Politics and Religion

So NOW your argument is it's not JUST the American people at large are dopes...
randomvr301 2039 reads
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Why would anyone want to repeal the Health Care Law?

It is covering those who never had health insurance, covering those who were denied health insurance due to pre-existing conditions, preventive screenings and check ups are free and the copay seniors are paying for their RX has never been so low.    Expanded Medicaid is now giving much needed health insurance for those who cannot afford because they are poor.   College kids are now covered under their parent's policies.    

Covering mental health is mandatory (NRA, please note).   Women have access to birth control and contraception.

So what is Republicans plan after they repeal all of the above?

JackDunphy 350 reads
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Why are Dems running scared shitless from the law? Why do the UNINSURED disapprove of the law? Why have twice as many people said the law has HURT them, rather than helped them?

Why has it gotten MORE unpopular over time and not less?


marikod 1 Reviews 434 reads
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and that most of the ACA’s provisions are MORE popular than either Obamacare or the ACA?

      Care to explain that one, Jack? These are the same people you are relying on to conclude Obamacare is unpopular. LOL

            As I have explained to you many times, the majority of poll respondents don’t understand the law, so their “yeah or nay” vote on a generic poll is pretty meaningless.

       If you actually studied the polls, you would find that this is all true.  The more people understand the law, the higher the approval rating goes. Really, Jack, why you are fascinated with “do you approve or disapprove of Obamacare” polls is a mystery to me.

       Once we get final numbers showing a very low increase in premiums coupled with the exceptionally low rate of health care costs increase, you are going to see a spike even in your Archie Bunker approval polls. When people get use to their new doctor and health plan, approval ratings will increase further.

    Premiums will be controlled, health care costs will be controlled, and we all have far superior health coverage than we used to have, even if we have to pay more as we should for a superior product.  Only a moron would not approve of this

Hpygolky 205 Reviews 317 reads
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That Obamacare is evil,it muslin shit,it's run by the devil, it'll take away your guns, every scare tactic they can throw they've done it.
Look at Kynect in Kentucky, thay hate Obama care but they're warming up to Kynect. That fucking puke McConnel won't discuss Kynect with Obama care together because someone with a brain will say that they're the same. California and Oregon is doing well. The way I see it, you, me the guy next to you, we don't know shit how Obama care will play out in 4 years or so. We may act like we do but we don't know shit. So let this play out and see what happenes. Then if it doesn't work then we can see what the Republicans have, oh forgot they ain't got shit.

JackDunphy 287 reads
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But guess what Mari? People tend to grade if something is good or not based on its TOTALITY, not picking out JUST your pet provisions.  

The people are well aware of the provisions you cite. They have factored in loss of their doctor, cost, loss of their cancer treatment center, compared/contrast it to their old policy etc and have determined they don't like Obamcare. By VERY WIDE margins.

It is even UNPOPULAR with the UNINSURED, the very people it was supposed to help!  

You must be so proud of that stunning achievement. lo

marikod 1 Reviews 240 reads
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These are the 18 to 24 year olds who think they are invulnerable, Jack, not the poor minority family or the pre-exising condition uninsured.

 What else would you expert from these clueless kids? I didn't have health insurance myself until I turned 30 and ha d my first real job.

      Or if we include the uninsured who don’t think they can pay for Obamacare but are unaware of the financial assistance available, these are classic beneficiaries who don’t understand the law.

          Talk about cherry picking the numbers. Now look at the formerly uninsured who now have an Obamacare policy, or who are eligible for expanded Medicaid? What is the approval rating there? 99%

Facts 1, Jack 0.

JackDunphy 254 reads
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for not knowing the law well enough to have an informed opinion about Ocare but the kids are dopes as well? Lol

I expect better logic from you Mari than the "what's wrong with Kansas" nonsense you keep spouting about this incredibly unpopular law.

It's unpopular for a very real reason Mari. The law is HURTING people. Please have the intellectual honesty to admit that. I have admitted that Obamacare has helped some.  

Why can't you admit the obvious that it has, at least to date, hurt more than it has helped?  

Will your world come crashing down if you do? Lo

marikod 1 Reviews 310 reads
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argument – what were you thinking? – but your new topic – Obamacare purportedly “hurts people” - is too vague to discuss.

        All laws and regulations by their very nature impact on an individual’s choice. No question the ACA may eliminate your first choice as to doctor or health plan but I’ve seen no evidence that the ACA actually caused any meaningful harm to anyone.  

        There was one story about a cancer patient in California who could no longer go the doctor of her choice bc he was not on her network – but she had no idea whether her new oncologist could not provide appropriate care, so that was BS.

       Yes you may have to pay more but you get a superior insurance product.  Yes, you may even lose your job but that really means the employer has made a determination as what is best for the business; so you were always at risk for that.

       So I have no idea precisely what you mean but I predict that if you really examined the facts you would see no one is actually being “hurt,” they are just not getting their first choice

anonymousfun 6 Reviews 299 reads
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Sheep dog repugnance are dopes

JackDunphy 210 reads
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But then you go on to discuss it! lol.

Sorry but your off your game on this one counselor.  

You are saying you may pay more than you can afford, you may lose your doctor which could very well be a detriment to someones health, you may lose your cancer treatment center that could cost you your LIFE and you may even lose your job, costing someones financial security and all this means....???

Nobody's getting hurt. lol.

But you would know better than the people responding to the poll. Good to know! lo

randomvr301 200 reads
11 / 11
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