Politics and Religion

Sadly, it didn't take long for this thread to be buried under a ton of troll garbage...
BigPapasan 3 Reviews 459 reads
1 / 12

...Until recently, conservatives had a majority on the Supreme Court.  Republican governors have been elected in 31 of the 50 states.  Republicans control 70 of the country's 99 legislative chambers.

So why does Donald Trump have to "Make America Great Again?"  Why hasn't Republican hegemony already made America great?  Why haven't they done for America what Sam Brownback did for and to Kansas?

All because of Obama, right?  He single-handedly stopped America from being great, right?

Fucking delusional righties!!       BWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!

ROMMEL 54 Reviews 64 reads
2 / 12

Weak Republican leaders in the house and senate are the problem.  They just want to keep their gig and not be accused of racism or any other ism.  They're scared to death of the press and are always keeping their powder dry because someday they'll do something.  Then they try to impress their constituents with countless Obamacare bills they know will never pass. It's pitiful.  If Trump wins, Ryan and McConnel have to go.  But you're right, Obama does suck and he has stoked up racial tensions by his actions and inactions.

Posted By: BigPapasan
...Until recently, conservatives had a majority on the Supreme Court.  Republican governors have been elected in 31 of the 50 states.  Republicans control 70 of the country's 99 legislative chambers.  
 So why does Donald Trump have to "Make America Great Again?"  Why hasn't Republican hegemony already made America great?  Why haven't they done for America what Sam Brownback did for and to Kansas?  
 All because of Obama, right?  He single-handedly stopped America from being great, right?  
 Fucking delusional righties!!       BWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!

DoctorGonzo 106 Reviews 92 reads
3 / 12

... In Isaac Asimov's Foundation Trilogy, there is a point in the narrative where an individual comes out of nowhere to completely upset and overwhelm the existing power structures and become the ruler of the known galaxy, defying all convention of the time. Called The Mule, this more than anything else reminds me of the rise of Donald Trump.

In point of fact, there have been many statements made to the effect Trump is NEITHER Republican nor Conservative.
In point of fact, there have been many statements made to the effect Trump is NEITHER Democrat nor Liberal.
Certainly these statements all ring true if you define ANY of these aforementioned niche demographics in the classic sense.
Personally, if I had to assign a label to the man, it would be this: a Socially Progressive Leaning Economic Authoritarian or SPLEAN.

Forget about the individual for the moment, and consider that this SPLEAN is the nevitable result of the corruption and elitist policies brought to you by the GOP, or obstructed by the GOP dominated Congress. If not Trump, then it would have been someone else, but it was inevitable there would be an anti-GOP Republican at some point. That point is now.

You can say the same thing about Bernie Sanders if not for the blatant favoritism and corruption within the power ranks of the Democratic Party. Bernie himself didn't have the media savvy of Trump, but certainly his people did.

If one were to look at this election as a choice between bimbo and a buffoon, it would be accurate. But the bimbo also happens to have genuine credentials and qualifications to run for President of the United States, and if it were purely a matter of bona fides on a resume, then please, let's use the campaign funds to feed the homeless and improve conditions for our Veterans, and just put Hillary in office on January 21.

But this is no longer how it works. It's a popularity contest.  

Now, for the moment, let's suspend our view of Trump himself, and look at the niche he DOES represent. These are people who are more likely to watch The Apprentice and follow Twitter and Social Media, NOT those inclined to the Wall Street Journal or Scientific American. But they are also not necessarily those who derive their total information from Fox. YouTube Instagram SnapChat et al have changed the playing field, Facetime and Skype have rendered news censorship moot, and now you can even stream live while you commit murder. The Old Guard got caught with their Koch's out, and now they have paid the price as the GOP fractures into Trump or anti-Trump factions. And Ted Cruz either stood tall, or committed political suicide, depending on your spin. Asshat either way, but but an asshat with stones.  

Meanwhile, the entire demographic scene of the USA changed from politically defined to a more partisan ideological bent over the last 20 years. This is certainly due to the influence exerted initially by Rush Limbaugh driven conservative radio, and of course Roger Ailes at Fox News. It is no longer Democrat v Republican as much as it is Liberal vs Conservative and there are many different ideas on which way is best within both ideologies.

And there there's the whole foreign policy issue and whether or not immigration really does pose an existential threat to our nation (of course it doesn't, our nation was made great thanks to the many waves of immigrants going back to the Pilgrims).
I say it isn't the immigrants, it is the philosophies that they bring with them that are contrary to AMERICAN values.

If it is seditious behavior for militia members in Idaho to promote the overthrow of the American government an d replace it with anarchy, it damn well should be seditious behavior for Imams and other Muslim leaders to promote Sharia as the law of the land.

The GOP have themselves to blame for their current train wreck. The DEM need to get their house in order and stop worrying about Trump.

Either way, it is still Hillary's election to lose, but mocking the opposition isn't helping.

pot/kettle 109 reads
4 / 12

on deaf ears.

The majority of the clowns on this board -- both the left and right side -- only wish to push forth their own partisan opinions.  Some of those opinions are well expressed but most of them are not presented with the hope and desire of fostering and promoting further reasonable discussion.  They are willing to give but certainly not take.

Some of the clowns just love to see their names pop up over and over on the board.  Others just want to be as cynical as they can and attempt to be the biggest wise asses in the room.  Yet others like to call their "opponents" silly names and think that the sole purpose of the board is to destroy talking points and trash all those who hold opposing viewpoints.

Others either purposely or because they are truly stupid and maybe even illiterate show their total inability to put together even one short, simple and grammatically correct sentence.

Good luck getting some real discussion.  I hope I am shocked and see that it happens.  This board needs some semblance of maturity

pot/kettle 66 reads
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DT_lover 188 Reviews 49 reads
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DoctorGonzo 106 Reviews 69 reads
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... but at least I know I gave it one last try before cutting it loose.

When something ceases to be enjoyable, its time to stop.

oh look how appropriate its 4:18pm on my clock.

As good a time as any to say farewell.

No fanfare, just Goodbye.

pot/kettle 57 reads
9 / 12

Posted By: DoctorGonzo
... but at least I know I gave it one last try before cutting it loose.  
 When something ceases to be enjoyable, its time to stop.  
 oh look how appropriate its 4:18pm on my clock.  
 As good a time as any to say farewell.  
 No fanfare, just Goodbye.

Sexy Carolina See my TER Reviews 56 reads
10 / 12

The GOP currently holds  
248 out of 440 seats in the House  
54 out of 100 seats in the Senate  
31 out of 50 Governors  
70 out of 99 legislative chambers  
4 out of 8 Justices appointed to the Supreme Court  
So why haven't they been able to make America great?  
We need change now

brooks5 63 reads
11 / 12

and ignores law

simple enough for ya?

brooks5 58 reads
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you put up an anti-Trump/pro-Hillary post that almost no one responded to and complain about it being "buried under troll garbage"  as if you are somehow superior.  fucking nonsense

1) didn't see any troll garbage nor did I see much interest
2) grow the fuck up

you'll be back

whiners can't help themselves

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