Politics and Religion

Sean handled it right, ignored her, that's the best way...
BigPapasan 3 Reviews 2821 reads
1 / 31

...on personal business.  He was accosted by a woman who was rude and out of line by asking him questions about committing treason and referring to Trump as a fascist.  Just like Republican George Allen who looked at an American with dark skin and called him "macaca", Spicer looked at the American-born woman of Indian descent and said: "It's such a great country that allows you to be here.

Why do righies think that only people with white faces are real Muricans?

JackDunphy 206 reads
2 / 31

"Macaca?" Did I miss it? Where did Spicer call the women a name?  

And how is what he said to her "racist and threatening" to the woman? This woman is a fucking micro aggression factory. LOL

I hope she ran to her safe space bc the little snowflake will melt in 5, 4, 3, 2, ....

TwoMints 200 reads
3 / 31

It's amazing that you jump immediately to racism instead of the reality..  It's mindbogglingly.

It's a great country that allows her to challenge him like that. In much of the world, she'd be face down getting her ass beat. Likely locked up many countries. In some she might just disappear.  But no of course it's racism. WOW.
Posted By: BigPapasan
...on personal business.  He was accosted by a woman who was rude and out of line by asking him questions about committing treason and referring to Trump as a fascist.  Just like Republican George Allen who looked at an American with dark skin and called him "macaca", Spicer looked at the American-born woman of Indian descent and said: "It's such a great country that allows you to be here.  
 Why do righies think that only people with white faces are real Muricans?

macdaddy1944 51 Reviews 181 reads
4 / 31

Sean has an uncanny resemblance to Joseph Goebbels..

Hpygolky 206 Reviews 310 reads
5 / 31

I didn't like her "In your face" method, not really cool. Anyway, Sean doesn't know shit, he's just following what he's told to say. Someone has to take the shit that trump is dumping, so it might as well be Spicer.

BigPapasan 3 Reviews 207 reads
6 / 31

...just as George Allen assumed "Macaca" was a furriner because of his skin color.. Is it really that difficult for you to add 2 + 2?

-- Modified on 3/13/2017 7:42:18 PM

ROMMEL 54 Reviews 228 reads
7 / 31

He looks nothing like Goebbels.  But, had Ava Braun survived, she'd look like a lot Hillary about now.

Posted By: macdaddy1944
Sean has an uncanny resemblance to Joseph Goebbels..

EuroModelsShown 209 reads
8 / 31

Why would a person ask the WHPS a question outside of a press conference?

It only shows ignorance on her part.

The press secretary only delivers answers from the president, to the press. Question that have been delivered by the press, to the WH prior to the press conference, so the questions can be answered.

BigPapasan 3 Reviews 172 reads
9 / 31

...be surprised at your lack of reading comprehension -- after all, you're a righty.  

Of course she has the right to speak up and challenge him, although she should have been more respectful.  Spicer said America is a great country because it ALLOWS her to BE HERE.  Does your impaired reading comprehension allow you to understand what Spicer was saying to the dark-skinned woman?  When is the last time you heard of an American-born person to not be ALLOWED to live in America?  Wow indeed.

TwoMints 278 reads
10 / 31

Because I don't view the world through race tinted glasses, I don't interpret what he said that way.  He was, and he actually talked about it at the presser, that he meant that she was allow to be in that store, filming him.  

Please show me where in the video he said "live"  he said allows you to be here.  That changes the meaning. At least it should to anyone with any common sense.  You need to believe he said live to complete your confirmation bias.

While she and well as you view the world through race tinted glasses and desperately want to believe that he's a racist. You haven't proven it.  She's a straight up nutter looking for attention.  

Posted By: BigPapasan
...be surprised at your lack of reading comprehension -- after all, you're a righty.    
 Of course she has the right to speak up and challenge him, although she should have been more respectful.  Spicer said America is a great country because it ALLOWS her to BE HERE.  Does your impaired reading comprehension allow you to understand what Spicer was saying to the dark-skinned woman?  When is the last time you heard of an American-born person to not be ALLOWED to live in America?  Wow indeed.

TwoMints 308 reads
11 / 31


What the fuck does George Allen have to do with any of this. It's like your regressive brains make connection where they are none. Is it some type of autism?

How do you know he assumed anything?  Cray cray..
Posted By: BigPapasan
...just as George Allen assumed "Macaca" was a furriner. Is it really that difficult for you to add 2 + 2?

JakeFromStateFarm 249 reads
12 / 31

Is English your second language? That would explain a lot.

BigPapasan 3 Reviews 215 reads
13 / 31

...where the fuck did you get that idiotic idea?  The only thing that is prearranged is that sometimes the reporters who will be called on are chosen in advance of the press conference.

2465305 70 Reviews 229 reads
14 / 31

She got so mad she probably went to Soros and requested double the money he paid her to be a total cunt.

Posted By: hpygolky
I didn't like her "In your face" method, not really cool. Anyway, Sean doesn't know shit, he's just following what he's told to say. Someone has to take the shit that trump is dumping, so it might as well be Spicer.

Hpygolky 206 Reviews 256 reads
15 / 31

Your constant mention of her is creepy....get a grip. She's gone, she ain't coming back. Pick on someone who's relevant.

-- Modified on 3/13/2017 9:03:00 PM

quadseasonal 27 Reviews 215 reads
16 / 31

She's lucky her parents weren't screened for rude obnoxious offspring disease.
  Typical Left Wing Lunatic Teacher.  
 She taught 6th Grade English...  
"WUT? I'm 5'2. Your afraid of my words?"
  No doubt, Public school!  ROFL


Posted By: JackDunphy
"Macaca?" Did I miss it? Where did Spicer call the women a name?  
 And how is what he said to her "racist and threatening" to the woman? This woman is a fucking micro aggression factory. LOL  
 I hope she ran to her safe space bc the little snowflake will melt in 5, 4, 3, 2, ....

ROMMEL 54 Reviews 272 reads
17 / 31

No dude, I don't have a think for your girl Cankles.  As long as she sticks her bloated potatoe face into things she's fair game.  She and bathhouse Barry are the most relevant Democrats.  Wow, how bad it that?  Feeling your pain Dude.

quadseasonal 27 Reviews 234 reads
18 / 31

Every time "America First" President Trump does something I don't agree with, I think "to myself" it would be drastically worse if Dunce Queen HRC was President.

Posted By: hpygolky
She's gone, she ain't coming back. Pick on someone who's relevant.

ROMMEL 54 Reviews 265 reads
19 / 31

Had they cornered Obama's pajama boy Earnest you'd have sung a different tune.  But Republicans wouldn't confront some one that way.  The hypocrisy and cowardice that you pussys exhibit on a daily basis is staggering.

JackDunphy 160 reads
20 / 31

Didn't the Left figure out after all the Repub ass whippings of your party that the "War On Women" nonsense backfired miserably?

And ya think the race card is now gonna work? LOL

He had every right to tell that loser to go fuck herself but he handled the moment perfectly.

He kept his dignity and that snowflake nut job is now an embarrassment for the world to see.


JackDunphy 175 reads
21 / 31

...but what about a debate?

What corrupt party would do such a thing?  


BigPapasan 3 Reviews 288 reads
22 / 31

..."here" to mean the Apple store.  That's the stupidest thing I've ever heard. America is a great country because it allows her to go into an Apple store??  BWAHAHAHAHA!!!  Other countries don't allow their citizens to go into Apple stores??  BWAHAHAHa!!

Spicer clearly was saying that America is a great country because it allows furriners like her to be here - in this country.  Just like George Allen, he presumed she wasn't Murican because of her skin color and the fact that she wasn't Latino, Asian or black.

EuroModelsShown 194 reads
23 / 31

How else is the WH going to prepare a response, when the President isn't answering questions live on stage?

Example, when a reporter asks Sean Spicer a question, and he gives them the Presidents answer.

Have you ever watched one of these things?
Posted By: BigPapasan
...where the fuck did you get that idiotic idea?  The only thing that is prearranged is that sometimes the reporters who will be called on are chosen in advance of the press conference.

JakeFromStateFarm 158 reads
26 / 31

The press doesn't have to submit questions in advance, never has, never will.  What kind of alternate reality do you live in? And there's no need for it anyway, because the White House knows from the previous day's news exactly what the press will ask and develops agreed-on answers.
God, you're dumb.

earlweaver 165 reads
27 / 31
EuroModelsShown 239 reads
28 / 31

That was my exact point. The press isn't going to ask a question the WH does not want to answer. The press is the propaganda arm of the WH including the current administration.

What kind of alternative reality do you subscribe to?
Posted By: JakeFromStateFarm
The press doesn't have to submit questions in advance, never has, never will.  What kind of alternate reality do you live in? And there's no need for it anyway, because the White House knows from the previous day's news exactly what the press will ask and develops agreed-on answers.  
 God, you're dumb.

GaGambler 173 reads
29 / 31

but this last post is about as dumb a post as I have ever read, I think you should be answering the question, "have you ever watched one of those things?"

If you had, you'd see virtually every time reporters asking the WHPS questions he most definitely does not want to hear, much less answer.  

Nice job getting yourself noticed for SPOTY in fg's absence.

and at the risk of agreeing with Jake, God you're dumb

JakeFromStateFarm 275 reads
30 / 31

He not only can't write English, he can't read it either if he thinks I said press questions are scripted.  In fact, I said the opposite.
I'd tell him to go back and read what I wrote, but what would be the point?

EuroModelsShown 194 reads
31 / 31

Still don't know how it works, the press does what the WH tells it to do. If the WH didn't want a talking point out there floating around, the press would never speak of it.

Next you will be saying that the left right political divide is natural, and not entirely orchestrated to be a complete contradiction of issues.

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