Politics and Religion

See, I told you so.
Snowman39 419 reads
1 / 20

Rasing taxes on the rich 1) decreases economic growth, and 2) raises unemployment

willywonka4u 22 Reviews 2725 reads
2 / 20

Raising taxes on the rich 1) increases economic growth, and 2) lowers unemployment.

St. Croix 677 reads
3 / 20

What's his education and experience in economics? Has he ever had a real job? I'm going to pass on this article willy. I kinda need to see someone with basic credentials, like a degree in economics, and a real job. That's not asking too much is it?

willywonka4u 22 Reviews 609 reads
4 / 20


St. Croix 718 reads
5 / 20

He has a PhD in Social Welfare. Big whoop! He was a teacher, sat on some committees, wrote a few papers, and now works for Biden.

This is what is wrong with Washington and politics. You either have to be trained as a lawyer, worked as a lawyer, worked in academia, or be a policy wonk. God help us

willywonka4u 22 Reviews 789 reads
6 / 20

...you don't want people trained in academia to advise people in Washington? Who should advise them? Uneducated shit kickers?

St. Croix 592 reads
7 / 20

Academia = no real world experience. Plus I hate professors, and I've had a few, that wore those ugly tweed jackets with elbow patches, bad hair, scruffy beards, and brown shoes.

They say Silicon Valley is pretty liberal, considering it's adjacent to San Francisco. Let's take a few of those successful execs and have them run the show for awhile vs the east coast, ivy league, elitist assholes.

PitchingWedge 88 Reviews 584 reads
8 / 20

You get one article from one of the biggest liberal-loving and Democrat-ass kissing sites on the web to allegedly prove your point.

Great work willy.  Hope you didn't over-exert yourself and throw out your back . . . .

Posted By: willywonka4u
Raising taxes on the rich 1) increases economic growth, and 2) lowers unemployment.

Priapus53 768 reads
9 / 20
willywonka4u 22 Reviews 727 reads
10 / 20

...you're essentially saying that running a business requires the same skills as running a federal agency of government?

Should we put an executive from a timber company in charge of the interior department? Should we put the CEO of Lockheed Martin in charge of the Defense Department? The CEO of Goldman Sachs in charge of the Treasury Dept? The CEO of Wal-Mart in charge of the Labor Dept? The CEO of Pfizer in charge of Health and Human Services? Maybe a manager for some 401K plan should run Social Security.

For some reason this quote comes to mind...

"Fascism should rightly be called corportism, as it is the merger of state and corporate power." -Benito Mussolini.

Next week Willy will argue the opposite. Richard Trumka should be the CEO of Wal-Mart. Paul Krugman should be the CEO of Goldman Sachs. And Dennis Kucinich should be the CEO of Lockheed Martin. Happy fucking days are here again.

Timbow 585 reads
11 / 20

Posted By: PitchingWedge
You get one article from one of the biggest liberal-loving and Democrat-ass kissing sites on the web to allegedly prove your point.

Great work willy.  Hope you didn't over-exert yourself and throw out your back . . . .

Posted By: willywonka4u
Raising taxes on the rich 1) increases economic growth, and 2) lowers unemployment.

FistFullOfFifties 658 reads
12 / 20

Just imagine the boom in Guillotine sales and manufacturing. Well, the guillotines would probably be made in China, but I bet they can make really good ones there!

FistFullOfFifties 415 reads
13 / 20

Not bad, but I think we should execute ALL the top 1%. Pawn their mink stoles, gold plated bidets and air conditioned dog houses. Use that money to create more jobs than the 1% did their entire lives, albeit shortened lives as the case will be. Impale their head on poles, and I don't mean just suck our dicks, but sure, that too. After any agreed upon blow job we may require from them, I'm thinking hoisting their noggins on cell phone towers to conserve on construction of additional infrastructure. The fact that they are now literally brain dead, not just figuratively anymore, that will prevent any brain cancer their heads might develop on their makeshift flagpoles of invisible wireless waves. Then give a tax cut to the circumcised, gender neutral, so the circumcised ladies get to keep more of the money they earned too. Once the 1% are displayed in the before mentioned topless state of decapitation, there will be a new top one percent shitting their pants. The circumcised people, now with more deposable income, can now afford the mink stoles, gold plated bidets and air conditioned dog houses at the greatly reduced prices from the pawn shops. Reparations for the barbaric act of baby mutilation. But instead they invest in adult diapers. Chinese made adult diapers. They become rich, but not too rich. Just poor enough to control their bowels.

But your idea is nice too.

willywonka4u 22 Reviews 702 reads
14 / 20

Since we're not going to do a damn thing to address the fact that we have income inequality in this country on par with Zimbabwe, then here's what I propose we do.

Every April 15th we figure out who the richest guy in America is. We then throw him in prison and confiscate all of his assets. Those assets are put into a savings bond until the Super Bowl comes. We then execute the guy during Half Time. The winning team's coach then is blindfolded, given a dart and a map of the United States. He throws the dart, and the closest metropolis with a significant homeless population is allocated for the equal distribution of the rich's guy's assets. The only people allowed to have the rich guy's money are people who have been confirmed to be homeless for more than 2 years.

PitchingWedge 88 Reviews 431 reads
15 / 20

Congratulations, you now have a playmate.  And, of course, you have plenty of time to frolic with him since you "work" for the government.

marikod 1 Reviews 971 reads
16 / 20

was employed before he became Secretary of the Treasury. I don't understand it - Matt Taibbi is usually so on the ball about stuff like this.

Timbow 344 reads
17 / 20

Posted By: marikod
was employed before he became Secretary of the Treasury. I don't understand it - Matt Taibbi is usually so on the ball about stuff like this.

willywonka4u 22 Reviews 318 reads
18 / 20

Just as I'm well aware of where Gale Norton went to work after she stepped down from the Dept. of the Interior.

Have you ever noticed this never works the other way around? A real anti-capitalist like Michael Albert doesn't work as the CEO of Goldman. Al Gore doesn't become the CEO of Royal Dutch Shell or ExxonMobil. The League of Women Voters don't run a touch-screen voting machine company.

willywonka4u 22 Reviews 1228 reads
19 / 20

...of course, as a gov't worker I'm expected to be a lazy asshat who wastes taxpayer money. Oh, by the way, thank you for paying my salary, PW. My dealer thanks you too.

But, of course, as someone who works in the ever so efficient private market place, where waste is impossible to find, for some reason you post here regularly just like me. Hmmmm....

Get back to work you lazy slob!!!


willywonka4u 22 Reviews 362 reads
20 / 20

The nice part about my plan, is the incentives it would create. Every April 14th every rich guy in American would be falling all over themselves to donate enough to charity to make them Number 2. Imagine the amount of back and forth back stabbing that would go on!

Oh, here's the kicker...we hang their corpse up at the NYSE to set a good example. And if that doesn't faze them, we'll just let homeless people panhandle on the floor. Maybe give every 12th odd panhandler (only the ones that look REALLY crazy) we give a loaded Glock with an extended clip. You put the whole thing on pay-per-view, and the money raised goes to pay off the national debt.


-- Modified on 4/26/2012 8:36:59 PM

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