Politics and Religion

So the three guys stabbed and killed in cal get nothing,
613spades 5 Reviews 593 reads

But the three shot would get paid? Can't you see the issue here?  

Posted By: csekhar73
Do you think we have illegal cars sold in this country that can be driven without auto insurance?   Sooner or later, the driver will be pulled over and the vehicle impounded.  
 Same goes for guns.    

randomvr3012655 reads

This is a masterful writing about how Americans love guns more than the lives of innocent men, women and children who are massacred every day in mass shootings.

We know that doing nothing only leads to more mass murders.  
Other countries have significantly less gun murders.

JackDunphy383 reads

Spell it out son. What law would Makwa pass to stop the mass shootings? Well????

Just like auto, make it mandatory for anyone purchasing a gun to take out a liability insurance for $10 million, $2,500 a month premium!    Let us see how many will buy.   Every mass shooting, the person was not a "criminal" but someone who bought it legally

GaGambler455 reads

So your solution is to create a boondoggle for the insurance companies in the neighborhood of 250 BILLION dollars a month???

The only people who would not care about the insurance premium would be the very people you are talking about, the people who would only have to pay the premium for a single month because they know that before the first month is over that they will either be dead or in prison.

Why don't you just be honest, your real "solution" would be to take the guns away from every honest, law abiding citizen so the only guns remaining would be in the hands of law enforcement and criminals.

Rights should come with responsibility.     If my car hits another and the other driver is injured there is an insurance policy that compensates the other injured driver.

What did the families of those 20 children massacred in a class room get?   Nothing but ridicule

You have a right to own a gun.  But if you use them carelessly, the Constitution does not protect you from being sued.

Why just make liability coverage attach to them? Also intentional misuse usually voids your insurance policy anyway... Should people who see a doctor for mental issues be required to carry insurance on themselves? Because let's face it by and large ALL of these mass shooters were treated for mental issues. How about people prescribed dangerous drugs? Oxy, adderal, anything given for depression, anything that could be sold illegally for a profit? Far more people are hurt by prescription drugs that are sold on the black market then firearms... Where do you draw a line?  

Posted By: Makwa
You have a right to own a gun.  But if you use them carelessly, the Constitution does not protect you from being sued.  

Look at your liability policy - there is an exclusion for "assault and battery."  The most coverage you could get would be for an accidental discharge.

        You are going at it the wrong way - the liability insurance argument goes to the gun seller and manufacturer on grounds they have sold an unreasonably dangerous product-not the guy who intentionally pulls the trigger.

It is so easy to distort the other side and make any argument simple, or rather simplistic.

Just make it gun owners like their guns more than innocent children.  Bingo. No need to discuss policy.  No need to ask - even ask - how many people are saved by having a gun versus die because of gun violence.  No need to even ask how many home owners really scared off a burglar.

No need to ask what causes violence and crime.  No need to ask why Switzerland is heavily armed and there little crime. Or the same for Israel.  

The fact of the matter is Mexico has pretty strict gun policy, but far more murders than the U.S.

No need to ask if there is something happening so that people no longer respect others persons and lives.

Then after a simplic view, go to a straight lie.  "Children are massacared every day."  "Massacres" are rare.  Probably about once a year at most.  But if you exaggerate it by 300 times you have a good case.

Let's play simple the other way.  Why do North Koreans love their slavery more than their guns? (NO. I AM NOT SAYING people who want to take away guns are N.K, so don't misconstre.  I am just using simplistic thinking to show how silly it is.

You have no solution but comparisons.   The US has the highest number of homicides and mass shootings involving guns and assault weapons than any other "civilized" country in the world.     Don't compare gun deaths from crime with something like what happened in Tuscon, Aurora, Oak Creek, Newtown, Military yards.    These are not crimes but senseless killing of innocent men, women and children by people using  "guns".

If having a gun is a right, put some responsibility in to it by mandating the buyer to get liability insurance.

If you don't have a solution like those NRA paid crooks in US Congress, you are the part of the problem there are mass shootings in the country.

We are very good at explaining things away that are crucial for the welfare of the society. We are in an era without rational thinking from judges, and politician who are all beholden one type or another of their benefactors.  

Until politicians become statesmen, and judges become jurists, there is no hope and it will only get worse then as usual, the masses will rise up when the get fed up.

GaGambler424 reads

I would really, really like to here how you think that "liability insurance" will prevent a single death.

I'm listening.....

JackDunphy570 reads

They come up with the craziest ideas that would have no impact. Do they really think a bad guy will purchase the insurance? Will he need to, to even get the gun in the first place? Will the black market take Geico? VISA?  lol

Or will the shooter keep making the premium payments even if he was stupid enough to buy the insurance? Tough to pay the insurance after he shoots up a school then puts a bullet thru his own head.

Should they have a risk pool where liberals kick in and pay those premiums after the killer passes away?

Yes I am being intentionally ridiculous. But if you take their argument to the extreme well...it could work. lol

You just regurgitate what someone else says.  

No one really answers your questions because you don’t comprehend but you do provide some comic relief with your posts though.

The average per capita income of a typical American family in blue states is around $49,000 and $37,000 in a red states and further down in the South according to Southern Poverty Law Center.    

So how many would be willing to pay $30,000 a year in liability insurance premium?    A single innocent man, woman or child shot and killed by a gun owner should be worth $100 million in liability.

If you understand the primary intent of an object and a secondary intent you would not be making such a stupid statement.

Knives belong in the kitchen for cutting meat, veg etc.,    A bat belongs in the ball park and a car is for transportation.    In the first two cases, there can be wrongful death civil suits offering damages and compensation to the victim.    For auto, auto insurance compensatse the victim.

A GUN, the only purpose is to KILL another!    The victims do not get anything

In fact typical death payouts are 1 million or less. What makes a firearm death worth 100 million and medical malpractice, drunk driving, an assault with any other weapon worth so much more?
       Guns are used by far more often for self defense, hunting and sport shooting then killing so the premise that the only use for them is killing is totally misplaced.  

Posted By: csekhar73
If you understand the primary intent of an object and a secondary intent you would not be making such a stupid statement.  
 Knives belong in the kitchen for cutting meat, veg etc.,    A bat belongs in the ball park and a car is for transportation.    In the first two cases, there can be wrongful death civil suits offering damages and compensation to the victim.    For auto, auto insurance compensatse the victim.  
 A GUN, the only purpose is to KILL another!    The victims do not get anything.    

The British is coming to take America again so you need guns to raise the militia, right?

You are definitely living 50,000 years ago. How is that possible? Isn’t your world only some two thousand years old according creationism? How do you know knives existed 50,000 years ago when you don’t believe humans existed that long ago.

The second amendment was written to provide the population in general a defense again a tyrannical government. EVERY region in the world has been repressed by a tyrannical government. If you believe it can't happen here, ask native americans. It has happened in areas all around the world and could happen here again. Also I believe in my right to self defense of my home. Some people live miles from the nearest police station and keep firearms for defense.  
      I m a middle age white man and have always voted democratic.
      And yes knives were an offensive weapon as much as they were a tool when first invented.  

Posted By: anonymousfun
The British is coming to take America again so you need guns to raise the militia, right?  
 You are definitely living 50,000 years ago. How is that possible? Isn’t your world only some two thousand years old according creationism? How do you know knives existed 50,000 years ago when you don’t believe humans existed that long ago.

Was there any kinder garden kids among the stabbed.

What are you moron?

1700 people per yr are murdered with knives. Roughly 10% are or were under 18 depending on the yr.  
      Kinder garden kids in school? I don't know. How many? How many at home by their parents last yr?  
      China has a complete firearms ban and has had school killings resulting in over 20 deaths more then twice in the past 4 yrs.  

Posted By: anonymousfun
Was there any kinder garden kids among the stabbed.  
 What are you moron?

Insurance will be higher in states where there are more guns and gun deaths. Minimum should be all the medical cost if someone is injured and $ 3 to 5 million if someone is dead or if the victim is the sole breadwinner, insurance pays for the families expenses for rest of their natural lives.

I guarantee you, insurance companies will do very thorough medical exam including blood test to find the insurer is on type of drugs and do personality test to determine a persons mental stability before insuring them. This is how insurance will help by making gun ownership an expensive proposition.

Republicans should get it, is business, isn’t it, you self styled business experts

Also wrongful death takes into account the earning potential of the victim. Most homicide victims are previously convicted criminals, most felons, 70% if I remember correctly... so 3-5million is probably way overpaying. Also children like it or not are usually considered to be worth less than an adult with a family, so 3-5million is wrong here as well.  
      Why not just make every citizen carry liability? Not just for guns but anything they could hurt someone with... Like if you have knives in your home, more money, bats, more money, hammers, more money, prescription drugs, more money, guns, more money... Why limit it to just guns. Seems to be discriminatory to me... leaving anyone hurt by something else to just having to sue the attacker in civil court.

Do you think we have illegal cars sold in this country that can be driven without auto insurance?   Sooner or later, the driver will be pulled over and the vehicle impounded.

Same goes for guns.

But the three shot would get paid? Can't you see the issue here?  

Posted By: csekhar73
Do you think we have illegal cars sold in this country that can be driven without auto insurance?   Sooner or later, the driver will be pulled over and the vehicle impounded.  
 Same goes for guns.    

If we don't look at the root cause and it's not the weapon used but why these shooters are doing this it will be impossible to even slow down much less stop. If you think for one second that they wouldn't have done something else (bomb, driving into a crowded sidewalk, arson, knives or poison) had a gun not been available you are deluded.  
     You want to compair gun deaths in the US to the rest of the civilized world you can't use suicides. Japan has a suicide rate more than twice ours and a complete fun ban. How could that be? Russia and Mexico have murder rates double ours if I remember correctly and basically total gun bans. How can this be??  
       The ONLY gun law that would work is a total ban here, including confiscation. If you add carrying liability ins to gun ownership and the cost is crazy you ll see gun sales go through the roof of legal lawabidding gun owners selling their firearms to anyone who would buy them. I bet you d see a 25% increase in gun crime within year. Confiscation won't happen; you can't find enough cops or military personal to do it and the deaths it would cause would make our current gun deaths look like a bird on a radar screen next to a jumbo jet. I could see 500,000 dying between trying to protect their rights and LE trying to take their firearms.  
       The truth is maybe our courts and politicians should enforce the gun laws already on the books (less then 10% of firearms escalators are prosecuted, violent life time offenders serve less then 1/2 their sentences in many cases). If mental health reporting and the police did their jobs over half of the mass shootings in the past 6 yrs would have never happened. In fact almost everyone of the mass shooters involved was being treated either directly by a phsycholigist or with drugs.  
        If we don't fix our culture nothing will change. The media making myrters and national names out of the killers doesn't help. Do you really think the parents of newtown want 10 million from Lanza s insurance policy?? Besides with the average number of shootings and firearms nation wide I d bet an insurance policy for liability would only run $100 a yr for legal responsible gun owners and insurance companies would be making a killing at that price. Suicides by the policy holder would obviously be exempt, stolen firearms would be as well I would figure.  

Posted By: csekhar73
You have no solution but comparisons.   The US has the highest number of homicides and mass shootings involving guns and assault weapons than any other "civilized" country in the world.     Don't compare gun deaths from crime with something like what happened in Tuscon, Aurora, Oak Creek, Newtown, Military yards.    These are not crimes but senseless killing of innocent men, women and children by people using  "guns".  
 If having a gun is a right, put some responsibility in to it by mandating the buyer to get liability insurance.  
 If you don't have a solution like those NRA paid crooks in US Congress, you are the part of the problem there are mass shootings in the country.

Need a good guys with guns to kill bad guys with guns.

Isn’t this the NRA tagline?

I never mentioned the NRA or a good guy with a gun. I said that guns are the tool being used but not the root cause.  
        If you didn't understand my post I could explain it using small words and single sentences instead of paragraphs.

It may have the highest number of homicides, but you ignore the point.  If other countries like Switzerland have more guns, maybe it isn't the number of guns, but something else.

Likewise, if places with low guns (again, Chicago) have thousands of murders, maybe making them illegal may not be the answer.

Similarly, the "mass killings" do attract attention and there is not denying that killing 10, 20 or what ever people is terrible.  But the numbers of Sandy Hook and Aurora pale compared to the thousands in Chicago and D.C.

Of course, the left loves insults - "NRA paid crooks in Congress." But you never say SEIU crooks in CA politicals who have 10 times the money and 100 times the purchasing power.  Did you just question the Greens who took $100,000,000 from Steyer or do only conservative billioniares count?

To say I have no solutions doesn't mean I cannot question solutions that don't work.  I often know something should be done, but that "something" should be carefully planned to fit the problem.

There are too many times when "something" must be done so a law is passed that is not effective and doesn't help.  (E.g. gun laws in Chicago.  Somethiing had to be done, but that was not the answer.)

It is just as important to question bad solutions as it is to come up with the right answer.

Gun laws in States, very strict or liberal is not the answer and will not work and is not working.     90% of guns used to commit crimes in NYC comes from Virginia.    Yes CA has strict gun laws but people can always bring guns from NV.

People compare crime to mass shootings.   A criminal does not get anything by going to an elementary school and shooting children.    The problem we have is law abiding citizens and legal gun owners committing mass shootings, killing wives and kids at home, killing people in movie theaters, killing people in a temple, killing people in military and navy yards.

Just a month back White Supremacists walked in to a restaurant and shot two Nevada policemen.    It was not crime but hateful killing using GUNS.

Until there is a mandatory responsibility attached to gun purchases like $10 million liability insurance nothing will change.

Virtually every post you've made is riddled with inaccuracies or lies.

i mean, why allow yourself to be tethered to something as intractable as true and false, fact or fiction.

Just emote dude, its liberating!

Bottom line my friend:

There are mass shootings,  innocent people getting killed, even little 5 year olds sitting in the classroom.     Go and do something about it before it hits close to your own home.

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