Politics and Religion

Since Jack is speechless, he has authorized me to explain what he would have said
marikod 1 Reviews 496 reads

if he didn’t have his foot stuck in his mouth after his last post about Obamacare.

“you consider he could have stopped ISIL, a terrorist organization in it's tracks earlier on in Syria.”  

        Utterly ridiculous. ISIL was not even a identifiable entity in the earlier days  of the Syria uprising. The immediate conservative reaction was “let’s arm the freedom fighters opposing Bashar.” Obama properly recognized that we were not entirely sure who the “freedom fighters’ were. Bashar called them terrorists and guess what – he was partially right.  Pure speculation to say we could have stopped ISIL in its tracks – the most we could have done is armed the “moderate” rebels and hope that they would take control of the situation.  

       “Obama's failure to follow through on his no crossing a red line pledge with respect to Assad using chemical weapons was a slap in the face to America's prestige in the region.”  
       It also got most of the chemical weapons out by diplomacy – not a single American or Syrian life was lost and no money was spent on yet on a "targeted air strike" LOL at the chemical weapons. Jack and I will take the slap.

“Obama's insistence on negotiating with the Iranians over their Nuclear weapons programs and the ultimate failure of these negotiations will be the final nail in the coffin of this Presidents disastrous Middle East policies.”

         Yeah right - he should have bombed the facilities and turned the Israels loose and then Iran would have responded by declaring war on Israel.  Jack says diplomacy makes a lot more sense.The military option is still on the table if needed.

You know, speechless Jack actually makes a lot of sense. Maybe his foot is well placed. LOL

...was a shitty prime minister and is now refusing to leave office, causing chaos in Iraq.

Obama is also to blame for not working to get rid of Maliki sooner.  Obama should have seen what a loser Maliki is and dumped his sorry ass, instead of not rocking the boat.

Posted By: BigPapasan
...was a shitty prime minister and is now refusing to leave office, causing chaos in Iraq.

Obama is also to blame for not working to get rid of Maliki sooner.  Obama should have seen what a loser Maliki is and dumped his sorry ass, instead of not rocking the boat.

Ya kown to liberate the people, to form a Democracy,But what we did was dethrone a tyrant , who by the way kept that are in check, to secure billions for Haliburton/PeePee Cheney, and to get them dam WMD where ever they are. And the oil, were have we benefitted from that?
But to point..
Maliki is a dead man, he doesn't have the support of the army so he has no chance.....

salonpas471 reads

......you consider he could have stopped ISIL, a terrorist organization in it's tracks earlier on in Syria. ISIL has now metastasized and grown much larger in Northern and Western Iraq.

Obama's failure to follow through on his no crossing a red line pledge with respect to Assad using chemical weapons was a slap in the face to America's prestige in the region.

 The Monarchs in Saudi Arabia don't trust Obama after he quickly abandoned the former Egyptian President Mubarak and quickly threw his support behind Morsi of the Egyptian Muslim brotherhood. The Egyptian army which overthrew Morsi last year does not trust this administration, even though we supply them with $2 billion worth of Military equipment every year.

Obama's insistence on negotiating with the Iranians over their Nuclear weapons programs and the ultimate failure of these negotiations will be the final nail in the coffin of this Presidents disastrous Middle East policies.

-- Modified on 8/12/2014 11:47:09 AM

Obama was ready to go after ISIL in Syria, but he did what every President since Lyndon Johnson should have done. He demanded that Congress perform their Constitutional duty to declare war. Obama asked Congress for their declaration, and Congress punted on the issue.  

Criticizing Obama's foreign policy is like criticizing the maid that has to clean up after Led Zepplin. You can only sweep up so much shit before you end up dirty.

Timbow415 reads

Obama put on them with Russia. Also, Obama did not need Congress to enforce a red line he himself made.

JackDunphy275 reads

You said all of that way better than I could of.  Certainly wasn't expecting that.

if he didn’t have his foot stuck in his mouth after his last post about Obamacare.

“you consider he could have stopped ISIL, a terrorist organization in it's tracks earlier on in Syria.”  

        Utterly ridiculous. ISIL was not even a identifiable entity in the earlier days  of the Syria uprising. The immediate conservative reaction was “let’s arm the freedom fighters opposing Bashar.” Obama properly recognized that we were not entirely sure who the “freedom fighters’ were. Bashar called them terrorists and guess what – he was partially right.  Pure speculation to say we could have stopped ISIL in its tracks – the most we could have done is armed the “moderate” rebels and hope that they would take control of the situation.  

       “Obama's failure to follow through on his no crossing a red line pledge with respect to Assad using chemical weapons was a slap in the face to America's prestige in the region.”  
       It also got most of the chemical weapons out by diplomacy – not a single American or Syrian life was lost and no money was spent on yet on a "targeted air strike" LOL at the chemical weapons. Jack and I will take the slap.

“Obama's insistence on negotiating with the Iranians over their Nuclear weapons programs and the ultimate failure of these negotiations will be the final nail in the coffin of this Presidents disastrous Middle East policies.”

         Yeah right - he should have bombed the facilities and turned the Israels loose and then Iran would have responded by declaring war on Israel.  Jack says diplomacy makes a lot more sense.The military option is still on the table if needed.

You know, speechless Jack actually makes a lot of sense. Maybe his foot is well placed. LOL

JackDunphy454 reads

Must shave been on a bender at the time counselor so you will have to provide evidence of such.

Christ you make Obama sound like Patton. Of course he could have used American airpower to at least ATTEMPT to degrade ISIL as it moved towards Iraq. You giving Obama a pass on that is absurd. And salon used the right word. He said "could". No guarantees in life Mari other than your 30%. lol

And of course you miss the point on the red line issue. It gave the message that Obama's threats are hollow and w/o any meaning whatsoever. To view it as you did:

"It also got most of the chemical weapons out by diplomacy – not a single American or Syrian life was lost..." is to look at it in the narrowest scope possible and not see the much larger message it sent around the globe to every thug and scumbag dictator/terrorist regime. Obama is little, tiny bark, no bite at all. Obama is a Chihuahua, but much less intimidating.  

Regarding the Iranians, he could have used MUCH tougher language, held our ally in much higher esteem and there were MANY things he could have done short of bombing the facilities. And tell me Mari, how do you think that war would go for Iran against Israel? Hmmmm? Yep me too. A big loser for the Iranians and they know it.

Diplomacy w/o the fear of action behind it is meaningless Mari. The U.N. is a living testament to that fact. The Iranians, Syrians, Russians, ISIL, etc etc etc all realize this about B.O. Its about time you realized it too.

Also, the reason why the Kurds are losing to them is because the ISIL in Iraq are using the weapons we gave to the Iraqi army. Seems like it's a good idea that Obama didn't pass out weapons in Syria.

nuguy46392 reads

because on his own admission he could have killed him but didn't....throw in a little laughter on Bill's part when he said it a month or so ago.

Someday Obama will be judged on HIS Presidency, not Bush's. Obama wanted to be Pres to fix Bush's policies. Evidence show he has failed miserably.  Most recently....he's allowed illegals into the country thru the southern border (which hardly exist).  All for (what)?

Posted By: BigPapasan
...was a shitty prime minister and is now refusing to leave office, causing chaos in Iraq.

Obama is also to blame for not working to get rid of Maliki sooner.  Obama should have seen what a loser Maliki is and dumped his sorry ass, instead of not rocking the boat.

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