Politics and Religion

See what happens when you aren't channeling JohnGalt?
GiantBombing 2084 reads
1 / 38

I'm not forwarding any agenda here, I won't argue with your reasoning - that's not the point. If you think it shouldn't be legalised then more power to you, you are more than entitled to your opinion and I have no intention of trying to get you to change it. I just want to educate myself on why some people oppose the legalisation of weed, just to understand the opposite viewpoint, and at least this way I can tie some amount of personality to the responses, as opposed to just mindlessly Googling. Thanks.

GaGambler 476 reads
2 / 38

It's the only explanation I can think of for Drug laws, seat belt laws, helmet laws, etc etc.

For the record, I don't smoke pot, I always wear my seatbelt, and as a former racer I would never dream of going without a helmet, but I certainly don't need the fear of arrest to ensure I do so.

It's funny, this doesn't seem to be a left vs right type of argument, it appears that the sheep from both sides of the aisle seem to support these laws "protecting us from ourselves" Maybe people really are too stupid to make their own decisions on such matters?

613spades 5 Reviews 442 reads
3 / 38

There have been studies that show long term abuse of weed can lower IQ, esp if started before 18, also abuse of almost all drugs and alcohol can stop emotional maturation. Some people are adult enough to not have an issue but for some it would matter.  
       That said I m not against it being legal, just not sure my tax dollars should be used for treatment/long term health care if someone does it to themselves.  

Posted By: GiantBombing
I'm not forwarding any agenda here, I won't argue with your reasoning - that's not the point. If you think it shouldn't be legalised then more power to you, you are more than entitled to your opinion and I have no intention of trying to get you to change it. I just want to educate myself on why some people oppose the legalisation of weed, just to understand the opposite viewpoint, and at least this way I can tie some amount of personality to the responses, as opposed to just mindlessly Googling. Thanks.

613spades 5 Reviews 431 reads
4 / 38

And we try to rubber coat everything at any expense than to let natural selection work.

GaGambler 408 reads
5 / 38

Obesity and tobacco related illnesses, not to mention my favorite, BOOZE cost the taxpayer one hell of a lot more money than would a hundred million stoners.

Keep in mind, I am NOT a stoner, but I AM a boozer, but what I am not is a hypocrite. For me to argue that booze should be legal, yet throw pot smokers in jail can't be justified by even the most twisted of logic.

JohnyComeAlready 266 reads
6 / 38

It will because big bidness will benefit.

Will it still be a matter if racism and rape then?

JohnyComeAlready 280 reads
7 / 38

You will lose the majority of your customers.

GiantBombing 305 reads
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So far we've had people saying why it's currently and historically illegal, what else should or shouldn't be legal and somehow the race card has been played as well, none of which were what I asked for.  

If you are currently against legalisation, WHY do you hold this opinion?

Robertini 4 Reviews 352 reads
9 / 38

Posted By: GaGambler
It's the only explanation I can think of for Drug laws, seat belt laws, helmet laws, etc etc.

For the record, I don't smoke pot, I always wear my seatbelt, and as a former racer I would never dream of going without a helmet, but I certainly don't need the fear of arrest to ensure I do so.  

It's funny, this doesn't seem to be a left vs right type of argument, it appears that the sheep from both sides of the aisle seem to support these laws "protecting us from ourselves" Maybe people really are too stupid to make their own decisions on such matters?

inicky46 61 Reviews 327 reads
10 / 38
inicky46 61 Reviews 457 reads
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Including heroin, cocaine, crack, you name it.  Not because they aren't bad for you.  Because making them illegal hasn't worked.  All it has done is drive up the population of our prisons, enrich drug lords and  terrorists, and divert law enforcement from fighting comes like theft and murder.
I say make it legal and tax it.  Let the profits drive down the deficit, and fund treatment programs for those who want to quit.  And bury the rest.

GiantBombing 337 reads
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Does it change the fact that you still managed to not answer my original question?

JohnyComeAlready 411 reads
13 / 38

Seems fairly trivial in the grand scheme of life.

I'll tell you why cannabis is not legal per federal law.

Drug cartels have influence in Washington. I k e w I c o u l d c o u n t o n y o u t o m i s s t h e p o i n t a n d l i n k a n o n s e q u i t u r.

JohnyComeAlready 277 reads
14 / 38

I posted to the wrong thread, I'll blame it on the pot.

Go make your own damn biscuits.

anonymousfun 6 Reviews 386 reads
15 / 38

Just because, if people want to do something, they will find it and do it. Why waste tax payer money.

inicky46 61 Reviews 277 reads
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GaGambler 531 reads
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The number of people in this country who believe in putting pot smokers in jail is a very small percentage, and getting smaller every day.

It's like asking why any of us believe that the world is only 6,000 years old. Do you want the sound of crickets chirping, or do you want some actual discussion?

Robertini 4 Reviews 266 reads
18 / 38

Posted By: anonymousfun
Just because, if people want to do something, they will find it and do it. Why waste tax payer money.    

anonymousfun 6 Reviews 272 reads
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I am into hobbling and not into prostitution which reminds of street walkers.

inicky46 61 Reviews 356 reads
20 / 38

These guys are hobbling.  So are they hobbyists?  Maybe we should help them cross the street

quadseasonal 27 Reviews 285 reads
21 / 38

There are already too many stupid people in America.  
   I would decriminalize weed, no way I would make weed available in stores for casual smokers.
 There's already too many problems with alcohol and  thousands of accidents and deaths caused by drunk drivers every month.
   Alcohol and automobiles don't mix well, add legal easily accessible weed to the potion  ,there will be  more innocent people killed on the highways.
    Pharmaceutical uses for weed should be permitted as long as  drug companies, Rosch, Lilly etc. and the FDA are involved in  safety and manufacture.    
   In my opinion the only person  more stupid than a chronic pot smoker is a Judge putting someone in jail for smoking a weed.  
  Weed doesn't turn  99.7 %  who smoke it into  psychopathic or angry people, but it does make 99.999999% of people dumber than they would be, without the weed.
    Of course there are advantages of  smoking weed.  
  Hypothetically speaking, let's say laffy is a neighbor of mine, he  invites me to  a cook out he has every week end.  
  I keep making excuses I'm too busy, because IMO hanging out with him doesn't sound like fun.  
     Most of you guys who know laffy would realize, you'd have to be damn stupid to be able to have a reasonable conversation with him.  
     If I smoked an ounce of high grade train wreck weed, before I attended his cook out, my IQ  
 would drop enough to tolerate him.

 Portugal legalized weed and all other drugs in 2001 because they had an aids epidemic.
   Now they have a country full of people too lazy to have sex.  
     I believe you might  remember, at one time, not long ago,  anyone could buy weed in hundreds of coffee shops in the Netherlands, and "most" coffee shops that sold weed did not sell alcohol.  
   An ex GF told me, in "some" of the coffee shops that sold weed, they had signs  posted "NO HARD DRUGS allowed, and that includes Cocaine, if we see you doing hard drugs we will call the police".
   Everything was going well until people from other countries were visiting Holland just to smoke weed and losing respect for their surroundings .  
  Another reason I wouldn't want weed legalized in the U.S, Canadians would be crossing the border, visiting to buy and  smoke weed.  
   Most of you know, Canadians are already slow.   can you imagine the traffic jams if a bunch of stoner Canadians are traveling on our Highways?

   In case the few here who constantly have difficulties comprehending anything they don't agree with, my stance on weed, Do Not Legalize, Definitely Decriminalize, release Everyone from jail or prison  who's  incarcerated  for simple possession, or selling tons of Colombian Gold Bud.
Posted By: GiantBombing
I'm not forwarding any agenda here, I won't argue with your reasoning - that's not the point. If you think it shouldn't be legalised then more power to you, you are more than entitled to your opinion and I have no intention of trying to get you to change it. I just want to educate myself on why some people oppose the legalisation of weed, just to understand the opposite viewpoint, and at least this way I can tie some amount of personality to the responses, as opposed to just mindlessly Googling. Thanks.

613spades 5 Reviews 364 reads
22 / 38

And obesity before. Mainly in my posts about what is really damaging our country worse than firearms. And where did I argue that booze should be legal or illegal? From a societal standpoint it shouldn't, from a LE stand point it can t really be stopped. Same with most illegal drugs unless we start mandatory testing. Lol.  
        Truth is I don't care much either way. People will do what they want to do, illegal or not to some extent. I just think there should be more personal responsibility placed on the individual. You become addicted, can't work or function it's not the governments responsibility to provide treatment indefinitely or welfare for you. I work with a guy who s son is 28. He has been in treatment 15 times since he was 16, mainly for meth. All paid for by the state. He qualifies for welfare when he gets out of treatment each time. He will even admit straight out he doesn't want to stop, so my question is why should taxpayers shoulder all the cost for this shit? It's a personal choice and maybe we as a society should just ply them with drugs and let it run its course. It d be cheaper long term.  
        Ps- I drink and have smoked some weed at times but it doesn't mean I want it legal for my daughter when she turns 18. I know enough pot heads to know it does have an effect after a while if it's abused. Same with alcohol. Or many prescription drugs. Abusing almost anything can have serious life long effects. Where you draw the line and how much of it is societies responsibility is what should really be the focus.  

Posted By: GaGambler
Obesity and tobacco related illnesses, not to mention my favorite, BOOZE cost the taxpayer one hell of a lot more money than would a hundred million stoners.

Keep in mind, I am NOT a stoner, but I AM a boozer, but what I am not is a hypocrite. For me to argue that booze should be legal, yet throw pot smokers in jail can't be justified by even the most twisted of logic.

613spades 5 Reviews 389 reads
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BigPapasan 3 Reviews 461 reads
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...linked article says nothing about population decline since 2001.  The posted graph shows a marked increase in unemployment in Portugal.  This may or may not mean that Portuguese are too lazy to work, but it does not prove they're too lazy to have sex

quadseasonal 27 Reviews 392 reads
25 / 38

I'll answer your inquiries  when I have time, however, asking questions easy to find, doesn't  help you train your mind to learn.

  Are you too lazy to search on your own, or incompetent ?  

Baidu :"Portugal suffers from a plummeting birthrate on top of economic woes"  

  Most likely you can find answers to your questions  on google if you force yourself to do something on your own without free help.  

Posted By: BigPapasan
.Why do you say the Portuguese are too lazy to have sex?  Your.....linked article says nothing about population decline since 2001.  The posted graph shows a marked increase in unemployment in Portugal.  This may or may not mean that Portuguese are too lazy to work, but it does not prove they're too lazy to have sex.  
-- Modified on 4/23/2015 7:46:05 AM

cocktail-party 506 reads
26 / 38

In a bad economy, people don't want the economic burden of more mouths to feed, hence the declining birthrate. There's no correlation with the actual quantity of sex - it's called "birth control."

P.S. Sex on pot is awesome!!!  

-- Modified on 4/23/2015 9:18:40 AM

cocktail-party 379 reads
27 / 38

But this also means that it requires conscious effort to change one's focus - that's why high people may seem stupid. Pot is not good for multi-tasking and environmental awareness (which is why people shouldn't drive, handle heavy machinery or work complex jobs high, but it's great for leisure and artistic endeavors!).

mattradd 40 Reviews 230 reads
28 / 38

Drawing inaccurate conclusions from mere correlations. It may be because of his lack of education, which he frequently trumpets.

But, you're right in your analysis!  ;)

quadseasonal 27 Reviews 382 reads
29 / 38

I'd put my education up against yours any day.  
    Actually, I believe I had a better education my first eight years than you did  
  your entire school career, including college, while blindly following your puppet masters, teaching you the slow version of advanced ABC's .  
    I trumpet the fact I quit school in ninth grade and did quite well in my life, by learning on my own, sometimes known as Auto didacticism, or self taught.
   When I started learning on my own after I quit school,  I found my best  education

 A few people I personally know, with College degrees, often  show intelligence of a sixth grader.
    Don't get me wrong, I've never met a M.I.T or William and Mary graduate I would consider a bird brain.  

  Show me where I claimed  I have a LACK OF   EDUCATION  and I'll apologize for believing you are a bald faced liar, with no debate skills other than grasping at straws, twisting truths, and now resorting to lying when you disagree or  losing.

    A piece of paper claiming you graduated College proves nothing when you have to lie to make your point.
    I reckon you learned that from your LE family, well known for lying in court,  to win their case.
Posted By: mattradd
Drawing inaccurate conclusions from mere correlations. It may be because of his lack of education, which he frequently trumpets.  
 But, you're right in your analysis!  ;)

BlueFaery See my TER Reviews 328 reads
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yo ho!  and Cannabis actually has medicinal value, unlike cigs an booze, that have no redeeming value what so ever.

mattradd 40 Reviews 443 reads
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schooled by cocktail-party on how you just leaped to a conclusion not based in fact.

You might consider continued learning after leaving a formal educational program, as an education, but I don't. I call it continued learning.

Just because someone completes their formal education, does not mean they stopped studying, learning and participating in informal learning and educational programs.

I can't recall commenting on my formal education, so what you believe about your education as compared to mine is a figment of your imagination.

If you have indeed done quite well for yourself, I don't see it in working out for you as a high school janitor, making and selling t-shirts at flee markets, or working on a shrimping boat on weekends. Unless you're lying about all that, or not telling us something.   ;)

So, in short, I'm not lying. I just don't agree with your definition of education.  ;)

GaGambler 299 reads
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quadseasonal 27 Reviews 282 reads
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Actually I laughed and then gave you a like, when you said cocktail-party  schooled me.  
  He  jumped to a conclusion you agreed with, that's the only fact I noticed in his hypothesis.

He also gave me a tip,  sex is awesome on pot.
   I laughed at that too, I've had awesome sex,thousands of times after smoking pot.
     The few times I've had a nympho GF obsessed with sex, when I was young, I had to quit smoking weed to keep up with them.  
  No way I could have been a chronic smoker with those Gals .

  cock-tail party claimed  I was  making the wrong correlation between quantity of sex and birthrate, because in  bad economies  people don't want the  economic burden of  raising more children.
   He furnished no proof of Portugal's economy affecting their birth rate.
   Portugal has had other years before drugs were legalized when they had higher
birth rates and worse economies than now .
  What about Uganda, their birth rate is up,their  income per capita is down.  I believe
their women are having 5 children now??   I haven't checked the exact numbers lately.
  Sure,  they can grow and smoke weed in Uganda but they don't seem to have the drug problems like Portugal and they certainly don't have the low birth rate of stoners in Portugal.

  There  have been many scientific studies showing Marijuana users have low sperm count.
  Many studies show  chronic smokers develop low testosterone levels.
   Many studies show the sperm of chronic marijuana smokers burn out before their trip to the egg.
  The sperm is supposed to rest, once released, before making the final journey.  
Sperm of chronic marijuana smokers don't rest. they go full steam ahead and burn out before journey is over.

    If I take a college course online for free, on a subject that might help me in my career,
understand the content and pass the tests, that's good enough for me and my version of a  successful education.  
  I don't need a piece of paper to prove I know how to do my job.
 I would take a test challenge with any professor on this board, except johngaltnh  

  Just because I quit school in ninth grade is no  guarantee I quit my education or I  
never walked in a College and took a course or two.

I don't recall  mentioning I am a janitor in High school ????   Perhaps I did. In the past I  drank alcohol. Alcohol will make most of us quite confused, more so than weed.
 I don't believe, since we already have alcohol and tobacco available in stores, weed should also be as easy to buy.
If I was a High school janitor I see nothing wrong with that, certainly nothing to be ashamed of.
If  not for janitors there would be much more sickness.
 I have stated I am a janitor. What is your definition of janitor ?  
   I could be a janitor you have not imagined.
 Like engineers,all janitors are not the same, some engineers drive trains other engineers design solar planes.  

 I  have never sold any Tshirts at the flea market.  
 I hire my brother or another guy to sell them for me.  All I do is the brain work, coming up with the words and a rough design, then I pay an artist to draw in detail, the rough design I gave her,
  another company makes the shirts.
  I also signed a rental  agreement for my booth,with the flea market manager  
   A few people have told me I should go into Greeting cards.

   Of course I'm not telling you everything!   Does anyone here do that?  

It's possible I own the shrimp boat and I would rather mate with the crew than be stuck in the cabin with the Captain.  
  Stuck in the cabin with the cabin, has a ring to it .   If I  write any songs I want them to be all original like my shirt designs and slogans.

 I apologize for asking you if you learned how to lie from your LE family, That was  rude of me.
   Your relatives might very well be as honest, or more so, than Serpico.

  I think I might have over reacted when I noticed  you don't believe I am smarter than you,
 while  both you and cocktail party didn't seem to notice, I was only down on chronic weed smokers, in my reply to the OP's question .
Occasional stoners, no big deal.

P.S. Marijuana also dries the mouth, in ladies, her mouth and her vagina .. Not the best mix for  
propagation foreplay  :-D

 Another reason I don't want to see weed readily accessible in stores, too many people in this country already have  Amotivational syndrome, weed  can certainly exasperate that condition.
  So the next time you think I'm giving you a line, straight out of my imagination, I likely have some cards I haven't shown.  

  I bet there aren't many motivational speakers in Portugal.  :-D





Posted By: mattradd
schooled by cocktail-party on how you just leaped to a conclusion not based in fact.  
 You might consider continued learning after leaving a formal educational program, as an education, but I don't. I call it continued learning.  
 Just because someone completes their formal education, does not mean they stopped studying, learning and participating in informal learning and educational programs.  
 I can't recall commenting on my formal education, so what you believe about your education as compared to mine is a figment of your imagination.  
 If you have indeed done quite well for yourself, I don't see it in working out for you as a high school janitor, making and selling t-shirts at flee markets, or working on a shrimping boat on weekends. Unless you're lying about all that, or not telling us something.   ;)  
 So, in short, I'm not lying. I just don't agree with your definition of education.  ;)


-- Modified on 4/24/2015 11:30:46 PM

GaGambler 395 reads
34 / 38

I have noticed your posts are getting longer and longer. I have also noticed that the longer your posts are, the less likely they are to have much substance to them.

You might try the old "less is more" style of posting. Your posts made a lot more sense when they weren't so verbose.

quadseasonal 27 Reviews 378 reads
35 / 38

When I was paid by Cheney I was paid to confuse.
  Now I do it for fun.  
It's  an easy way to fish, and watch my catch of the day, swallow it all, hook line and sinker.  

 It's hilarious  how so many guys here skip paragraphs, while showing  ineptitude  reading
   obvious  lines.  

  Anytime you need a translation of my words in cliff notes version, let me know,
     Are you ready for the Tebow bet I offered you on the sports board ?  
If you win you won't see my words for quite some time.  
  I'll give you odds, if Sanchez continues to  struggle with his Tebow  analysis.  :-D
Posted By: GaGambler
I have noticed your posts are getting longer and longer. I have also noticed that the longer your posts are, the less likely they are to have much substance to them.

You might try the old "less is more" style of posting. Your posts made a lot more sense when they weren't so verbose.

GaGambler 284 reads
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and if you want to risk something like money, yeah I might put up a few bucks, but I LIKE posting here, and I don't see where I gain anything by you ceasing to post, so I don't see why I would make a bet with something to lose, and nothing to gain.

If you want to put up some cash, yeah I'll make the bet.

quadseasonal 27 Reviews 343 reads
37 / 38

If you decide you don't want to read my post you'll do like most men and women would, you wouldn't open it up.  

  OK I'll bet with you, with cash,  but first I should make a few extra bucks swabbing floors,  I
   never gamble with money I can't afford to lose.
  At the rate Americans are becoming allergic to hard work, I should easily make enough dough, to make our bet worth your while .  
Posted By: GaGambler
and if you want to risk something like money, yeah I might put up a few bucks, but I LIKE posting here, and I don't see where I gain anything by you ceasing to post, so I don't see why I would make a bet with something to lose, and nothing to gain.

If you want to put up some cash, yeah I'll make the bet.

GaGambler 299 reads
38 / 38

Your post makes perfect sense and you grasped the point of my post perfectly.

As for the bet, we have plenty of time before the even preseason starts, whatever you're comfortable with is just fine with me.

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