Politics and Religion

Since I know everyone here loves graphs....
willywonka4u 22 Reviews 3324 reads

...I wonder, I wonder...what these protesters could be so pissed off about...

Well, it looks like this Occupy Together movement isn't dying down anytime soon. Last I checked, there are now 1300 Occupied locations world wide, and there's been mass arrests in NYC, Boston, and San Francisco. Do a google news search of the word "occupy" and you get news from all over the country.  

This Monday it will be a full month that Wall Street has been occupied, and there doesn't seem to be any end in sight. And it looks like some on Wall Street are beginning to worry about their personal safety.


Willy's stock in the ACME Guillotine Company went to all time highs when Rosanne Barr quipped that bringing back the guillotine might not be such a bad idea. Strangely, the rest of the media didn't seem to think this was a particularly outrageous thing to say.

Protesters have been going to foreclosed homes owned by Bank of America, cleaning them up, and bringing the collected trash to the bank since it is their property, after all. Protesters have been  calling on a "Move Your Money" action on BofA, in response to their boneheaded debit card charges. Who knew runs on the bank could be so much fun?

But BofA isn't the only bank being targeted. Occupy San Francisco is targeting the head quarters of Wells Fargo today, blocking the entrance, resulting in arrests. Similar marches took place in Minneapolis, Philadelphia, Santa Barbara, and San Diego, including a protest outside the home of Wells Fargo CFO Tim Sloan. I wonder if Mr. Sloan is getting nervous yet.

And on and on it goes. A full-fledged nation-wide protest against American capitalism. Who'da thunk it?

-- Modified on 10/12/2011 11:38:30 AM

right now this is still in its infancy.  no direction. everyone wants different things.

wait until a few people are chosen or step up to be the spokesperson for this to eloquently elaborate what exactly they want.  I think eventually this will reach the capital, congress and the senate and other government buildings.

mrnogood2246 reads

This whole movement is obama's re-election scheme, and I fear it will get real popular when the economy collapses..

This entire movement is very dangerous, and it's global because Obama has global ambitions..

The protest itself is funded by the same bankers who got obama elected by funding his 08 campaign, it is controlled opposition, and this is how these money powers fund BOTH sides of every war..

It's an old trick, if this really takes roots, and it may given how bad the economy is about to get, we will be fighting for a banker funded agenda..

Snowman391697 reads

They don't know what the hell they want, that is what is so funny about these jokers!!!

And since they seem to have a problem controlling themselves (as seen below), the REAL 99% will quickly tire of their bullshit. Basically, they will rally the conservative base :-)

a lot of people believe some(most?) of the protesters are being paid.  

so why wouldn't one believe this guy is paid to do this shit :P

if anyone asks for what reason the would pay someone to do that...five across the eyes is what you get lol.

or what if this is just some homeless bum that went fuck it?

Snowman391873 reads

You may be right about this possibly being a homeless guy.

He is too well groomed to be part of the Occupy Wall Street crowd ;-)

Those dumb fucks are too busy getting ready for deer-hunting season!  LOL!

beer, the Packers, cheese, more beer, deer hunting with guns, deer hunting with bows and arrows and protesting.

All businesses in the state shut down when any of the aforementioned are being done or consumed . . .

It may be the most fucked up state in the Union.  How in the hell it produced a good guy and outstanding Congressman like Paul Ryan, I will never know.  But, at least Paul gets to spend a lot of his time out of the state.

...I wonder, I wonder...what these protesters could be so pissed off about...

of the 150 or so dirtbags present, the message was tax the rich, impeach obama, impeach Bush (yes, one group who were very stoned wanted Bush impeached for what he did when in office), follow Lyndon Larouche, free Leonard Peltier, global warming, population control etc.  The Humane Society of America group had a dog that they had beat the shit out of on a leash chanting end slavery of animals.  

I was told the earth only had enough land mass for another 10 years.  In 10 years, there wouldn't be enough land for everyone to lay down at the same time without touching someone.  They actually believe this shit!

There were puddles of piss, human feces, debris and little fucking barefoot hippies everywhere telling anyone who would listen how THE MAN keeps them down.

I wish the media would actually cover this whole deal in depth and show all aspects of it, it would turn into a non-event in less than 2 days.

This is first protest I've been in that spans the whole political spectrum. Half are liberals, to be sure, but the other half is a mixture of conservatives and independents and moderates.

I disagree this is a protest against Capitalism. Capitalism is not about Too Big To Fail, Pay to Fail, Bailouts, Corporate welfare, etc. This is about the corrupt 1% at the top — their warped sense of entitlement. You could solve a lot of problems just by auditing them, without new taxes. Just enforce the existing tax laws and other financial laws. But the Guillotine is a nice romantic touch. I'll believe the rich are people when Texas executes one.

mrnogood1348 reads

The fed, not wallstreet is the problem...

Our actual debt based currency the fed issues is the problem wallstreet is a symptom of the bigger problem, The federal reserve

Snowman391270 reads

New York and Atlanta have set deadlines for them to move out. You know they will not...

When they start fighting with police, their public support will go down the shitter with the exception of the hard left.

Will he side with a bunch of stoned out "rebels without a clue"? Or will he side with his fellow "Union Brothers" the police?

Or will he just lie out of his ass and find a way to blame George Bush or the Tea Party for the entire mess? You know what my prediction is. lol

...that these protesters have continually said that they consider the police to be part of the 99%, even when the police attack them? You know what I call that? Smart strategy. You know what's idiotic? Going after police pensions and trying to bust their union when you rely on them to protect your property.

Don't be surprised if you don't feel too good the next day, because they probably spit in your soup! ;)

The smart business owners in my area always have the latest stickers in their windows, letting everyone know, including the police and firemen, that they gave that year to a police and a fire dept. organization. ;)

That's the problem about this place, all of your previous words are archived for all to see. Lie all you want, your previous posts about "the pigs" are still there in case your memory starts to conveniently fade.

mrnogood1234 reads

If the media shows the violence and while spinning the protestors as the victims of police brutality, I fear this groups popularity will soar, not sink..

People are getting fed up with this police state..

I also think this will really take off with the coming collapse of our economy..

This is how Obama is gonna try to be re-elected

Timbow1208 reads

Posted By: mrnogood
If the media shows the violence and while spinning the protestors as the victims of police brutality, I fear this groups popularity will soar, not sink..

People are getting fed up with this police state..

I also think this will really take off with the coming collapse of our economy..

This is how Obama is gonna try to be re-elected

mrnogood1721 reads

while making himself out to be anti-wallstreet and America's answer, not problem to these "fat cats" on wallstreet..

You haven't figured out obama loves deflecting, race baiting, class baiting??

Obama will attempt ALL of the above and more..

and if all else fails and we spiral into revolution because of these banker funded protests, well, I bet they suspend the elections...

Timbow the dollar is being dumped as I type this..

It's about to get very chaotic and Obama is going to take advantage of this situation, and the scary part is it may work..

Russia issued a travel warning to their government employee's and citizens to stay outy of the us, because the obama regime was about to start a revolution

LOL, like the obama regime doesn't LOVE crisis, come on timbow, what has obama showed us allready?

This will get VERY ugly after the economy tanks and hyperinflation strikes

-- Modified on 10/13/2011 8:19:51 AM

Timbow1826 reads

Posted By: mrnogood
while making himself out to be anti-wallstreet and America's answer, not problem to these "fat cats" on wallstreet..

You haven't figured out obama loves deflecting, race baiting, class baiting??

Obama will attempt ALL of the above and more..

and if all else fails and we spiral into revolution because of these banker funded protests, well, I bet they suspend the elections...

Timbow the dollar is being dumped as I type this..

It's about to get very chaotic and Obama is going to take advantage of this situation, and the scary part is it may work..

Russia issued a travel warning to their government employee's and citizens to stay outy of the us, because the obama regime was about to start a revolution

mrnogood3174 reads

Have you seen what his voice does to people??

Obama could piss on you and tell you it's rain..

Not only will obama blame this on the banks, but it will work and people will believe him..

Obama used the eoconomy to win last time, and he will this time..

-- Modified on 10/13/2011 8:28:17 AM

Timbow1786 reads

Posted By: mrnogood
Have you seen what his voice does to people??

Obama could piss on you and tell you it's rain..

Not only will obama blame this on the banks, but it will work and people will believe him..


-- Modified on 10/13/2011 3:30:38 AM

mrnogood1142 reads

and right now as i type Their is a dollar dump going on..

Once the economy tanks, this movement will soar!! EVERYONE, or almost everyone will support it AFTER this dump has been completed..

and it's unfortunate because the movement is banker funded, it's astro turf, THEN obama will support the movement to get votes..

You know who is helping organize this? Bill ayers, obama's buddy and friend from the weather underground! NOTHING good will come from this, it's funded by all the same players from the last election, and that's why the whole cast of those characters are being seen to tightly associated with this movement..

This thing has grown EVERY DAY, both nationally and INTERNATIONALLY!! Every day not only does this grow, but the economy gets worse! This ENTIRE movement was created so the democrats could "guide" the revolution that the collapsing economy is bound to spark..

-- Modified on 10/14/2011 3:25:32 AM

Snowman391376 reads

They will spin it, but I think the REAL 99% are smart enough to see through it.

In addition, bottom line, the majority of people like cops, and when you give them a hard time, guess what, people don't like you...

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