Politics and Religion

Since Trump is "screwing" the poor Palestinians
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Maybe the poor Palestinians should strap bombs to themselves and kill some Israeli civilians. Oh wait... They already are.

Steve_Trevor10 reads

as to exactly what Trump did to “shepherd” this deal, which was good short-term for Trump and Netanyahu, and terrible for a lasting peace in the Middle East as it shut out the Palestinians.  

For example, President Carter’s leadership was clearly essential in getting the first Arab-Israeli peace accord over the finish line, as has been documented.  

What specific actions did Trump take?  Did he personally lead the negotiations, as Carter did at Camp David?  Did he draw up the agreement, or even its framework?  Scout sites for a new hotel in the UAE?  Or...?

I'm sure the footwork credit goes to Jared Kushner.  But at the behest of Trump.  The top dog usually gets the recognition.

Steve_Trevor10 reads

In Trump’s case, he wants all the praise and recognition only if something goes well.  Otherwise “I’m not responsible!”  Other presidents recognized that the buck stopped with them. With Trump, the bucks do stop with him but only to the extent that he stuffs them in his pockets.  

But props to you to at least admit others did all the work while Trump expects all the credit and glory.

He still gets credit. He probably did a huge amount personally though. You'll never have any idea.

Steve_Trevor11 reads

No one will have any idea because he did nothing but tell Jared that he desperately needed some good news before November 3, so get over to the Middle East and promise F-35s or anything he had to to get a tiny Arabian country or two to screw the Palestinians.

Maybe the poor Palestinians should strap bombs to themselves and kill some Israeli civilians. Oh wait... They already are.

Steve_Trevor7 reads

Trump is also screwing the Israelis and everyone else who wants a lasting peace in the Middle East.  That won’t come until the Palestinians are included in the solution and the negotiations on same. These recent bilateral  agreements do neither.  

No, Trump is again acting in HIS best interest: get ANYTHING done before November 3, no matter the consequences to others. Kinda like promising a vaccine by the election. That’s an artificial deadline that serves only Trump. A President who actually cared about the American people would simply promise to do whatever he can to make a safe, effective vaccine available ASAP... maybe even in record time. That’s good for everyone. Promising a vaccine by 11/3 is good only for Trump.

As do Orthodox Jews in the  US.  According to a Fox News poll, 89% of Orthodox Jews approve of the job Trump is doing, and these voters are traditionally Dems.

1)  "According to a Fox News poll, 89% of Orthodox Jews approve of the job Trump is doing..."
Of course CDLiar didn't include a link because he was either lying or a moron or both.  I'll go with "both."
Here's the link:

The link IS from Fox News.  But as the FIRST LINE of the article clearly states, the poll was conducted by an obscure Jewish magazine, NOT Fox News.  Even Dumbass Donny acknowledged that the poll was from a Jewish magazine but CDLiar just lied his ass off.  A poll from a little-known Jewish magazine has no credibility...neither does Cur-de-Liar.

2)  "...these voters (Orthodox Jews) are traditionally Dems."  More bullshit from CDLiar.  "Traditionally" Orthodox Jews were apolitical.  They believe they "are IN this world but they are not OF this world."  However, some of the MANY Orthodox Jewish sects started participating in politics; they were and still are conservative, like Christian CONSERVATIVES.

When Clinton was president, the percentage of Orthodox Jews who voted Republican was higher than non-Orthodox Jews.  The gap widened when Obama was president.  They didn't like Obama because they're morons who believed the bullshit that Obama was a Republican.  And under Trump the gap widened further because of his pandering to Israel.

For 30 years (one generation), orthodox Jews have been conservative Republicans.  For CDLiar to say they are "traditionally Dems" is a LIE.

Cur-de-LIAR - one sentence, two lies.

1) All  Israeli citizens DON'T love Trump as you imply. 40% have a negative view of him.
2) Orthodox Jews in the US are only 10 PERCENT of US Jews. The other 90 percent mostly vote Democratic.
So another nice distortion from you.
Tsk, tsk, tsk.

And Israel with that country and all the other countries that just don't dig Israel. Where's Palestinian peace deal?? Isn't that the most important here?  
These so call peace deal are like fly's on shit.....didn't know they had any serious beef between them.  
But someone enlighten me on this, is their war going to end? Are they even in war??
What's the big deal here??

Because Saudi Arabia and the Gulf States share Israel's hatred of Iran and "the enemy of my enemy is my friend."
As for the Palestinians, Trump already fucked them by moving our embassy to Jerusalem with no concessions. And the Palestinians also fucked themselves by not compromising when they could have had a deal. The Palestinians were useful to the Arab states bordering Israel when there was no peace. But Jordan and Egypt have been at peace with Israel for decades so the Palestinians are useless to them and only a pain in the ass. So they are pretty much fucked.

Me, I'd walk away that region and it'll be every man for himself....it just seem more trouble then what it's  worth..but that's me...Kinda like Fuck them all.

Makes sense. Also may be s nuclear angle - gulf states are jockeying to ally with nuclear armed Israel against future nuclear armed Iran.
Shit head Trump is not doing it except Kushner is bilking these countries some “brokerage fee.”
No I don’t expect Trumpanzees to even start scratching the surface of the real truth!!!

Trump couldn't find Bahrain on a map, let alone even know that it is an actual country. He thinks you're talking about his Very Large Buh-rain.

By accepting the peace deal with Israel it means that Bahrain has become friends with Jews and Jews and Muslims can never be friend it is sin to the Muslims but just for the world money and fame Bahrain has left behind his true friends now

Why didn't he broker this so call deal, say 3 years ago...hmmm...election time?? When is a deal not a deal...when it has trumps name on it.

The rate at which he can get shit done makes you wonder if the last 4 Presidents didn’t spend most of their time sleeping in the Oval Office.

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