Politics and Religion

Simple explanation, the prick forgot to pay his internet connection bill......
bigguy30 167 reads
2 / 22

I would not be surprised.
If this also happens with Trump's Russian connection, in the near future.
Trump and his dumb ass cult followers will probably cry about that too!

DaveMogal 74 Reviews 104 reads
3 / 22

If it turns out the be true it could have an impact on the election.

bigguy30 162 reads
4 / 22

Well that did not take long, for a Trump cult follower to prove my point.

Posted By: DaveMogal
If it turns out the be true it could have an impact on the election.

saltyballs 199 reads
5 / 22

Assange is a "self imposed" guest at the Ecadorian embassy in London and awaiting deportation to Sweden to face rape charges against an under aged Swedish teenager. Assange and the current GOP standard bearer are two peas of the same pod...lol

-- Modified on 10/17/2016 7:43:03 AM

DoctorGonzo 106 Reviews 196 reads
6 / 22

I see Assange as the Superstar of whistle blowers.  

I see Wikileaks as providing a window of truth into the back room machinations of our corrupt world leadership.

The loudest protests about Wikileaks are coming from those who have the most to lose.

The real assholes are the media Demagogues on both the Right and the Left, as well as their local representatives here in P&R from Planet Stupid and the Maroon Platoon

bigguy30 196 reads
7 / 22

The Stockholm Criminal Court issued an international arrest warrant for Assange on probable cause in that case, saying he is suspected of rape, sexual molestation and illegal use of force in separate incidents.  

So we all know Trump himself, is also accused of sexual assault too!
I guess that is why, Assange can relate to Trump and SB is right.

Then you wonder why, some people called you a closet Trump supporter in the past?
Posted By: DoctorGonzo
I see Assange as the Superstar of whistle blowers.  
 I see Wikileaks as providing a window of truth into the back room machinations of our corrupt world leadership.  
 The loudest protests about Wikileaks are coming from those who have the most to lose.  
 The real assholes are the media Demagogues on both the Right and the Left, as well as their local representatives here in P&R from Planet Stupid and the Maroon Platoon.  

-- Modified on 10/17/2016 9:28:15 AM

DoctorGonzo 106 Reviews 149 reads
8 / 22

... you have in common with T-Rump.

I don't know if Assange is a rapist or not. But whether he is, or isn't, has nothing to do with his qualifications or cachet as a computer hacker wizard who is exposing a great deal of extraordinary information about the true nature of world politics in general, and our current political leadership in particular.

Tell me, bigguy30, how is it you are so defensive of HRC when it comes to Bill's confirmed sexual peccadilloes and HRC's corruption, but so very quick to condemn Assange as a rapist. Not that I expect you to actually respond with anything but a banal insult and some bastardized version of my userid.

bigguy30 208 reads
9 / 22

Since you want to play this game, answer that question.

Also Bill Clinton is not running for President, his wife is Doc.
He also paid a heavy price already or did you forget that too?

I will say it again Doc, you are not fooling anybody on here.
Posted By: DoctorGonzo
... you have in common with T-Rump.  
 I don't know if Assange is a rapist or not. But whether he is, or isn't, has nothing to do with his qualifications or cachet as a computer hacker wizard who is exposing a great deal of extraordinary information about the true nature of world politics in general, and our current political leadership in particular.  
 Tell me, bigguy30, how is it you are so defensive of HRC when it comes to Bill's confirmed sexual peccadilloes and HRC's corruption, but so very quick to condemn Assange as a rapist. Not that I expect you to actually respond with anything but a banal insult and some bastardized version of my userid.
-- Modified on 10/17/2016 10:02:16 AM

GaGambler 108 reads
10 / 22

but after Googling the sex charges/allegations against him, his side of the events sound VERY credible.

I have no dog in this fight, I still have yet to make up my mind whether I consider Assange a hero or a villain, but this hardly sounds like rape to me.

saltyballs 161 reads
11 / 22

...........but I digress, both Trump and Assange are two peas in the same pod because they both have rape allegations against them, and second they are both linked to Russian President Putin and the KGB

DoctorGonzo 106 Reviews 285 reads
12 / 22

Posted By: saltyballs
...........but I digress, both Trump and Assange are two peas in the same pod because they both have rape allegations against them, and second they are both linked to Russian President Putin and the KGB.  
A fair point about the rape allegations. Let me know when either one has been convicted.

As to the Putin/Russia/KGB link... other than a mutual admiration comment or two, what exactly is Trumps link to Putin?
Assange, admittedly, might be another story entirely, but if that were the case, why is he taking sanctuary and political asylum in South America instead of Russia, like Snowden did?

Speaking of which... Snowden definitely rates, but I believe Assange has exposed more on the world platform.

From my personal perspective, neither are criminals for exposing the ROT at the core of our political and diplomatic spectra. Their personal problems do not change the facts on the ground. That's a job for spin doctors or Internet trolls hiding behind their "anonymity".  

-- Modified on 10/17/2016 8:27:57 AM

DoctorGonzo 106 Reviews 227 reads
13 / 22

Laffy, you spend  GREAT deal of time just on this forum, (and I'm sure it isn't the only one) and since T-Rump took that escalator stroll virtually every post you've made involves something negative about Trump or a character assassination attempt on me, Gambler, or a plethora of others who don't fit within your scope of vision.

With me, its my Zionism and support for Netanyahu... but you've also managed to throw a great deal of shit at my direction hoping something would stick. That doesn't make you any different from any other political operative working the negative angle going back to Lee Atwater and Karl Rove.  

But even though you have often (consciously or not) invoked anti-Semitic tropes in your comments against Israeli policies in general and Netanyahu in particular, and while I have indeed accused you of being a closet anti-Semite, I'd never accuse you of being a puppet of Palestinian terrorists or of having a formal agenda other than expressing your point of view, foul as I and others might find it.

Is Trump a self-obsessed man with delusions of grandeur based on his own ego and a lifetime of absorbing the spotlight? Well D'uh.  

Does Trump often express authoritarian viewpoints that are anathema to the Constitution? Well D'uh.

Does it mean he is a puppet of Putins? A MOLE? Come on Laffy, you don't have your IQ stapled to the end of your username.  

The US relationship with Russia is at the lowest it has been since the early days of the Cold War. That's got nothing to do with T-Rump, but everything to do with the American foreign policy clusterfuck of the last 16 years.

Sigh, what am I doing and why am I even replying to you? You're just going to be obnoxious and insulting.
Posted By: Laffy
Here are the links of Your Favorite Entertainer to Putin:  
 He's surrounded himself with people who have worked directly for Putin.  
 His campaign got one thing changed on the GOP platform.....and it was to help Putin.  
 Traitor Trump parrots all of Putin's talking points.....including "NATO sucks"  
 Putin runs non-stop ads/shows praising Trump.

DoctorGonzo 106 Reviews 133 reads
14 / 22

Apologies for the delayed response, but I did not realize my initial response was censored.

Take 2

The man has released information damaging to world government leaders around the world, and is a far more likely candidate for assassination than a rape conviction. A charge that did not even exist until AFTER Wikileaks made itself enemies of world leadership and their corrupt cronies.  
Come talk to me AFTER he is convicted. Until then you've got nuthin' but rumor and innuendo. Which is where it belongs.
Why the fuck does the sexual activity of Assange rate such scorn from you, but you have nothing but love for the Clinton's over their sexual problems. My point is the sexual allegations have nothing to do with the issue of the individuals relevance or validity with regard to their political activities. so who cares about Clintons sexual activity? He's still the best POTUS we've had in my lifetime. If HE were running, it would be a no brainer. But Hillary has so much baggage and corrupt ties at this point they have to go as low as their opponents because that's where this country is focused. on the superficial bullshit, not the facts or qualifications. If it were based on facts and qualifications. Trump would have been gone before the second PRIMARY debate and Hillary would have already been fitted for her crown.  
So if you want to invoke the morals clause, do it somewhere else not a fuck board where everyone is a sexual deviate of some sort. Except you or course which begs the question "Why are you here?

macdaddy1944 51 Reviews 165 reads
15 / 22

Trump..Assange and Putin are the classic clusterfuck..

DoctorGonzo 106 Reviews 121 reads
16 / 22
DaveMogal 74 Reviews 81 reads
17 / 22

Before he gets sworn into office. With peace the stock markets of the US (SPY)  and Russia (RBL) should do well.

Dr.Hackenbush 128 reads
18 / 22

Posted By: DoctorGonzo
The real assholes are the media Demagogues on both the Right and the Left, as well as their local representatives here in P&R from Planet Stupid and the Maroon Platoon.

bigguy30 80 reads
19 / 22
bigguy30 110 reads
20 / 22

So turn on a tv or use Google to do some Presidential poll research.
Trump is even making plans for his own network now.
This way his lost cult followers like yourself, can listen to your leader bullshit after the election.

Posted By: DaveMogal
Before he gets sworn into office. With peace the stock markets of the US (SPY)  and Russia (RBL) should do well.

bigguy30 168 reads
21 / 22

The more you post comments.

We all could tell you were a Trump groupie, until he attacked your people.
Then weak outrage came from you and Trump was not entertaining anymore.
When he used racists comments towards other groups of people, it was entertaining.

Also you defended Trump against those sexual assault claims, by talking about female groupies at a radio station.
You worked at back in the day, throwing themselves at those rockers.
Doc you sounded clueless comparing Trump to that situation.

Well now you are defending Assange, who is releasing personal hacked emails?
Just like Trump buddies in Russia and you don't have a problem with that either.

He is on the run, so he won't have to face the charges Doc!
I guess it would be easier for you. If it was a black guy running from cops and getting shot.
Then he would clearly be guilty, but a white guy on the run.
When real charges, where filed against him is innocent until proven guilty.

Bill Clinton paid the price a long time ago and not running for President.
He lost his law licence and more.
This is not the 90's anymore.

Trump cult followers are on TV and want to keep talking about Bill.
They sit their and keep attacking him.

Then when the woman accusing Trump of the same things.
Well these woman now are all liars or making this up.
Trump and his cult try to change the subject real quick.

You still sound just like a Trump cult follower, foolish and a hypocrite.
Just a side note for you Doc.
Hillary was not my first choice, but the best choice now!



Posted By: DoctorGonzo
Apologies for the delayed response, but I did not realize my initial response was censored.  
 Take 2  
 The man has released information damaging to world government leaders around the world, and is a far more likely candidate for assassination than a rape conviction. A charge that did not even exist until AFTER Wikileaks made itself enemies of world leadership and their corrupt cronies.    
 Come talk to me AFTER he is convicted. Until then you've got nuthin' but rumor and innuendo. Which is where it belongs.  
 Why the fuck does the sexual activity of Assange rate such scorn from you, but you have nothing but love for the Clinton's over their sexual problems. My point is the sexual allegations have nothing to do with the issue of the individuals relevance or validity with regard to their political activities. so who cares about Clintons sexual activity? He's still the best POTUS we've had in my lifetime. If HE were running, it would be a no brainer. But Hillary has so much baggage and corrupt ties at this point they have to go as low as their opponents because that's where this country is focused. on the superficial bullshit, not the facts or qualifications. If it were based on facts and qualifications. Trump would have been gone before the second PRIMARY debate and Hillary would have already been fitted for her crown.  
 So if you want to invoke the morals clause, do it somewhere else not a fuck board where everyone is a sexual deviate of some sort. Except you or course which begs the question "Why are you here?"  
-- Modified on 10/18/2016 4:14:12 AM

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