Politics and Religion

Since it went over your head, my point is that I used REAL...
BigPapasan 3 Reviews 813 reads

...data while you cited...

...matching an all-time record set by the Clinton administration.  All the jobs lost due to Dubya's recession have now been recovered.

Obama?  Clinton?  Where are Reagan, Bush & Bush?  I thought they were all about the private sector.  But they were beaten by a couple of Socialist pinko big gubmint Dems.

Are you sick yet of John "The Parrot" Boehner squawking: "Where are the jobs?"  Or how about all the lemmings like Mitch McConnell, Paul Ryan, Ted Cruz, Bobby Jindal and Michele Bachmann repeating the mantra of "Obamacare, the job-killer."  You righties can follow your leaders - right off the cliff.

Hell of a lot better than GWB.

No one top unnecessary war (Iraq), and the economic collapse. It took two democrats Clinton and Obama to pull the country out of complete economic annihilation.  

Responses are not necessary from brain dead clown car republican sheep.

Clinton started the housing bubble (Community Reinvestment Act). Obama exacerbated its collapse (Dodd Frank, Obamacare, over-regulation, class warfare, over-taxing, over-spending, endless QE, etc).

of privatizing every damn thing is destroying this country. From public parks to prisons have been out sourced to private sector and tax payers haven’t seen 1¢ in purported savings.  

Republican and their followers are mush rooms. You all stay in the dark and eat horse shit.

GaGambler809 reads

but I think he did an excellent job, especially considering the lack of real options he had. Most of the bullets in the Fed's gun had already been used by Greenspan well before Bernanke took over.

Conversely, I think Greenspan did a horrible job, and that his heavy handedness caused at least two recessions under his watch. Clinton deserves a lot of credit for what happened under his watch, but he owes much of that success to his decision to listen to Reuben and to by and large ignore the advice of Greenspan.

But the free money sure has made it easier for job creation.

GaGambler873 reads

but the consequences of having taken no action would have been much, much worse. Our day of reckoning will be mitigated by the fact that the Euros and the Chinese have been practicing much the same kind of currency manipulation as we have, so we are on a rather even standing with the rest of the world, and the risk of hyper inflation is much less than if we were doing this in a vacuum.

As for job creation, I think most people actually in business, or who are looking for jobs would vehemently disagree with the OP, but what the fuck do I know? I am simply a business man trying to keep my head above water.

saltyballs1034 reads

........makes the next one much worse.

Since the Financial meltdown of 2008, the major central banks led by the U.S. Fed Reserve have bought time by taking extraordinary emergency monetary and regulatory measures to save the too big to fail banking sector and the rest of the crony-capitalist Wall Street, they have initiated an unprecedented transfer of wealth from savers and Main Street to the banks and Wall Street via zero-interest rates and credit funneled to the very players who caused the crisis.

The idea was that the system would "heal itself" if authorities simply "bought time" by saving the financial sector from its own predation. The second phase of "buying time so the financial system could heal itself" was to institute zero interest policies that restored the financial sector's obscene profits and socialized its losses by transferring them to the taxpayers.

Unfortunately the terrible irony in this official strategy of "buying time so the financial system can heal itself" is these policies prohibit healing and guarantee the next financial crisis will be greater in magnitude than the last one.

There is only one way for any financial system to heal itself: enable the open market to discover the price of capital, credit, assets, collateral and risk. When participants finally discover the market price of their assets and collateral are much lower than the valuations claimed in credit bubbles, the market clears itself of bad credit and overvalued collateral in a market-clearing event in which overpriced assets are marked down, firms that over-leveraged weak collateral are declared insolvent and liquidated, and creditors who can no longer afford their loans are declared bankrupt and their remaining assets liquidated to pay their creditors.

There is no other healing process but this! I'm predicting that we have second major financial crisis before Obama's 2nd term ends.

Posted By: BigPapasan
...matching an all-time record set by the Clinton administration.  All the jobs lost due to Dubya's recession have now been recovered.

Obama?  Clinton?  Where are Reagan, Bush & Bush?  I thought they were all about the private sector.  But they were beaten by a couple of Socialist pinko big gubmint Dems.

Are you sick yet of John "The Parrot" Boehner squawking: "Where are the jobs?"  Or how about all the lemmings like Mitch McConnell, Paul Ryan, Ted Cruz, Bobby Jindal and Michele Bachmann repeating the mantra of "Obamacare, the job-killer."  You righties can follow your leaders - right off the cliff.

I just wish Mr. Obama had crated more jobs in my particular sector, where I'm sure I could serve with "honor and distinction" if I could just get that job.

   And  remember, Senator Ted Cruz has told us that Obamacare has killed millions of jobs.  So if you added those millions back in, we’d be close to historic full employment.  I can only conclude from this that Mr. Obama's other economic policies are as good as you can get.

        Guess the President chose to sacrifice a few jobs to provide affordable health care to everyone

JackDunphy686 reads

Sorry to hear that. Good luck with the job search.

GaGambler906 reads

That way when he is caught in a lie, or rather a "gross misstatement of the facts" he can claim he was "just kidding"

As you might have already noticed, Mari has a habit of playing rather fast and loose with the facts when trying to "prove" a point. Of course it's not really proof when you reach a conclusion based on a false foundation, but that has never seemed to stop him. Especially when he tries to act as an apologist for our current POTUS. Which for some strange reason he seems to do on a rather regular basis.

JackDunphy681 reads

But I'll say this about him. I never miss any of his posts. He is one of the few posters on the PR that makes me think, and thats a good thing. He does state his points intelligently and cogently.

But yes, I have noticed his flaws. LOL. He does seem to defend the indefensible all too often without picking the right battles to tow the Obama line.  

But the funny thing is how two guys, Mari and BP, who proly agree on 85-90% of the issues (based on my relatively short time here on the PR) are constantly at each others throats.  

Its one thing for you or I to go at it hard with BP, but BP and Mari going at it as often as they do??? Yeah, I do get a kick out of that. LOL

GaGambler1138 reads

is that while Mari will on occasion attempt to "defend the indefensible" and will occasionally bend the truth, or even just "make shit up" every once in a while. BP is an outright liar, with very few redeeming qualities that I can think of. Mari OTOH, while he is "out to lunch" on a few topics like 2nd amendment issues and anything having to do with terrorism, I still consider him a friend, while FB, err I mean BP is the furthest thing from a friend that I want here.

Oh one other thing I have noticed about BP, he seems to hate being called "fat", I think I hit a nerve a few weeks back as he went ballistic over a couple of rather benign comments about his eating habits. lol

JackDunphy916 reads

He puts thought and effort into his posts.  

Re: BP....well..."no comment". LOL

Not looking for any more "unscheduled" vacation time any time soon! :D

GaGambler997 reads

He has this nasty habit of "running to mommy" every time someone is "mean" to him, which is why so many of the threads he is involved with seem to disappear. Which of course is how he earned the "backstabber" moniker, which ironically even his fellow lefties call him from time to time.

...play your games.    You asked me how big I was:


I simply replied that you should come to the next L.A. Meet & Greet (on July 15) and you and everyone else could see for themselves:


Somehow you interpreted my reply as having struck a nerve and admitting that I was a "fat boy."  


How did I admit I was fat?  By saying that everyone at a M&G could see for themselves if I was fat?  But just like Goebbels, you created the Big Lie and kept repeating it because you know your TER sheep are too stupid to think for themselves.

But of course, we have to believe GaGambler is 5'10" and "about" 170 because you say so, right?  It couldn't be 5'8" and "about" 200, could it?

The only things true about you is that you are, by your own admission, an alcoholic, compulsive gambling sex addict

GaGambler811 reads

testy testy, aren't we? lmao

But please remember to remind me to NEVER get in between you and one of those giant buffets in Vegas. Between you and Priapussy, it could get dangerous.

Has anyone ever told you that you are cute when you are angry?

I am not saying that you are by any means "cute" but you certainly are angry. I thought fat people were supposed to be jolly. rofl

I am sorry, I truly am, but you are making this SOOOOOOO easy, but you can end this any time you want. I was perfectly happy talking about you and not to you, but if you insist.......

Oh one last thing, please don't burst a blood vessel, I would hate to have that on my conscience and I know how people with weight issues like you are prone to those types of health issues. So take a deep breath before you respond, or we could simply drop this before you look even more foolish, like I said, your choice.

GaGambler1157 reads

but  BigNarc never seems to laugh. I mean honestly, can anyone ever remember him actually having any fun here?

I will admit to having my detractors, but I also have my share of friends here with whom I can laugh and kid around with. Has anyone ever seen BP cut up and laugh with anyone here? I think he is tied with Fungus as the grumpiest posters here.

...and one of the most serious people on TER?  Here's her reaction to one of my lines:

"OMG, I've been laughing for 5 minutes straight! Hilarious! EOM :-)"

Don't you get tired of telling The Big Lie, GaG?

...where you lied.  Everyone can come to the L.A. M&G on 7/15 and see what a liar you really are.  I'll be wearing a name tag to make it easy to find me.

The only one angry here is you - nothing but an angry, unhappy drunk.

GaGambler1020 reads

Anyone looking for you has only to look for the sourpuss who never wanders more than a few feet from the buffet.

This really does bother you, doesn't it. I know it bothered you enough last time for you to go running to mommy to try to get me banned, Sorry, but I am still here.

Speaking of people that you have tried to get banned, Where is WW? You didn't stab him in the back again, did you?

GaGambler897 reads

Now I know why Followme insists that he can 'Play you like a fiddle", you are so fucking easy, it's almost not fair lmao

I can almost see you yelling at your computer screen, veins bulging out of your neck, steam coming out of your ears. Honestly, you are fucking hilarious.

So where exactly will you be? close to the shrimp, or the chicken? My bet is the shrimp, but I hate to stereotype.

...for you but you're just a keyboard warrior who's too afraid to show up.  Man up, buy some Depends, and once again - see for yourself.  But of course, it's just easier for you to convince yourself that your lies are true while drinking yourself into oblivion.

followme615 reads

It's really is so easy, but fun.

I say chicken is more approprite.

Thank you  
2014 = 28

GaGambler504 reads

Remember the food is free, so I still say he is more likely to be hanging around the shrimp. lol

As for everything else you said, yeah I agree. Can't you see him literally pounding his keyboard with steam coming out of his ears and fire from his nose as he types these responses?

It would appear that he cares a great deal about what we think of him, OTOH, do you really give two fucks about what he thinks of you? I know I couldn't possibly care less.

One word of caution though, don't start calling him "Fatboy" or he will go running to mommy crying about how mean you are to him, and you might find yourself moderated for a time. He loves to dish it out, but when it's his turn, he pouts and goes running to mommy, which is why so many of his threads go Poof, and are gone. Can you think of another poster who has abused RAP as much as him?

followme661 reads

I meant “chicken” in a different context; however I see what you are saying.

Yeah I can see that blubber laden slob (I didn’t say fatboy) at the keyboard wetting himself in defeat on a daily basis.

As for what he thinks of me, he no doubt does not like me and I’m glad he does not like me,, I do not want him to like me. Other than that I really do not give a fiddler’s fuck what he thinks of me.
He is also pretty much universally disliked on the K-girl board too, and I would suspect all other boards he posts on.

Yep he is the queen of the RAP button., and when he cannot get a post removed he has his own removed thereby removing all the replies that show him the fool.

Thank you  
2014 = 28


GaGambler1069 reads

I always knew that I got under his skin, but for him to have to go back FIVE FUCKING YEARS, to find a post that he thinks refutes mine, is proof positive that he has gotten himself twisted into a pretzel over what we think about him here.

Speaking of which, I wonder how long this thread is going to last? I am sure you've noticed that every thread in which "BLS" is getting his rather large ass handed to him, never seems to stay up for long. Oh well, even if this thread is only up for a short time, it's been fun.

and I should amend my statement about him being funny. he is never funny "on purpose", by accident he has provided me hours of belly laughing fun. lmao

Oh one last thing as I rarely read the K Girl board, since I am so rarely in So Cal. Is BLS one of those guys who bashes the K Girl scene because he's never been granted admission? Personally I love the whole K Girl scene in So Cal, so if BLS hates it, I won't be surprised.

This is how you described 'followme' a little over a year ago:  

"He buys what the right is selling hook,line and sinker. He doesn't pick and choose which parts he likes, he buys into the entire Christian, flag waving, jingoistic right wing bullshit. Hence, a "true" and complete righty IMO, but I certainly don't mean it as a compliment."

And FM, like all true righties:

"...none of them have any independent thought, they simply parrot what they are fed."

You must like having your own little parrot to echo your Big Lies so that you can actually believe them yourself.


And you also described him this way:

"...a full fledged, wave the flag, hate's fags, abortion is murder, we need to return God into the schools, Scott (sic) Akin type conservative."


BTW - it's Todd Akin, drunky.  But it's good to see the love between you and 'followme' blossoming so nicely.  C'mon GaG, isn't it time to admit you're a "true" righty too?  It's no excuse that you were too drunk to remember who you voted for

followme866 reads

Yeah I saw that

And it is not the first time BLS has done something like that, in fact it seems he does it often.
It is really pathetic that BLS takes the time to go back look al that up  
Copy paste the links etc. But then again since he apparently has no job, is a leech on society  and is on welfare, food stamps and any other and every government hand out he can get I can see where he has the time to do all that.

As for the K-girl board, I do not go to it often enough to answer your question but it is very clear that he is not liked/hated there.

Thank You  
2014 = 2

...such a good little doggy.  No matter how many times you kick him, he's still loyal to you and will 'follow' you around like a good little puppy as well as parrot your words.

Quietly, of course. The economy shrunk last quarter. So much for XX month's of "positive job growth". Regardless you have got to be one of the last people in the country that still believes the economy is getting better. But that's ok. Some horse has to be the last to cross the finish line.

JackDunphy804 reads

Would you rather have 51 months of 300,000-400,000 new jobs added, and one month in there where we lost a few thousand, or BP's 51 consecutive months of new jobs, MANY of them under 150,000, which is he MINIMAL number we need to keep up with population growth?

Add that to my point that even MSNBC noted that almost half of Obama's jobs "created" are McJobs/part time jobs and the fact the labor participation rate is the lowest since 1978 and you have an utterly failed job creation plan by this admin.

Since the American people do not feel the effect of this "great accomplishment," I have no clue why BP is spiking the football in the end zone and celebrating, with his team now trailing 49-7 late in the 4th

The LPR has been going down month after month since BO's summer of recovery.


Posted By: JackDunphy
Would you rather have 51 months of 300,000-400,000 new jobs added, and one month in there where we lost a few thousand, or BP's 51 consecutive months of new jobs, MANY of them under 150,000, which is he MINIMAL number we need to keep up with population growth?  
 Add that to my point that even MSNBC noted that almost half of Obama's jobs "created" are McJobs/part time jobs and the fact the labor participation rate is the lowest since 1978 and you have an utterly failed job creation plan by this admin.  
 Since the American people do not feel the effect of this "great accomplishment," I have no clue why BP is spiking the football in the end zone and celebrating, with his team now trailing 49-7 late in the 4th.  

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