Politics and Religion

'Sister' Sarah Palin holds that position already.
RRO2610 51 Reviews 535 reads

I'm confident that shrill voiced shrew would quickly shoot ANYONE from a helicopter(or even from behind a rock) daring to share that limelight.  


86H13LTP2618 reads

This beautiful young lady lands a modeling contract after being seen on TV at the World Cup only to have it taken away because she's a hunter .  

Loreal hypocrites test on lab animals  

All bunny huggers should die !

You can show up for a Pre-Employment Drug test a walking zombie on ANYTHING that Pfizer, Lilly or Amgen manufacture and pass/be accepted with open arms. If you show up however with a couple of metabolized Cannibins in your urine you will be summarily dismissed despite having and presenting your Doctors signed prescription for Medical Marijuana therapy.

GaGambler504 reads

Sorry, but characterizing that as a "righty" view is simply untrue.

but there is no doubt that the PETA crowd is comprised of a bunch of loony lefties.

I over simplified mainly because it is usually 'Authoritarian' types that proliferate such hypocritical use of law. Obama is certainly a deplorable "Uncle Tom" sell-out to the conservative corporatocracy on that issue.

Someone loaded to the gills with psych meds flys in the face of reality.

they don't care how narcotic, easy to overdose, physically addictive, deleterious to the liver or other organs, or how suicidal it makes you. THEY'RE ALL one big happy hypocritical CORPORATE family that supports each other.

GaGambler766 reads

Those companies that employ drug testing, which is almost all big companies and most small ones nowadays, don't care what legal drugs you have in your system, no matter how easy to abuse or become dependent on, but have just a trace of cannabis in your system and you are OUTTA THERE!!!

sucks, doesn't it? It's just one of the many reasons I haven't worked for anyone in over twenty years now, besides could you see me working for ANYONE? No one would put up with my shit and vice versa. lol

The idiot? He has the nerve  to talk about tidwell. He did not have time to google for an answer.  Remember,  this idiot said congress can not enforce laws then trys to play on words to keep from being exposed for the fraud he is.

""Posted by hound88, 7/12/2014 12:23:52 PM
The idiot? He has the nerve  to talk about tidwell. He did not have time to google for an answer.""

Google all you want. Like a typical racist, you're making shit up.

Prove me wrong or eat your words, skidmark

Posted 7/11/2014 at 9:54:34 AM
NeedleDick, the BugFucker
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Reviews: 20
It's you that deleted your post THEN challenged me to quote it. Cowardly sneaky liar.
Too bad too, because you were right! There are enforcement clauses in the 13th, 14th amendments. I'm not gonna waste time biting around the edges to see if it really fucking makes 2 shits of difference, I'll just cede your point.
That's what men do, try it some time.  

Now you've posted about this nearly a dozen times, what you HAVE NOT done is explain exactly how you envision Congress using it's "enforcement power" in regards to the border crisis. Afterall, THAT was the context in which the subject came up.  

So tell the class, what were you, the constitutional scholar, suggesting Congress do to solve the border problem? Or do you even consider the importing of poor third world children a problem? Maybe you're one of those Reconquista/LaRaza racist shitheads....

BTW, How you doing with your tidwell search? Find a single post yet where I used that word (Excepting of course (since i know what a slippery liar you are) posts when I was questioning WTF you were talking about?

Tick tock jagoff.....

Posted by hound88, 7/12/2014 12:23:52 PM
The idiot? He has the nerve  to talk about tidwell.

Put up or shut up.

RRO:""You can show up for a Pre-Employment Drug test a walking zombie on ANYTHING that Pfizer, Lilly or Amgen manufacture and pass/be accepted with open arms""

Are you seriously saying you can literally walk into an HR department of any size company zoned out on "whatever" and as long as it's "legal OTC drugs" you'll be welcomed with open arms???? You know that's not true.  

Let me put it in a way even RRO would agree with. "Greedy capitalist HR departments dont give a shit about anything but profit. You know, that's the fat gravy they shove in their greedy pockets to live lavishly at the =expense of the righteous, hardworking Joe LunchBucket. You'll never get hired showing up as a walking zombie because all they care about is working you to death for their own enrichment. Even if you are availing yourself of legal medications, taken at the direction of a doctor. Medication you NEED because of the stress of living in a greedy capitalist society like America.

FWIW, I sit down for employment interviews 10 times a week. They are called sales calls

Over 90% of Americans are on psych meds and they are all working and got hired.  

Your statement only blows in your face

Granted, the number is far higher than it should be and has been dramatically increasing but I don't know of any source that claims 90%. It seems the real number is closer to 20% to 30%.

86H13LTP560 reads

they don't own or operate one rescue facility or kennel . And their execs all live in 5 mil
Plus homes

We've gotten his opinion on bunnies, but somehow I get the feeling he has a similar opinion on chickens. bow chicka wow wow.  :)

86H13LTP632 reads

have to $ for a piece who is considered model material . All I have to do is take my " toothless , redneck, medicated"  and whatever else is is on this five threads " and walk into any place where there are women and I can leave with one.  

" maybe they're pissed because you have hot friends like that "  

To a reader : Remember that one dude ? You shouldn't text when you're bombed .

We don't need killers as models.    May be she can become a mouthpiece for the NRA!

I'm confident that shrill voiced shrew would quickly shoot ANYONE from a helicopter(or even from behind a rock) daring to share that limelight.  


Did you watch her reality program?  She missed her Caribou and did not know how to operate the bolt to chamber another round!  Big hunter Sarah Palin is a sham!

We should have let the Krauts have their way with them......Now I'm buying my makeup elsewhere.....lol

86H13LTP571 reads

Nazis were fucked but so is that commie bitch running that place . I hope Argentina kicks their asses because of her alone .

GaGambler644 reads

by pretending to be a mouth breathing, knuckle drgging, racist, xenophobic throwback to the 19th century, right?

Please tell me this is just a joke and you aren't a tenth as stupid as you sound. I know, BigPapascum put you up to this, just to see if I would call out a right wing troll as easily as I do the left wing trolls that we have here. That's got to be what's going on here, No way are you this fucking stupid.lmao

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