan cracker governor wanting to prevent the riots and destruction of property!

NeedleDicktheBugFucker 22 Reviews 627 reads
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Of generating economic growth.  

This is necessary to alleviate all the social ills related to poverty.

That's why So. Central LA is being compared to economic miracles like Hong Kong and Dubai!

RRO2610 51 Reviews 652 reads
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It was his delivery of the message and the sense that the verdict has already been determined in favor of the cop that gets my ire up. The police have degenerated into a brotherhood of bullying, sadistic, latent homicidal thugs hiding behind a tin badge of authority. Excessive force is their first and favorite tool, and history proves the "brotherhood" has every grand jury intimidated from cleaning up their act.  

Posted By: GaGambler
I don't see a thing he could be doing differently and keep in mind that I am one of those "right wing nut jobs" that should be taking the opportunity to slam a Governor who is a Dem.

So let me repeat my question, just what would you do if you were the Governor of Missouri right now?

GaGambler 737 reads
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and it's not just the Governor predicting that the cops will not be indicted, it seems to be the consensus opinion, even by those who disagree with the most likely outcome.

So why are you blaming the Governor for what you yourself admit is a prudent action?

JackDunphy 587 reads
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screaming about the assholes who convicted the cop from day one???

RRO2610 51 Reviews 790 reads
10 / 28

It is difficult to "rant" against those who pre-judge the cops when in most every incident such as Ferguson the process is opaque and historically exonerates the officer(s) in question.  

“Government is not reason; it is not eloquent; it is force. Like fire, it is a dangerous servant and a fearful master”.
(George Washington

JackDunphy 781 reads
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that they are exonerated more often than not because they are going up against a thuggish felon, that they are protecting themselves, are in the right to do so AND that society (the sane ones) give cops the benefit of the doubt when it comes down to a one-two second decision to shoot his fire arm or not with his life on the line?

Any compassion from you for the thousands of cops who may have hesitated to shoot and wound up dead due to their inaction or are they just part of your "blue wall" bullshit you babel about every week?

GaGambler 671 reads
12 / 28

I doubt there has ever been a case where you have NOT prejudged the cops as being guilty. Why should we give you a pass on that if you can't or won't understand why a duly elected Governor puts the safety of the community first?

RRO2610 51 Reviews 582 reads
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It's more understandable why the "people" may pre-judge; but it is certainly not "ok".  

I blame the Governor for poor choice of words; not his understandably precautionary actions. He could have said "The police will be ready to protect life and property in event of either public jubilation or protest"; but instead he spoke threateningly and only to the negative.  
Posted By: GaGambler
and it's not just the Governor predicting that the cops will not be indicted, it seems to be the consensus opinion, even by those who disagree with the most likely outcome.

So why are you blaming the Governor for what you yourself admit is a prudent action?

RRO2610 51 Reviews 748 reads
14 / 28

that right wing authoritarians cannot engage in debate without resorting to epithets and ad hominem attack?


But I still hold a glimmer of hope that they can someday rise above it none the less.

NeedleDicktheBugFucker 22 Reviews 744 reads
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Posted By: RRO2610
that right wing authoritarians cannot engage in debate without resorting to epithets and ad hominem attack?  
 But I still hold a glimmer of hope that they can someday rise above it none the less.  

RRO2610 51 Reviews 740 reads
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JohnyComeAlready 604 reads
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Where a certain board poster hailed praise for the Highway Patrol?

Then there was this some what strange news from yesterday


the Blue Wall or the Blue Helmets, take your pick.

DamienScott 746 reads
19 / 28

About the same time we get to see O'bama's grades from Harvard?

Posted By: bigguy30
If anybody thinks this is just black people being upset your wrong!

RRO2610 51 Reviews 675 reads
20 / 28

Because I like you and everyone else is flawed. That is why those we vest with such power over us must be kept to a much higher standard. And you needn't look far to find recorded evidence of police overstepping their authority. Or historical trial evidence, or friends experience, or personal experience.  

My civil liberties sensitive nature predisposing a cop's actions threatens no ones property, liberty, or life. Summarily predisposing or excusing every excess or use of deadly force in favor of the police can lead to some draconian repercussions.

NeedleDicktheBugFucker 22 Reviews 700 reads
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bigguy30 606 reads
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NeedleDicktheBugFucker 22 Reviews 733 reads
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The only reason he didn't flunk out is because he's black.

How else do you explain his stupidity and dishonesty?

bigguy30 941 reads
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When you have nothing to say then you keep making things up!

I should not be surprised that you are a low information voter.

You keep talking out of your ass hoping to sound smart!

bigguy30 451 reads
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So needle you assuming and making a ass out of yourself is expected.

Just leave the nasty ass pictures about yourself to yourself.

Then that is your business, I am only into the ladies!

-- Modified on 11/13/2014 3:28:25 PM

hornyjohn80 421 reads
28 / 28

Instead of the "Don't Shoot Coalition", why not having a "Don't Steal Coalition" first? Or a "Do You Know Where Your Children Are Coalition" instead

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