Politics and Religion

jack0116533 14 Reviews 1638 reads

The DoD is paying 6 figure bonuses to retain NCOs and keep them from going to Blackwater.

Is that ironic, or what?

Maybe war will just become too expensive.  How come this couldn't have been *my* war?  

The silver lining seems to be that the Asian babes are substantially better than the Arabs.   Why can't we go to war in Colombia, or Ukraine?

FunluvnCowboy2172 reads

fanaticism.  They will never give up until we kill them all.  They discovered the ancient secrets of fanaticism from the Kamikazes in the ruins of Masada.  Also those GD Flips - http://www.manatarmsbooks.com/excerpt.html
so they are unique in the world, this has never happened before.  Ancient secrets, man.

Well, also some of those ASSHOLE Micks who go and starve themselves to death http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bobby_Sands .  That couldn't take more guts than pulling a switch and blowing yourself up.  No man, those Irish mofos are NOT crazy fanatics.

You can tell Jihadis from normal people because they only occur in muslim countries.  In muslim countries, everybody is a Jihadi.  

Except for the good ones:  most of the Turkeyites, most of the Malaysiums, the ones with graduate degrees (BUT NOT THE MARXISTS).  Also, you have to be careful about the really white ones.  Sometimes they are Christians in disguise.  You have to give them the secret handshake of the 700 club.

Jihadists are well known for eating their children.  Mexicans, on the other hand, don't actually eat their children; they only fuck their daughters.

YippeeTiYiYi, git along little doggies!!!!!!!!!!!!

Gerald Falwell2084 reads

they're down here smearing their shit all over the walls, and organizing all the minor demons, because they think JUST LIKE THEM, and Beelzebub is about ready to sell his soul to Stalin trying to get rid of them.

But I'll tell you the joke is on the jihadis.  They get their 72 virgins all right, but the youngest of them is 85.  Why else do you think the burka?  This is not rocket science.   The reason all the jihadis are so skinny is that none of them can keep their lunch down.

As usual, the Jews are left out. They just don't get it.

GaGambler1831 reads

They're like the Goddamn budhists. How the hell are they going to make it as a religion without killing everybody that doesn't believe like they do?
They need to start taking lessons from the christians and the muslims. My god is better than your god, if you don't believe me, I'll fucking kill you!!! Now that's the way to run a religion.

FunluvnCowboy2315 reads

fuckin yer daughters!!  Yippeetiyiyi!!

Chuck Manson3983 reads

I may be a Mormon gone bad, but you're a perv!

this whole mess could be analyzed from an economic (ie Marxist) basis.   So I dunno how cheerful we can be here.  Hell, the Pope will tell you, "the poor will always be with us."

I suspect that our problem was letting the Jesus people (as distinct from say the Episcopalians, or Apatheists http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Apatheism ) run the US govt.

IMHO:  the idea of a "war" on "terror" is a fundamental misconception.  Obviously, you don't declare war on a method - unless, of course, you want to preserve a state of war for its own sake.

Our "war" should be on international criminal organizations, and of course bin Laden is only the Most Wanted.

This is really a no-brainer.  The major organized states sure as shit do not want competition from the likes of upstarts like bin Laden, who do not have the liability of defending a territory or population.   It's a natural for all states to cooperate on, excepting the minor actors with contrarian political niches.

(Mod 1:  I strongly suspect that from inside the NSC, this looks very different, ie, that controlling Iraqi oil is not nearly as important as controlling the US economy, and bin Laden is not nearly the threat that several other issues are.)

But only a fella as bright as GW could fuck that one up.  The very first thing he does is recognize them as warriors, instead of declaring them fucking pirates and fair game for anybody who finds them.

But not every Republican is as stupid as their shill-boy.  They know goddamn well how this is working.  They've got the best of both worlds - voters who are both fat-dumb&happy, and still convinced they should be frightened out of their wits, and so they have this nice war that allows them to gut the Treasury, and still lock up enough votes - well, for a while at least.  They may well castrate serious opposition.   Just as bin Laden suckered them into blind war, Bush may have triggered something the Democrats can't undo.

But the 1st thing we need to do, IMHO is get accountants back into govt (ie people who actually reason, and ask, 'how is THAT going to work?') and get the 700 club the FUCK OUT of govt.  

-- Modified on 10/11/2007 5:35:09 PM

Well JackO, if you get real acountants back in the government what would all the useless riff raff do that refuse to work when the accountants decide that what we really can't afford are the billions upon billions of US $ we piss away on freeloaders that are unwilling to work?

Jack Daniels2056 reads

The Muslims will calm down and forget about killing the infidels as soon as they realize they can live extravagant lifestyles on the hard earn money enthusiastically donated by simple minded fools.  The slime ball parasitical evangelical preachers have been living opulently for years on the concept that there is a god, and the thoughtless masses who support them are their legal prey.

GaGambler1819 reads

Let's Walmart them into submission!!!

You know, I am only halfway joking.

We Pepsi'd & Beatled the Russians, we're Costcoing the Mexicans, and the VietCong are surrendering to capitalism even though Westmoreland couldn't get them.

The ironic thing is that WE DON'T REALIZE WHAT WE'RE DOING.

Successful capitalism is disciplined, ie, works at arms' length and doesn't do insider deals.   That's the reason our securities markets work (but don't try this at home), while everybody regards the others (including the Canucks, let alone the Chinese) as crooked.

The biggest cheerleaders of capitalism - the Bush Republicans - are the same ones who couldn't do an arm's length deal if their lives depended on it, and would have us practicing Chinese capitalism if they could.

The same draft-dodging idiots regard the armed forces as their personal police, because they don't understand the limits of force, because they never actually held a weapon or got dirty themselves.

I hated trying to train draftees.  But IMHO, it's part of democracy.  You shouldn't be able to buy your way out of military service.  I am a firm believer in citizen-soldiers, and I don't like standing armies.  It's not that I'm afraid of them taking over by force of arms; it's that they take over financially, as Eisenhower warned.   Weapons are defensive tools only; they are not penis substitutes.

will you SHUT THE FUCK UP about it, and get yourself some psychiatric help??!!

DrFill2744 reads

he needs a full brain transplant.  It should be cheap enough, any cow chip should be a 37% improvement and make him fully functional for TER purposes.

ya must take something.... but too bad it is soooo predictable.... and not at all original

GaGambler2318 reads

Speaking of draftees, I firmly believe we should reinstitute the draft, without the loopholes.

Until thirty or so years ago virtually everybody did at least one hitch in the service,we weren't considered heroes, we weren't special. It was just one of those facts of life. I think military service gives a man a better perspective,one that both of our last two presidents were lacking.

It  might also put a stop to rich men starting wars that their sons don't have to fight in. Though I rather doubt it, rich people will just make sure their sons are officers and keep them out of the line of fire.

if their name is Bush.   Everybody else seems to have missed that memo.

I know more than one enlisted whose boy went off to a service academy.

But you're right, a no-loophole draft would make it tougher.   I firmly agree that no school nor NG slot, nor exclusive pussy deal should exempt a man from the draft.  

It's a truth-teller:  do you want this war enough to fight it?

The DoD is paying 6 figure bonuses to retain NCOs and keep them from going to Blackwater.

Is that ironic, or what?

Maybe war will just become too expensive.  How come this couldn't have been *my* war?  

The silver lining seems to be that the Asian babes are substantially better than the Arabs.   Why can't we go to war in Colombia, or Ukraine?

GaGambler1830 reads

I spend some time in Colombia, and as you probably know there is a very heavy military presence in that country mainly because of the FARC, but what's ironic is the fact that the solidiers who are so villified by Hollywood, are some of the most apolitical people you will ever meet.

The typical grunt, the twenty year old kid who is doing his two years or whatever, is much more interested in what every other twenty year old is interested in,ie when am going to get laid? than anything political. I feel safer walking downtown Bogota or Medellin then I do in many American cities.

here I was, thinking they were all voting for Rush Limbaugh!

GaGambler1547 reads

the good thing (for them at least) is, I am sure almost none of them have ever heard of Rush Limbaugh, besides with all those "caliente Colombianas" who would give a fuck who Rush was anyhow?

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