Politics and Religion

See. I told you so.
DoctorGonzo 106 Reviews 4910 reads
1 / 57

The Duke LaCrosse trial is over, the plaintiff has been proven to be a lyin' nappy ho, so where the fuck is that piece of garbage Al "bigmouth-anti-Semite-phoneybaloney-HarlemHoHumpin'" Sharpton to apologize for all the race-humping diatribes he vented at the Duke players? Get THAT slimey pile of publicity seeking putrefaction off the fucking airwaves. fucking bunch of media-hungry hypocrites and lowlifes, each and every one of em.

- With Homage to Imus, Stern, Opie, Anthony, Mark & Brian, and the rest of 'em. Fuck the political correctness of the spineless.

Long Live The First Amendment, and FUCK 'EM IF THEY CAN'T TAKE A JOKE!

Rant Over

"Nazi Bitch and her pet nigga"

Jeremy Bender 2828 reads
2 / 57

white folks think that it is OK to say any racist thing they want until rappers and Al Sharpton go away. What was the excuse before Al and Rap were on the scene?

zinaval 7 Reviews 2691 reads
3 / 57

I am betting his turn with a total career blowout will come.  He will bring himself down someday.

Biglvguy 7 Reviews 2818 reads
4 / 57
zinaval 7 Reviews 2322 reads
5 / 57
FreedomRider225 1954 reads
6 / 57

Al Sharpton and that Jesse Jackson are just a pair of elocution challenged, opportunistic, profiteering ,parasitic, hypocritical rebel rousers who have found an easy and deep trough to feed from by playing the fuck'n cheap ass "race card" boycott mentality so fearful to mainstream advertisers.
James Earl Ray did our entire world a huge disservice by not squeezing off another round (or two) into social hypocrite, media whore Jesse Jackson when he ran to smear some of MLK's blood on his shirt for the inevitable cameras.

XiaomingLover1 67 Reviews 2276 reads
7 / 57

"Fuck the political correctness of the spineless."


"Long Live The First Amendment, and FUCK 'EM IF THEY CAN'T TAKE A JOKE!"

You are ABSOLUTELY CORRECT 2X in one post !!!!

"Rant Over"

No Doc, here's the one of the times I want you to rant on and on and on....

Sharpton -- Dec 1995 :  denounces some penny-ante Harlem storeowner eking out a meager but honest living as a "white interloper."  Some days later some maniac firebombs the place, leading to several deaths of customers and store employees. All victims were non-white minorities.  If anyone has to be pilloried for irresponsible speech, here's our fellow.  Some memories are sadly very, very short.

To grant this man any credibility is well, amazing.

Imus is a jerk, but the question of free speech transcends the importance or unimportance of Imus.

XiaomingLover1 67 Reviews 2124 reads
8 / 57

It seems really odd to me that Imus is fired for using speech, admittedly very ugly, but speech no different than and arguably   far milder than that found in and used with promiscous abandon in gansgsta rap/hip-hop, a musical form favored by a significant segment of the male African-Americam population.  The same African-Americans who presumably take such umbrage at Imus' blatherings in this instance.  But are "entertained" by it when set to the acompaniment of musical instruments?  Please, you'll have to explain this to me.

Maybe we ought to wonder why it's not simply a case of "physician, heal thyself"?

Few, outside of Chriatian Identity nuts, White Aryan Resisters, KKKers, and the most backwoods rednecks felt free to give voice to what Imus spewed out re the Rutgers womens' BB team.  Until the [inexplicable IMHO] rise to popularity of hip-hop.    

I think AS, JJ and company doth protest entirely too much here.

Jeremy Bender 2281 reads
9 / 57

Unless the first rap artist came across on the Amistad I don't know how you are going to convince anyone that white racism started with the emergence of gansta rap. On a positive note though, this seems to be bringing you and the Doc together to share your hatred of blacks.

Kumba-fucking-ya, I guess.

DoctorGonzo 106 Reviews 3772 reads
10 / 57

They spew out their vitriol and hatred of Jews and then double speak about the white racism in america.

Sharpton never met a spotlight he didn't crave.
He was so quick to condemn the Duke players. Now it seems the woman was a lying sack o' shit. Where is his outrage?  

But to judge me a hater of blacks because of my disgust of vermin like Sharpton is a very incorrect assessment.

I acknowledge my problem with the Islamics. But even there, my issue is not with the Arab people as a whole.

I'm Jewish and have issues with the Hareidi Chassidic communities. does that make me a self-loathing Jew? I think not.

It pains me to read you painting me into that dark corner.

DoctorGonzo 106 Reviews 2210 reads
11 / 57
Jeremy Bender 2691 reads
12 / 57

Sharpton is right. A lot of people want deflect away from that fact. That is a shame. This has nothing to do with rap music or Jews. It has to do with a rich white man with a microphone and a large powerful network hurling racial insults at a target that did not deserve it. Apparently a lot of people think that that should get a pass because of rap music, Tawana Brawley and Hymietown. Everyone who is trying to avoid that truth needs to take a good hard look at their own motives.

DoctorGonzo 106 Reviews 2636 reads
13 / 57

that is my issue here. not his outrage over Imus, but his lack of contrition over the villification he brayed over the airwaves about the Duker LaCrosse players, only to fall deafeningly silent when it turns out the woman was a bald faced liar. Where is his apology for the hatred he generated towards those Duke players within the African-american community at large? These players were essentially judged guilty by mob manipulation courtesy of the Reverend Al Sharptongue.

RightwingUnderground 3053 reads
14 / 57

I knew jb wouldn't be able to resist here, that eventually, sooner rather than later, he would be calling you a racist.

He is the poster child for "Why no one can peacefully talk about anything racial".

Fact is, only HIS truth abd HIS motives seem to matter to him.

Jeremy Bender 2980 reads
15 / 57

was Don Imus raped by Duke lacrosse players? Please provide a link.

XiaomingLover1 67 Reviews 2528 reads
16 / 57

No, JB, my point is NOT tat white racism started after with theemergence ofgangsta rap.  My point is that  no white felt "empowered" to use this type of speech in the guise of entertainment until your rapper buddies opened this pandora's box in the form of musical expression "unique" to urbam America.

i'm sure DG is disconcerted my our temporary concurrence, but we'll all survive this briefest moment of non-disagreement.

Jeremy Bender 3223 reads
17 / 57

to take away your right to call people the N-word. Not unless you get a radio show, that is.

Jeremy Bender 2811 reads
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Vanilla Ice or Marky Mary. What hood was he raised in, by the way? Sorry, Xi, but the dude is 67 years old and has been saying racist shit long before rap music came along.

XiaomingLover1 67 Reviews 3864 reads
19 / 57

But only now was called on it?  176 years after the PC explosion?  What took so long?  Did hebecome vulnerable and expendable as his ratings went south?

And racist shit so amazing similar to what you hear in hip/hip? And so amazingly similar to the everydy discourse of many young African-American males?  TY, that does clear things up.

JB, I do sometimes believe in coincidences.

Jeremy Bender 2134 reads
20 / 57

with it. The media got the taste for blood with Mel Gibson and Michael Richards and probably saw another opportunity. His rather lame apology probably did not help. On top of that, his bread and butter was his ability to get top of the line guests like John McCain, Mitt Romney and John Kerry. Since he probably burned that bridge, the networks probably did not see the point of hanging on.

Honestly, I am surprised that the story is this big. I do not think that that many people listened to him anymore. I can't imagine that most people knew who he was up until now. According to his ratings, not many people did so he will not be missed by very many anyway.

Again you bring up PC as losing the right to call people the N-word as if it was a bad thing. I must ask why you want to call them that in the first place?

GOPGeezer 2 Reviews 2848 reads
21 / 57

That bogus black girl getting raped thing; then the  19 year old Rabbinical student getting murdered, then that store thing where 5 employees (all hispanic) where murdered.  Sharpton whipped gullible young black americans into a frenzy in all of these cases.  Sharpton is a phony.  Why would anyone want his opinion on anything.  He is evil.

Jeremy Bender 4111 reads
22 / 57

CAMDEN, N.J., April 12 — Gov. Jon S. Corzine underwent surgery on Thursday night after a car accident in which he broke his left leg, sternum, collarbone, six ribs on each side and a lower vertebra, state police and other government officials said. He was in critical but stable condition at midnight, sedated and on a breathing tube.

After delivering a speech to the New Jersey Conference of Mayors at the Trump Taj Mahal casino in Atlantic City, Mr. Corzine was on his way to Drumthwacket, the governor’s mansion in Princeton, for a meeting between the Rutgers women’s basketball team and Don Imus, the talk-show host who was fired on Thursday for making a racist and sexist remark about the players.

GOPGeezer 2 Reviews 4849 reads
23 / 57

Way back---last pres. election? I think.  Sharpton went to Detroit and addressed a bunch of "conservative black Baptist Ministers of protestant churches" in and around Detroit.

Sharpton started in on his canned speech and about halfway through he went into a rage because they were not cheering him on or something to that effect.  Anyway, Sharpton went off script and started calling them house n*****s and uncle Toms and oreos---- every name in the book.  And then he said that he didn't care about them because he was going to get on a plane and go back to NY and that Michigan would go Democrat without them and then he walked out.

The whole time, the ministers never were rude to him or anything.  But they got the last word because several of the ministers had kids in college and high school and they told their kids what Sharpton said and word went thru the internet about Sharpton.

Bottom line,  more black americans than most people realize do know that Sharpton is nothing but an evil person.

RightwingUnderground 3304 reads
24 / 57

You just can't help yourself.

I'd be willing to bet that "Perpetual Racist Accuser" has its own syndrome named in the Enyclopedia of the American Psychiatric Association and has it's very own billing code in the Mental Health Insurance Billing Registry.

JB - Help IS available.

RightwingUnderground 2354 reads
25 / 57
Jeremy Bender 2458 reads
26 / 57

notion that it is a bad thing to not want to hurl racial slurs at people. I don't get it and would like someone to explain it to me. Since you seem to think that it is an inalienable right, maybe you can give it a go.

Jeremy Bender 3323 reads
27 / 57

dead for weeks and now comes alive to defend the obviously racist comments of this old piece of shit. I assume that must be a coincidence.

NeedleDicktheBugFucker 22 Reviews 3505 reads
28 / 57

he shoold have been wearing his seatbelt.

DoctorGonzo 106 Reviews 3925 reads
29 / 57

And when Sharpton was out there calling for the heads of the Duke LaCrosse players, his vitriol was just as vehement as Imus.

The only difference between Al Sharpton and a bucket of shit, is the fucking bucket.

Jeremy Bender 2206 reads
32 / 57

discussion about race so it is rather silly to be accusing someone of playing the "race card." It seems to me that you are only comfortable talking about race if the perspective of the aggrieved party is absent. Go figure.

RightwingUnderground 2023 reads
33 / 57

But not to your question, because it is simply more of your race baiting.

You almost always see racial slurs behind, buried inside or loudly displayed in nearly every discussion of race.

When there is no racial slur expressed nor implied you still decry that one existed.

It's almost like a racial paranoia.

Jeremy Bender 3767 reads
34 / 57

deflect from the fact that you have no answer to the question of why you feel people have the right to shout racist insults over the public airwaves. To say that that is race baiting in the middle of a discussion about race is just a cop out.

RightwingUnderground 1928 reads
35 / 57
RightwingUnderground 3767 reads
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the energizer bunny of race baiting (except I doubt he's cute and fuzzy. He maybe pink though).

Jeremy Bender 3105 reads
37 / 57

Just because you have no answer does not mean race baiting. Maybe it just means that your argument is lame.

Jeremy Bender 2561 reads
38 / 57

an answer to my question proves anything except perhaps for the fact that you are out of ideas.

RightwingUnderground 2514 reads
39 / 57

what race baiting means, do you?

Jeremy Bender 3212 reads
40 / 57

your excuse for not having an answer to my question. You can call me whatever you like, but that does not take away from the fact that you have no response.

Jeremy Bender 2145 reads
41 / 57

stuck to just sliming the Jews:

"Hot on the heels of Mel Gibson and Michael Richards, radio personality Don Imus let loose with his own barrage of antisemitic vitriol on the November 30 broadcast of his “Imus in the Morning” show.
That morning, the program, which is produced in New York by WFAN and simulcast on MSNBC, was going to host a group of gospel singers known as the Blind Boys of Alabama. In anticipation of their appearance, Imus recalled reservations voiced by station supervisors prior to an earlier appearance by the group.
“I remember when I first had ’em on a few years ago,” Imus said. “The Jewish management at, whoever we work for, CBS, were bitchin’ at me about it.” WFAN is a subsidiary of WCBS radio.

“We had a meeting in my office,” Imus continued. “They were furious, but of course I don’t care what they say and never have.”

At this point, the show’s executive producer, Bernard McGuirk, a regular on-air presence, said of the Blind Boys, “Even if you wear a beanie, how can you not love these guys?”

“I tried to put it in terms that these money-grubbing bastards could understand,” Imus replied. “I said: ‘They’re handicapped, they’re black and they’re blind. How do we lose here?’ And then a light bulb went off over their scummy little heads.”

Imus co-host Larry Kenney, an impressionist who appeared earlier in the program as the Rev. Jerry Falwell, then said: “They probably were trying to push a more Semitic group on you. I don’t know, maybe the Paralyzed Putzes of Poland, or something like that.”

RightwingUnderground 2323 reads
42 / 57

You implied (with no evidence whatsoever) that I considered it "an inalienable right to hurl racial slurs at people", apparently because I called you on your race baiting of XL.

You didn't respond to my question, so I am left to believe that you aren't even aware that you race bait.

Jeremy Bender 2068 reads
43 / 57

does not have the right? Make up your mind already. Plus, grow up, Junior, I really don't think that XL needs much baiting.

RightwingUnderground 2349 reads
44 / 57

I never implied it either. And you can't quote anything I wrote that even remotely comes close to your assertion.

I simply called you to account for your calling him a racist, since he never said anything that would lead anyone but YOU to think that he did.

XiaomingLover1 67 Reviews 2279 reads
45 / 57

Maybe it's like this :

premise :  JB is not a racist

premise :  XL1 disagrees with JB on the topic at hand

premise ;   the topic at hand involves race

conclusion :  XL1 is racist

Anyway, I thought I've made it painfully clear that my speciality is anti-Semitism [don't angrily countrerpost -- this is irony.]

XiaomingLover1 67 Reviews 2658 reads
46 / 57

No JB, it's more about a double-standard and the total lack of credubilty of DI's critics.  You can shout racist and racism and race-baiting all you want, it's your right to do so, but it doesn't change the real contours of the story ;

1. DI is condemned [rightly] for these statements;

2. statements which embody sentiments heard far more graphically and far more frequently in many quarters of the African-American community, and especially in the popular entertainment genre known as gangsta rap/hip-hop [which is much beloved within much of the African-American community].  Rhetorical question time : why are African-Americans pissed off by expressions which in other cases provide so much entetainment? Statements made by DI in his entertainer role [now, ex-role] and to which so many African-Americans themselves give voice to with a predictabilty both painful and monotonous?.  Man, not only is it "tough Out there for A Pimp"  but it's tougher still for old racist white guys with JB dogging their every ill-begooten and maligant word;

3. AS and JJ have had their own history of remarks deemed racist, remarks for which they have been criticized but in no way negatively sanctioned to the extent DI has. And, unkind of me to point out, for which JB criticism is conspicuously not evident. It's a classic case of the pot calling the kettle black [yeah, i know, using this phrase here is racist and race-baiting.  But you'll have to live with it.  I'm just gonna say it's irony].

JB, I hate to resort to this argument, cause it's analogous to the one DG uses on me when I post about my special topic :  you very commendably decry examples of racist speech by whites, but I don't ever see you do likewise when the racist speech or race-baiting is done by African-Americans.  So, why the double-standard?  Wait, i know, i know, you're specialiZing.  No, wait, it's some form of affirmative action re racist statements.  No, wait, it's a conceptual problem.  No, wait, you're simply trolling on this Board.  No, wait, you're planning to intern at KlanWatch and ned the practice [relax, more sarcasm].  No, wait, you're a contrarian.  No, wait...

JB, you reinforce my belief that calling someone a racist is the 2007 equvalent of calling someone acommunist in 1955.  "Do you now, or have you ever, give voice to the N-word?"

Your heart is definitely in the right place, but as to your head?  I fear it's buried deep in a small, dark, odiferous place.

Ah, but what the hell.  I'm under no illussion that anythingI write here changes anything in the world.

XiaomingLover1 67 Reviews 2640 reads
47 / 57

"...hurling insults at a target that did not deserve it"?

Careful, JB, the implication is that hurling racist insults is acceptable, if not required, if the targer DOES deserve it.

XiaomingLover1 67 Reviews 2826 reads
48 / 57

And only his truth and his motives are beyond reproach and free of racist taint?

XiaomingLover1 67 Reviews 2777 reads
49 / 57

"Imus should have just played it safe and stuck to sliming the Jews"?

JB, if Imus made anti-Semetic remarks, why have you been so conspicuous in failing to critize those words?  Ain't that bigotry and prejusice?  And ain't that just as worthy of condemnation as the "nappy headed hos" coomment?

Or, analogous to the pigs in Orwell's "Animal Farm" -- all prejudice is to be condemned, but some predujice needs to be condemed more frequently and with more intensity than others?

JB, I think you might be displaying the same type of double standard as your heroes Sharpton and Jackson.  But i'm glad to know that, whatever the reason, it's not because or racists feelings on your part.

Jeremy Bender 1970 reads
50 / 57

the vast majority of the black community are NOT gangsta rappers. Just because the dominant media culture wants to play that up does not make it true. To say that black people cannot complain about a white person hurling racist insults on the radio because rappers use the N-word is the same as saying that Americans cannot complain about Osama Bin Laden because of Timothy McVeigh.

You seem to be pushing this theme that Imus learned his schtick from rappers. That is ridiculous. He has been on the air for 40 years and has been saying this shit for a long time.

If you have watched the pundits debate this, they have been doing the same thing of wanting to attack black culture as the reason that this happened. Hannity's response in all his debates has been "What about the rappers?" Think about what that means. He is justifying it because another segment of the population (that does not have a daily network TV & Radio show) uses bad language. Al Sharpton and Jesse Jackson have frequently criticized and condemned their lyrics.

If MTV and radio want to clean up their act, I see no one standing in their way. These radio and TV stations are owned by rich white guys so blaming blacks for this is specious at best. In fact, the dominant consumer for this type of music is actually white people. Go figure.

Jeremy Bender 2445 reads
51 / 57

Of course he should have been condemned for that. To be honest, I never listened much to Imus. The fact is that I found his mumbling unlistenable. This is the first time I heard this particular antisemetic rant. To be honest, I am surprised that he got away with that one--not to mention that Honest Joe Lieberman would continue to kiss his ass after something like that.

XiaomingLover1 67 Reviews 2065 reads
52 / 57

I DID indeed miss the sarcasm angle.

My question in turn  was rhetorical.

RightwingUnderground 2827 reads
53 / 57
NeedleDicktheBugFucker 22 Reviews 2321 reads
54 / 57

I thought I've made it painfully clear that my speciality is anti-Semitism"""


XiaomingLover1 67 Reviews 2318 reads
55 / 57


YET ANOTHER sterling example of the non-patented Xiaoming wit.

-- Modified on 4/14/2007 9:56:44 PM

NeedleDicktheBugFucker 22 Reviews 2590 reads
56 / 57

i figured it was safe to have a giggle down here where Doc might not be looking.

i don't want to accuse me of fraternizing with the enemy....

i got enough people that hate me too
(in case you have'nt noticed)


XiaomingLover1 67 Reviews 4845 reads
57 / 57

Ah, Doc's always looking.

Just for you, BK, I'll let you in on a semi-secret.  

A few times in the past Doc let the mask slip, momemtarily, and admitted that much of his verbal fire directed at moi is purely for effect.

I just like being needed and appreciated.

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