Politics and Religion

Smokin' That Bong Again??
Rashid_Khalidi 2367 reads
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Some of you well recognize me as a well-respected in the non-Zionist quarters of the community] prof at Columbia University.  I have become ontroversial lately, with an organized movement afoot to prevent Columbia from hiring me, and awarding tenure.  Seems i've been accussed of being blantantly and irredeemibly  anti-Israeli and anti-Zionist, abusing my position as a scholar to engage in the political indoctrination of my students, as well as shamefully and tirelessly bullying those few brave students who do not and will not remain silent in the face of  my blind hatred of Israel.  Oh, and did I forget to mention that I'm an apologist for Palestinian terror?

Well, against the day when people and organizations like Bernard Lewis and Dniel Pipes and Abe Foxman and the entire Podhoretx family as well as Campus Watch, The David Project, The NY Psst, FOX News, MEMRI and a host of loathsome and lying others manage to fool all the people all of the time and silence my critical voice, I've decided to deversify and to branch out into some small-scall entrpreneurial activity  To this end, i've launched the Edward Said Press [named in honor of a recently deceased intellectual forebearer at Columbia, whose career and reputation suffered similar assaults at the hands of the Israel Lobby], which will specialize in politically engaged travel/tourist giudes to the Middle East and other places and topics related to that area.

Now, I do not expect that these new volumes will ever replace the time-honored, traditional travel guides many of us have grown up with: Fodor's, Frommer's, The Michelin Guide, Baedeker's [more familar to the European market], or even he ever popular Let's Go! series [mostly for dead-broke American students]. However, here is the initial set of 10  releases which I expect to grown into a substantial backlist as time passes and the various conflicts of tje Middle East fail to be resolved.  I hope you enjoy them and come to rely upon them, either in whole or in part, for all of your Middle Eastern travel plans.

1. From Dier Yassin to Qibya, From Jenin to Qana: On The Road With The IDF To Revisit Scenes Of Their Glorious Triumphs Over Mostly Defenseless Civilians As We Examine The IDF's Concept of "Purity Of Arms"

2. Eyeless, Truthless and  Totakly Blameless Blameless In Gaza

3. Beirut: A Bird's-eye View From The Cockpit of An F-16

4. The West Bank Walking Tour: Because You Don't Actually Believe That We Allow Palestinians To Drive, Let Alone Own  Automobiles?

5. Sabra and Shatilla After Dark: But Watch Out For Those Falling Flares, and Don't Ask Embarrassing Questions About Israeli Complicity.  [This title comes accompanied, as a special bonus, the DVD of "Waltz With Bashir."]

6. "Our Town" : A Guide To The Marbled And Columned Beauty of The White House, the U.S. Capitol Building,  Foggy Bottom and Other US Government Structures of Great Interest

7. You'll Never Get Lobbied, Arm-Twisted, Slandered or Libeled, Blackmailed or Have Your Political Career Ruined in This Town Again! :  A Dummy's Guide To Staying off The Israel Lobby's Immense Shitlist [I've written the foreward and a lengthy introduction to this volume, and I expect as well to edit a similarl  volume for the academic community, which I will offer first to Columbia University Press.  Unless Daniel Pipes and his playmates, per thier custom, object].

8. Israel/West Bank/Gaza on $10.00 A Day:  Obviously, You're A Palestinian AND DO NOT Benefit From The Infinite Largesse of The US

9.  The XXXX-Rated Guide To Israel: No, It's Not About The Deliberations Of  Likud Party Central Committee, The IDF Rules of Engagement, or the Mossad/Shin Bet Interrogation/Tortue Protocols. [But It's Easy to Understand How You Might Have Gotten Confused And Assumed That It Was]

10. Afloat With The IDF: Recreating The Final Cruise of the USS Liberty.

whodu jabroni 2468 reads
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Did you poop in your diaper and need a change?

WhatAcrocka_Crap 2897 reads
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What one-sided, derogatory and totally tainted garbage. If this is an attempt at humor, don't quite your day job. Columbia, huh? Is that Columbia S.C. or Columbia, South America. While I agree with the right of individual opinion and the right to oppose another view, this posting is totally without one shred of value except as lining for the garbage can. What Crap!!

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