Politics and Religion

So global climate change is a myth, eh?sad_smile
willywonka4u 22 Reviews 3921 reads

I just did a screen capture of weather.com using my work's zip code. May I remind you all that it's the 6th of freaking January. We had to turn the freaking AC on.

For 5 years in a row here we've had days like this in the winter. We didn't used to. 4 years ago I remember seeing trees begin to bloom in January.


Gore said the earth had a fever because it was Global WARMING, and you have on the AC.  There were record snows in Europe and parts of the US for a few years in a row. Doesn't sound warm.

Of course, it is climate change now, since the fever is not a chill.

Even if it is different for a few years, can you track the source of the change and verify it by experiment duplicate results to test theory?

And the cold weather fits in with the scientific consensus from the 1970's that we were headed for a new ice age

After Katrina, the meterogolist said we were in for a period of record hurricane activity.  For five years, they were wrong.  I saw something a few weeks ago that they will no long make hurricane predictions at the start of the season because even looking ahead 4 months they were so inaccurate it wasn't worth it.

But Al Gore has computer models that are so perfect he had predict the number of inches that the ocean will rise.

His computer is so accurate that he can balance the emissions from cars and determine the relative inpact of those as opposed to climate change from a volcano spewing billions to tons of smoke and lava.  Years ago, one volcano, Kracatoa, erupted and changed the world's temp 2 degrees.

And East Anglia factors in all facts and determines global warming is from my horse's farts, which are considered a pollutant.

And of all the great scientists, Willie looks at his thermometer, says it's cold, and that proves Global Warming. Ooops. Sorry. Climate change.

Posted By: willywonka4u
I just did a screen capture of weather.com using my work's zip code. May I remind you all that it's the 6th of freaking January. We had to turn the freaking AC on.

For 5 years in a row here we've had days like this in the winter. We didn't used to. 4 years ago I remember seeing trees begin to bloom in January.


Pinelands of southern NJ on Monday night was 18 degrees. Wednesday, had snow overnight. No AC, but the heater was definitely on. Must be all that hot air in your building causing the AC to run, lol.

Climate change....the Earth's gonna do what it wants to do, and man can't do a fucking thing about it. Earth's atmosphere reacts to the Solar cycles, not what comes from my car exhaust. However, the politics of the climate change mantra is too much of a cash cow for some folks to ignore.

The earth's atmosphere reacts to a ton of things. That's besides the point. We've already proved that CO2 is a greenhouse gas.

I've lived in this area my whole life. I've never seen trees bloom in January, and I've never seen spring rains in August...until now. This summer the entire state of Texas caught on fire.

Do we all have to die so guys like GaG can make a buck?

The ad hominim approach is the weakest argument ever.  It means you can't address the merits, but just attack the person questioning it because he works for oil companies.

Thus, if I question the accuracy of computer studies by showing how it is almost impossible to take in all factors, the response is "big oil."

If someone says scientists are not always right because 30 years ago they were predicting an Ice Age, the response is "big oil."

If someone questions the accuracy of climate predictions because the experts no longer think they can accurately predict 6 months ahead, response is "big oil."

If someone points to possible flaws in the "science" the response is "big oil."

If someone points out that the Warmers have been WRONG in some areas, like denying the medieval warming period the response is "big oil."

In fact, many proponents of global warming get money to espouse their position.  They get grants and it is easier to get a grant if you are trying to prove a danger.  

The fires were not spontaneous combustion because it was hot. The spread because it was dry.  Droughts in TX have occurred ever since crecords have been kept.  Why is this draught because of CO2?

Was the drought that caused the Dust Bowl in the 20's caused by global warming?

I have friends who lived in London for 60 years and never saw the type of snow they had the last two years.  Hotter or colder?

Finally, you say it is proven that CO2 is a greenhouse gas.  No. that is the theory.  Did you ever prove it with any experiments?  The basis of science is you that a theory and then you test it.  

The thing that made me question Global Warming was when Al Gore said the debate is over.  THAT IS NOT SCIENCE. Science welcomes debates.  

Scientists can't agree if wine is good for you. If the debate is not over on that issue, to say the debate is over on a theory that has never been tested is not science.  It is religion. Trust me. Don't question. The debate is over.

Posted By: willywonka4u
The earth's atmosphere reacts to a ton of things. That's besides the point. We've already proved that CO2 is a greenhouse gas.

I've lived in this area my whole life. I've never seen trees bloom in January, and I've never seen spring rains in August...until now. This summer the entire state of Texas caught on fire.

Do we all have to die so guys like GaG can make a buck?
-- Modified on 1/6/2012 5:12:16 PM

The ice ages, and intervening periods, is conclusive proof of global climate change. The myth is whether the current global climate change is man caused or not.

Al Gore told us six years ago that we had 10 years left (He's made millions of dollars on useless green technology since then).  All of their scientific arguments have been debunked and the ouright lying has been exposed so the argument has been reduced to "It's really hot today".

Didn't you get the memo? According to the Mayans, we won't make it through 2012 much less four more years, so party on. lol

ElGuapo5051243 reads

Rhetorically speaking... the best way for Global Warming Alarmists to "do their part" would be to kill themselves. THAT WAY, such persons would not contribute to Global Climate Change (or whatever euphemism they will call it next week). And do it for your Earth Mother, Gaia.

Nothing worse than being a hypocrite. If "MANKIND" is causing climate change, then it is time for the Alarmists to step up to the plate and DO THEIR PART.

Is that too harsh? Is it too much to ask, even rhetorically? Just wondering...

Of course I do recall some record lows being set just last year which I suppose are PROOF that we are indeed entering into another ice age. lol

Lets see, these records go back what, maybe 100 years? and the planet is somewhere between 6,000 and 4.5 BILLION years old. Even if we were to believe the "fairy tale" crowd about the age of the earth, these "records" are still statistically irrelevant.

Of course you already know that and that's why I consider you TBFLTTT, which I guess is slightly better than TSTTT. I guess it's better to be thought of as a liar than a retard. Of course being a liar is a conscious choice where retards have no choice in the matter. So I guess being a retard would be more honoable than being a bald faced liar, but honorable never enters into Willy's world. lol

Last year and the year before and the year before when there were record cold spells all over the world, the Global Warming believers said that a cold spell or two or three doesn't prove anything since it is the long trend they are talking about.

BINGO.  One hot season and that proves global warming.

Now, let's get this straight for next year:  If it is colder than usual next January are you going to admit that global warming is not happening, or is it only when the data goes your way that it is indicative.?

It will simply prove "global cooling" which of course will require billions of dollars from rich countries to poor countries and from rich people to poor people, just like global warming does.

See, there is no losing either way for these people, not when their goal is wealth redistribution and has nothing to do with weather or climate patterns.

the Nat Geo channel. Of course, National Geographic is all for man made emissions being the cause of global warming. The interviewer asked a park ranger about the glaciers on Mt. Shasta, in California. The ranger said they were 30% larger than before, and growing.

He then asked a renowned 'climatologist' if that was true, and why so. The 'climatologist responded by saying that, yes they were 30% increased in size, and getting larger. When asked why, his response was that it was caused by global warming. The Polar icepack was melting, putting more moisture into the atmosphere, and it was falling elsewhere as snow. Thus, the glaciers were getting larger. I laughed so hard, the coffee I was drinking went up my nose.

Timbow2198 reads

Posted By: jerseyflyer
the Nat Geo channel. Of course, National Geographic is all for man made emissions being the cause of global warming. The interviewer asked a park ranger about the glaciers on Mt. Shasta, in California. The ranger said they were 30% larger than before, and growing.

He then asked a renowned 'climatologist' if that was true, and why so. The 'climatologist responded by saying that, yes they were 30% increased in size, and getting larger. When asked why, his response was that it was caused by global warming. The Polar icepack was melting, putting more moisture into the atmosphere, and it was falling elsewhere as snow. Thus, the glaciers were getting larger. I laughed so hard, the coffee I was drinking went up my nose.  

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