Politics and Religion

Senate passes Immigration Bill 68-32..
SinCitySinner 64 Reviews 1805 reads

Hats off to John Boehner (R-Ohio) who has already declared it DOA, and vows to draft his own bill.  

This is, personally speaking, is a issue very near and dear to my heart. People who are born here sometimes fail to realize what it means to become American. American citizenship, in my opinion, is the most scared thing that we hand out, and people who have broken the law don't deserve to become US citizens - under any circumstance. Although, John Boehner hasn't taken any position whether there will be any pathway to citizenship or not..

I am really looking to see what GOP controlled House will draft...

For the record... Sen. Marco Rubio (R-FL) voted for the bill (No surprises there, as he was draftee)

For the record... Sen. Rand Paul (R-TN) voted against the bill..

People who have broken the law don't deserve to become US citizens”  under any circumstance.”

       Really? You lost me – why in the world would you take such an extreme, discriminatory  position?

       If you are a citizen and commit the most heinous of crimes, you don’t lose your citizenship. Tim McVeigh died a United States Citizen. Adam Lanza died a United States Citizen. The Boston Marathon Bomber will die, or spend his life in prison, as a United States citizen.

       Why should a 19 year old Mexican girl who crossed the border illegally to have her baby have no path to citizenship? What about the Indian software engineer who is educated here but overstays his visa?  You want to kick him out when we need top level engineers so desperately?

       Sorry but if an undoc  can otherwise satisfy  the requirements for citizenship, there is no reasoned policy basis for keeping them out just because they entered the country illegally. There is no “fit” between unlawful entry into the country and a rule of law forever barring citizenship for this reason alone.

     And your position (“people who have broken the law don't deserve to become US citizens”  under any circumstance’) ignores reality. There are millions of undocs here. We can’t deport them all and doing so would accomplish what? Let’s bring them into the system and make them taxpayers.

Perhaps you could rethink this one

I'm not talking about stripping people off their citizenship. That is impossible for naturally born US Citizens, but its possible, albeit rare, for naturalized citizen. Since I'm the latter, I know about it.. Here you go...http://immigration.findlaw.com/citizenship/can-your-u-s-citizenship-be-revoked-.html

But I DO NOT and never will agree for making people who have illegally got to US, US citizens. That is amnesty and a magnet for future generations to come here illegally. Knowing that in 25-30 yrs, someone in White House will make them legalized Citizens. No way.. No sir...

What else I would like to see happen is repealing of Section 1 of 14th Amendment of US Constitution  

The Section says:

1. All persons born or naturalized in the United States, and subject to the jurisdiction thereof, are citizens of the United States and of the State wherein they reside. No State shall make or enforce any law which shall abridge the privileges or immunities of citizens of the United States; nor shall any State deprive any person of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law; nor deny to any person within its jurisdiction the equal protection of the laws.

US Citizenship should only be awarded to those born to parents that Legal US Citizens..

Lindsey Graham had actually proposed it 3-4 yrs ago.

salonpas310 reads

.......legal status to the undocumented.  Most American born citizens have no problem with it, except for the tea party nutbags.

Posted By: marikod
 “People who have broken the law don't deserve to become US citizens”  under any circumstance.”  
        Really? You lost me – why in the world would you take such an extreme, discriminatory  position?  
        If you are a citizen and commit the most heinous of crimes, you don’t lose your citizenship. Tim McVeigh died a United States Citizen. Adam Lanza died a United States Citizen. The Boston Marathon Bomber will die, or spend his life in prison, as a United States citizen.  
        Why should a 19 year old Mexican girl who crossed the border illegally to have her baby have no path to citizenship? What about the Indian software engineer who is educated here but overstays his visa?  You want to kick him out when we need top level engineers so desperately?  
        Sorry but if an undoc  can otherwise satisfy  the requirements for citizenship, there is no reasoned policy basis for keeping them out just because they entered the country illegally. There is no “fit” between unlawful entry into the country and a rule of law forever barring citizenship for this reason alone.  
      And your position (“people who have broken the law don't deserve to become US citizens”  under any circumstance’) ignores reality. There are millions of undocs here. We can’t deport them all and doing so would accomplish what? Let’s bring them into the system and make them taxpayers.  
 Perhaps you could rethink this one?  

is that says "Certificate of Citizenship"

For those people, who are born here, they don't have to struggle for it. So they may not be truly understanding the value of it.  

Again, I'm not saying that they should be rounded up and sent back home. And I'm certainly not proposing what idiot Mittens said.."Self Deportation"...Bwahahahaha. Although, most countries would treat us worse, if we Americans, cross their borders illegally. They can still have permanent residency. They can work here.. They can get Medicare and Social Security.

salonpas383 reads

............through fake marriages, bogus amnesty claims and later claimed they struggled for it. Bogus BS!

of the law.  So what's your point..? There are 100s of thousands who have truly struggled.

"illegal aliens," I call "undocumented workers or students," if Congress could ever get together and pass reasonable laws involving allowing workers from others countries to work and live here, and possibly gaining citizenship, base on the real supply and demand for them. Don't forget who is hiring them.

Snowman39387 reads

Look, this me not be PC, but personally, political correctness is just a disease we need to find a cure for...

I see illegal immigrants (yes, they are illegal, deal with it), waiting for work all the time. Busting their ass. In many cases I have more respect for them than for my fellow citizens who put more effort into laying the government system for handouts than for getting a job.

However, the reason a lot of these folks get work is because they are under the radar, no payroll tax, no health benefits or additional costs (please save the debate of the fairness of this for another thread, would like to keep this REAL WORLD).  

Once they are legal and "in the system", the costs of employing them goes up dramatically. So why would anyone hire them? Now they are in the country, a citizen, and can not get work, thus they become part of the entitlement class sucking off of the public tit...

And if you want to counter with, well, now they will HAVE to pay them and this is a good thing. NO THEY WILL NOT!! REMEMBER, REAL WORLD!! A whole new crop of illegal immigrants will flow in to take their place. And if in some fantasy world you actually could pay them at a UNION scale, imagine what the costs of food is going to go to...

This legislation is like most liberal legislation, in the end, the middle class gets screwed by it.

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