Politics and Religion

Salt Lake County did something different...
ex 9 Reviews 352 reads

They did away with the sheriff and created
a new private corporate police force called
"The Unified Police Department".  And the
old Sheriff is now the CEO if it.

The link is long and I don't expect you to
read all of it so here are some short excerpts:

" ...the newly formed Unified Police Department – the “unification” of the sheriff, municipal, and unincorporated police departments within Salt Lake County into one corporately structured private police force..."

"This political office is (or was) the protectorate of the people within each county; acting as the law of the land and the only instrumentality that has the real power to thwart the encroachments of the Federal government – the power to say NO!    If you have a problem with the local police in your town or city (corporate municipality), the County Sheriff and his department is who you would call as the authority of the land (county)."

This, it turns out, is a national phenomenon that is indicative of the federal takeover of local and state law enforcement – the “Federalization” of all police in the country. It is the selling out of State’s rights as soon as the Federal Government waves grant paperwork and United Nations treaties in front of our legislators and constitutionally ignorant sheriff’s collective, treasonous faces:

“It’s important that people recognize the agency, and they will no longer say ‘Sheriff’s Office.’  It’s anticipated they will say Unified Police Department…” Sheriff Winder told KCPW in August 2009.

A spokesperson for the department tells ABC 4, Salt Lake City Police Chief Chris Burbank says he’s recently stumbled upon patrol officers within the department who haven’t written one traffic citation in a year.  So, he’s writing a new rule requiring every cop to write at least one ticket per week, or they’ll be questioned.

“We’ve got goals ....."

For the unicorporated residents of
Salt Lake County, they are charged
a police fee of $174 a year.

mrnogood2024 reads

This is what a federal takeover looks like, and this IS tyranny! The hour is near friends! You're cash strapped states will begin a showdown soon, and you will be sucked in.. If you haven't bothered to prepare for what is coming, given the muni bond crisis, and real current events happening all around you.. You don't stand a chance at survival..

One side, did not do this to us, BOTH sides did.. The government does not solve problems, BUT THEY CREATE THEM, every single problem we have, was created by them, never answered by them..





One of the most important elections, is the elections of our sheriffs, and it is sad to see their powers being removed.. I doubt seriously, this will stop arrests, it will just stop arrests by our ACCOUNTABLE sheriffs, and allow arrests of the good people of the USA by unaccountable parties.. Which, is very dangerous..

THIS is what democracy looks like, but not a republic.. A republican form of government implies the government is OF the people, AND BY THE PEOPLE, a democracy does not.. and can be of corporations, or royalty.. This is what it looks like when corporations who make money from jailing you, have the power invested in our governments..

Do you know MOST of america's industry now is produced by prisoners? http://www.google.com/search?q=america%27s+indiustrial+power+comes+from+prisoners&ie=utf-8&oe=utf-8&aq=t&rls=org.mozilla:en-US:official&client=firefox-a

MORE is produced  by prisoners, IN PRISON, than ANY company in America..

This is America's industrial prison complex, and much like our military industrial complex, they are BOTH controlled by big corporations.. This is what has happened while you were asleep America! and now this system is so finely tuned and oiled NOTHING can save you from it, but revolution..

This doesn't have to be a bloody revolution, it can be a bloodless one... A revolution of consciousness will spare many lives!


-- Modified on 4/9/2012 3:58:23 AM

They did away with the sheriff and created
a new private corporate police force called
"The Unified Police Department".  And the
old Sheriff is now the CEO if it.

The link is long and I don't expect you to
read all of it so here are some short excerpts:

" ...the newly formed Unified Police Department – the “unification” of the sheriff, municipal, and unincorporated police departments within Salt Lake County into one corporately structured private police force..."

"This political office is (or was) the protectorate of the people within each county; acting as the law of the land and the only instrumentality that has the real power to thwart the encroachments of the Federal government – the power to say NO!    If you have a problem with the local police in your town or city (corporate municipality), the County Sheriff and his department is who you would call as the authority of the land (county)."

This, it turns out, is a national phenomenon that is indicative of the federal takeover of local and state law enforcement – the “Federalization” of all police in the country. It is the selling out of State’s rights as soon as the Federal Government waves grant paperwork and United Nations treaties in front of our legislators and constitutionally ignorant sheriff’s collective, treasonous faces:

“It’s important that people recognize the agency, and they will no longer say ‘Sheriff’s Office.’  It’s anticipated they will say Unified Police Department…” Sheriff Winder told KCPW in August 2009.

A spokesperson for the department tells ABC 4, Salt Lake City Police Chief Chris Burbank says he’s recently stumbled upon patrol officers within the department who haven’t written one traffic citation in a year.  So, he’s writing a new rule requiring every cop to write at least one ticket per week, or they’ll be questioned.

“We’ve got goals ....."

For the unicorporated residents of
Salt Lake County, they are charged
a police fee of $174 a year.

mrnogood930 reads

NY also has a unified court system.. When the judicial system is unified, it creates MANY problems, and removes jurisdiction from our elected/ appointed people..


NY, the corporate empire state was the first, I believe to do this.. I hope NONE of you, no longer shop at corporations, unless you must.. We must stop funding the beast doing this to us..

On the 15th of every month, their is a growing movement called "don't buy, don't comply" where millions of people don't spend ANY money on that day.. In an attempt to show the corporations they're NOTHING without us

Join it, and lets make it grow to several days through-out the month

-- Modified on 4/9/2012 4:54:04 AM

This is big business in Maryland. You want to see something real disturbing check out Latrobe Homes public housing. Then check out their neighbor 300 feet to the west, literally across the street.

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