Politics and Religion

Sanders is making history and he is not finished.
stucaboy 72 reads


GaGambler104 reads

The number of young people behind this old man is mindboggling.

His supporters may end up being the key to this election. I have to admit that many of the young Bernie supporters that I have talked to, (mainly hookers and sugar babies) seem to share a hatred for Trump and are rather noncommittal about Hillary. IMO, Trump can't wait until the last minute to start courting the Bernie backers, he better start broadening his base NOW.

According to polling, millennials DESPISE Trump. Once the inevitability of Sanders loss sinks in on June 7th, his supporters will either go Hillary, 3rd party, or sit it out.

The fact that so many young people support this bitter, old delusional Socialist doesn't say much for our public educational system. Between Facebook & here, the Sanders supporters are the PITS, dumb, rude & arrogant. I actually get along better with the Trump supporters here, quite a revelation to me.

Lastly, even libs are turning against Sanders, as evidenced by below link :


Posted By: GaGambler
The number of young people behind this old man is mindboggling.  
 His supporters may end up being the key to this election. I have to admit that many of the young Bernie supporters that I have talked to, (mainly hookers and sugar babies) seem to share a hatred for Trump and are rather noncommittal about Hillary. IMO, Trump can't wait until the last minute to start courting the Bernie backers, he better start broadening his base NOW.

bigguy3078 reads

Posted By: ChoosyCynic
According to polling, millennials DESPISE Trump. Once the inevitability of Sanders loss sinks in on June 7th, his supporters will either go Hillary, 3rd party, or sit it out.  
 The fact that so many young people support this bitter, old delusional Socialist doesn't say much for our public educational system. Between Facebook & here, the Sanders supporters are the PITS, dumb, rude & arrogant. I actually get along better with the Trump supporters here, quite a revelation to me.  
 Lastly, even libs are turning against Sanders, as evidenced by below link :  
Posted By: GaGambler
The number of young people behind this old man is mindboggling.  
  His supporters may end up being the key to this election. I have to admit that many of the young Bernie supporters that I have talked to, (mainly hookers and sugar babies) seem to share a hatred for Trump and are rather noncommittal about Hillary. IMO, Trump can't wait until the last minute to start courting the Bernie backers, he better start broadening his base NOW.

The true libs are still in love with Sanders as they can't bring themselves to embrace Hillary, but Democratic partisans who want the Democratic party to win at all costs realize that Bernie is hurting Hillary and THAT is why they are criticizing him.

and once again, I think you underestimate Trumps ability to market himself. Millennials hate Trump today, but they are hardly in love with Hillary. A reality TV star is more likely to be able to pitch himself to the young and stupid than a stodgy old grandmother with federal indictments hanging over her head. I think it is way too early to count the Bernie crowd as votes for Hillary just yet. I will most definitely concede that at the moment at least, most of the younger crowd absolutely detest Donald Trump, but these young voters are notoriously fickle and could turn against Hillary and for Trump on a dime.

millennial women, voting for him, that see him as a GFILTF?  ;)

saltyballs84 reads

......he has ZERO chance of winning the Democratic nomination, so why is he venting his spleen at Hillary and the Democratic establishment. It's looking like the Democrats are setting up to have an epic  food fight at their nominating convention.

run as a Democrat nominee for president. He doesn't care about the Democratic Party. He wants to make it the Democratic Socialist party.

bigguy3083 reads

I would still vote for him or Hillary over Trump!  

Posted By: mattradd
run as a Democrat nominee for president. He doesn't care about the Democratic Party. He wants to make it the Democratic Socialist party.
-- Modified on 5/19/2016 11:09:50 AM

Sanders wants to drag Hillary as far to the left as he possibly can and further wants her to make concessions to doing so before throwing himself and his supporters behind her. He knows he has the leverage to do so and is making the most of it. Of course he may very well cost her the election in the process, but some of us don't see that as a "bad thing"

"Hopefully" he will make good on his word and fight her tooth and nail right up through and during the actual convention.

brooks594 reads

normally this type of bile using a horrible disease as an insult is reserved by libs for use against conservatives

they must be REALLY panicked to turn on one of their own like this

how do you like the fuzzy little, caring bunny libs now?  ;)

I smell the stench of their fear

With an crazy, ignorant loser as Trump running for their POTUS candidate.

As for Bernie, I still think he'll drop out sometime in June.

Most likely somewhere around the 55th of June when the convention starts.

Bernie keeps winning states and clings to the hope of convincing the Super Delegates of switching to his side. Why should he quit? Certainly not for the "good of the party" Bernie is not even a Democrat, why the fuck should he care about the good of the party? Yes it's possible he will drop out after June 7, but it wouldn't surprise me in the least if he did not.

So my hunch is that with much pressure, he drops out in June.

We'll see next month If I'm right. If he has full blown dementia, guess i'll have to retract-----  :

GaGambler113 reads

He's not a Democrat, so threatening to withhold campaign funds from him is not a weapon for them to use. He's old as fuck, so they can't hold his "future" hostage. His supporters are coocoo for cocoa puffs over him and this will keep his fifteen minutes of fame going just a little bit longer. He has PLENTY of money to keep going, so why in the fuck should he drop out unless Clinton gives him some major concessions to get him to do so?

Do you really think that appealing to his Party loyalty and pointing out that his refusal to drop out will strengthen Trump by weakening Hillary will really persuade him to drop out? It's possible, but I kind of doubt it. He's a man with nothing to lose, a sizeable warchest and millions of adoring supporters. Go Bernie Go!!!

June 8, Obama & Elizabeth Warren endorse HRC. Pressure mounts , donations drop ( they're dropping out already ) Sanders quits sometime in June& he gets some platform concessions. He's toast, or in his case, matzo. If you don't know the meaning of that word, talk to Doc G.

Posted By: GaGambler
He's not a Democrat, so threatening to withhold campaign funds from him is not a weapon for them to use. He's old as fuck, so they can't hold his "future" hostage. His supporters are coocoo for cocoa puffs over him and this will keep his fifteen minutes of fame going just a little bit longer. He has PLENTY of money to keep going, so why in the fuck should he drop out unless Clinton gives him some major concessions to get him to do so?  
 Do you really think that appealing to his Party loyalty and pointing out that his refusal to drop out will strengthen Trump by weakening Hillary will really persuade him to drop out? It's possible, but I kind of doubt it. He's a man with nothing to lose, a sizeable warchest and millions of adoring supporters. Go Bernie Go!!!

Otherwise Bernie doesn't owe a lot more to the DNC than Trump did to the RNC until he became the presumptive nominee and potential leader of the party.

As for donations after June 7th, what the fuck does he need more money for? He's got millions and most likely will end his campaign with a surplus, who knows he might have enough left over to pay for his wife's fuckup if he can figure out a way to use it without going to prison. lol

Of course he's not going to win, only the most rabid of Bernie supporters EVER thought he was going to win, but he still has life in him and no real good reason to drop out unless he wants to.

he wont give up the fight due to delusional dementia. Unlikely, but if you've seen him on tv lately, a condition that's not out of the question.

brooks572 reads


insult all you want there cheese-dick, YOU are the one losing sleep over Trump maybe beating Kaptain Kangaroo

are you waking in a cold-sweat yet? ;)

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