Politics and Religion

RWU ...You have it completely wrong!!
quadseasonal 27 Reviews 2390 reads

Posted by RightwingUnderground,
"Moose. No balls to respond to me directly?"  

 I am more inclined to think Moose is a rather large woman with her panties in a knot.  

RightwingUnderground2674 reads

Bring on the Keating attacks. It will only make your 527s look more silly and hateful.

Who could have a better defense than a recent, flat and open apology and complete vindication from none other than Bob Bennett, Clinton’s Chief defender and the Chief Counsel for the Democrat Congressional hearings into Keating?

-- Modified on 4/13/2008 11:24:30 AM

Posted by RightwingUnderground,
"Moose. No balls to respond to me directly?"  

 I am more inclined to think Moose is a rather large woman with her panties in a knot.  

The stuff that's going to come from Republican 527's (whether Clinton or Obama is the nominee) will be the most vile ads we've ever seen...After what Swift Boaters did to Kerry in 2004 & the extremely mean-spirited campaign run against Max Cleland, it's hard to think they'll get any worse, but then again, politics is a gladitorial blood sport to Republicans...

And I'll say it again, when the general election season starts fairly soon, everything that the 2 nominees have ever said, done, or written will come up...

Rev. Wright won't go away for Obama, and there is NO WAY that Keating 5 is going away...

Chuck Darwin2050 reads

what's important is that MCCain is falling all over himself to suck up to the religious right and the Bush branch of the Nero Republicons, because he thinks it could make him president, and the Republicons think we might not notice.

The only thing that can keep our economy fucked up is another 100 years in Iraq, and McCain is just the guy to do it.

Chuck Darwin2016 reads

Not that I blame you, when the subject is lack of balls.  What else can you do?  You sure couldn't grow any - your right wing body would reject them.

-- Modified on 4/13/2008 8:56:05 PM

Timbow3359 reads

No President will withdraw all troops from Iraq and one who believes so is gullible and Obama thrives on those types :)
Mac explained it clear what he meant by 100 years to the Petraus panel .

Chuck Darwin2490 reads

it's about making politicians squirm.

They have to squirm more when we fire more of them, and they have to squirm more when they get forced into lies.

When you have Republiscum in office, who say, "yeah, so I lied, what are you gonna do about it?"  Then we have no choice but fire them, and it's also good to indict a bunch of them.

Now Democrats will cower when you say "you lied".  Republiscum think you're complimenting them.  Guys like GAG like to take it up the ass, so they think it's cool when politicians lie.  They wish they had the balls to lie, or at least not bend over.

Yeah, McCain explained.  Sort of like explaining that the Baghdad bazaar is back to normal, as long as you can afford a platoon's worth of escorts.

I like it better when people SHIT on politicians about what they say, instead of suck every fecal molecule from their ass.

What we want is somebody who will look for a solution that doesn't involve spraying the entire US economy downrange into some sandbox after they've checked to make sure bin Laden won't get hurt.   Right now, we've got a predatory mob that might as well be on bin Laden's side.

Timbow3506 reads

No President will get the troops out so saying only MAC would keep them in Iraq for 100 years and tie up the economy is not valid like you said in a earlier statement.
We need to get Iraq to pay with their oil .

-- Modified on 4/14/2008 1:59:01 PM

Chuck Darwin2324 reads

Paying with oil was the original idea, but it hasn't worked so far.  We can keep going like it is, and lose money; or we can write off the oil, and lose less money when the natives kill each other; or we can commit more troops, and lose more money.

War isn't a profitable enterprise.   Period.   Robbery, maybe - but Bush couldn't manage the robbery of a senile old woman in a wheelchair.

Timbow1610 reads

We cannot just leave now  and  the   economy is screwed  up more by the  subprime mortgage crisis that began way before  Bush under  JIMma Carter.

Chuck Darwin1512 reads

and the advantage would be that we cut our losses.

Got any other plan? The idea of profit here is deranged.  Well, it makes sense if you don't know shit about either war or commerce, AND just got yourself a particularly wild lot of mushrooms.  (First clue - Check the cost of ammo, fuel, payroll, medical care, etc, vs the price of oil.  Then remember that oil gets ZERO money until it gets to market, but armed forces costs tons of money no matter what they do.)

No, the subprime crisis didn't start under Carter, unless you want to blame him for the idea of home ownership.

If you notice, Bush has been president for a few years now.  There is no doubt in my mind that the costs of the war have aggravated every other economic problem we have, and particularly the vulnerable sectors, like the housing bubble.

Support means a footnote not originating in your own mind.

Timbow1997 reads

Sure the sub prime started under Carter google it .  Carter-era Community Reinvestment Act (CRA) of 1977, which purported to prevent "redlining" -- that is, the denial of mortgages to minority borrowers -- by pressuring banks to make home loans in "low- and moderate-income neighborhoods."

I am not  talking about us making a profit in Iraq but if we leave  you will see how Iran and AL Queada cause more hell then now .

Crystal_Ball_Operator1699 reads

when you say that loans to blacks 30 years ago caused the subprime crisis.  Because it seems to have gone right over everybody's head for all that time.  In 30 years, wouldn't those mortgages have been paid off or defaulted?  Haven't we had a majority of Republican presidents since then?  How could they have missed that?  Clever little bugger, that Carter.

Of course Iraq will be a mess when we leave.  Why do you think we went there, to square it away?  Do you think the Army is the fucking Peace Corps, or something?

The question you have to ask is the same one as in 2003 - what are we going to accomplish in the NEXT 10 years, 50,000 casualties, and $$80 gazillion??

The answer is obvious:  nobody knows, nor has a plan.  The trend is disastrous, BUT WE HAVE TO DO IT.   We HAVE to run off that cliff like as if we're a bunch of rodents.

What we have to do is pull our head out of our ass and THINK for a minute about exactly WTF we are doing, and take the least expensive course, now that George and the GOP have got us into this  abysmal fuckup.

It's obvious this is going nowhere, and it's incredibly expensive, and nobody has a believable plan.  We have to start at the bottom, that is, fire all the assholes, extricate ourselves, and get control of ourselves, before we can think about getting control of anything else.

Chuck Darwin1428 reads

because he was the fellow who decided that stock market crashes were not just a force of nature.  Everybody knows that the stock market crashed in 1929 because we were sinners in the hands of an angry God.   It was FDR that started all this stuff.  Well, actually I think it was Thomas Jefferson who started this democracy stuff, and you know the story on him, he was a miscegenator!!

ANYWAY, we can make a profit on Iraq, see the link:  http://zfacts.com/p/447.html
The problem is, we have to convince them to take the right bribes.  I think we could have bought them out for $1,000 per head, and some gravy for the Iranians and Saddam's boys, but now the Republicans have us spending over $5K per head, and that's WAY TOO MUCH, we shoulda just nuked them to begin with.

Timbow1637 reads

What a delusional link of stats .
Actually The DNA has not been proven on TJ with the 15 year old  black  girl.

on that (Iraq) & just about every other issue....Obama has the intelligence, character, & temperment to be POTUS....John W McBush lacks those & just about any redeeming traits....McCain offers NOTHING but the Bush third term....

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