Politics and Religion

Right! And he was a Buddhist w/o Christ in his heart. We...
BigPapasan 3 Reviews 461 reads

...gotta get rid of all these violent Buddhists, Muslims and Hindus (what the hell kind of god has an elephant head?  Blasphemous!)

The world would be a much better place with only God-fearing Christians who all carry AR-15s.  And get rid of all the lefties with their science mumbo jumbo, claiming the world is more than 6,000 years old.

And I welcome climate change.  I'm gonna build me an ark as soon as I figger out what a damn cubit is.

This time at a naval office building .

  This burnt out husk of a world power and shining hypocritical example to others is tearing itself apart from within.
  In this corner we have Wayne La Pierre and 300+ million persecuted, downsized, disenfranchised, marginalized, reverse mortgaged, foreclosed, and/or jobless 99%‘rs.

  In the opposing corner we have Barack Hussein Obama and a handful of MSNBC Media Elite all earning more than 2.5 million per year.  

  Lock-n-load mutherfuckers!  :

provided they were born after Obama was physically able to father children.

Don't you get tasteless humor?

Alexis was an IT nerd, and we know (all) IT nerds are weirdos. lol

GaGambler422 reads

Obama was quick to to align himself with Martin a black man "victimized" by a "White Hispanic" whatever the fuck that is supposed to mean.

I don't see him claiming the perpetrator of this horrific crime as "one of his own" As usual our POTUS likes to have things both ways.

...a part of me wonders if it wasn't a lame-brained terrorist plot. But regardless, it seems that assholes will try this sort of thing anywhere. Nice that D.C.'s gun laws stopped this, eh? It would be even nicer if D.C. let people carry concealed so someone could have stopped this nut sooner before he took out so many people.

America always seems to find an excuse for evil but what justifies killing 13 people.  It is very likely that all of the labeling and excuses got America where it is today.  Little Aaron was  discriminated against ggg grandson of an oppressed slave and society let him off the hook so many times because of white guilt and political correctness that he never grew up into a responsible member of society.  What we saw yesterday was his final childish temper tantrum.  Considering his previous run in's with the law with no real consequences it doesn't surprise me at all.

I'm just wondering how the media will try and twist this event to further their social engineering and political purposes.

...gotta get rid of all these violent Buddhists, Muslims and Hindus (what the hell kind of god has an elephant head?  Blasphemous!)

The world would be a much better place with only God-fearing Christians who all carry AR-15s.  And get rid of all the lefties with their science mumbo jumbo, claiming the world is more than 6,000 years old.

And I welcome climate change.  I'm gonna build me an ark as soon as I figger out what a damn cubit is.

Attending meditation lessons is no evidence he was a Buddhist.  I personally have visited a few churches but that does not make me a Christian.  Buddhism is a path to peace . . . not violence.  It is too bad he was unable to come to that realization.  

Apparently he was a very troubled person.  We are our brothers keeper and there is no doubt society failed in this case.  

Society must be more mindful of the needs and problems of our friends and families.  Hopefully we will be able to intervene before such human suffering occur in the future.

There's the possibility someone else could have been the shooter. I'm not suggesting that this was a false flag event. Just that there's the possibility we don't know we weren't there.

Now back to Alexis having a mental health history. Why was Alexis hired and granted access to a military instalation, with such a history of mental health issues?

Posted By: amytai
Attending meditation lessons is no evidence he was a Buddhist.  I personally have visited a few churches but that does not make me a Christian.  Buddhism is a path to peace . . . not violence.  It is too bad he was unable to come to that realization.    
 Apparently he was a very troubled person.  We are our brothers keeper and there is no doubt society failed in this case.    
 Society must be more mindful of the needs and problems of our friends and families.  Hopefully we will be able to intervene before such human suffering occur in the future.

you can count on it from the media and government.  I don't believe anything they say

I read a report about him getting upset with the parking situation by his home where some construction workers were parking near his house. He reportedly would glare them everyday for a month before he fired a gun, blowing out the tires of one of the worker's Honda.

Apparently, his father lived in NYC during 9/11, and he was deeply disturbed by it.

This is a guy who should have had access to mental health care. All these behaviors indicates that he may have had PTSD. That minor irritations made him blow up, which is in indication of OCD. Often, people who have little ability to cope with stress (due to surviving a traumatic event) will become OCD in order to give themselves a sense of structure and order in their lives when they feel like their world is spinning out of control.

The man must have lived a life of quiet desperation, always trying to fight back his anxieties. For some reason, he couldn't cope with it anymore, and probably did this as a last attempt to try to escape it.

This might explain why he tried meditation. To try to cope with stress he couldn't handle. A simple prescription for Ativan, or even drinking once in a while could perhaps have prevented this.

Our health care system is more to blame for the deaths of these people than guns.

-- Modified on 9/17/2013 8:06:02 AM

It is no more the gun or type of gun's fault than a spoon being the cause for obesity! Adolescents and young adults all over the UK and the world play violent video games and watch violent movies. Depriving the Media industry of a multi billion dollar tax generating market as well as the entertainment of its fans by abridging the 1st Amendment, or further scuttling the 2nd Amendment for those who have watched their 4th, 5th and often 10th ignored for decades is a Band-Aid on a gangrenous leg.  


  This is a growing cancer of wrongly manifested desperation within the U.S. populace.  
If One in a Million people is a possible/potential homicidal mass murderer we have 350 possible mass murders to go

Timbow476 reads

Quote :

FBI Washington field office just confirmed gunman was NOT armed with AR15. Spokesperson says 1 shotgun and 2 pistols recovered.

CNN correspondent Pamela Brown just reported on air that Aaron Alexis, the deceased suspect in the Navy Yard shootings, entered the facility yesterday armed with a shotgun. Citing the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms as well as law enforcement sources, Brown reported that the gunman had tried to purchase an AR-15 at a gun shop in Northern Virginia but was turned down. Two pistols were also recovered.

So why all the reports about the gunman and an AR-15? This is how Brown explained it: “Military personnel that were responding to the shooting were carrying maybe one or more AR-15s and that’s where the confusion came from, initially from law enforcement. That’s why that was reported.”

It is believed that Alexis had rented an AR-15, but returned it before Monday morning’s shootings.”

Never knew you could rent an AR -15 and take it away from a gun range.

They do think Alexis could have gotten the two handguns from the military personal at the Navy Yard.  

-- Modified on 9/17/2013 10:57:17 AM

a Navy officer in a navy uniform, and member of team pinko in an OD uniform. Something else to be found untrue

The reporting yesterday of Alexis being armed with a shoot gun and an AR15 were ridiculous.  

Why would a person carry a shotgun if they had an AR15 to use?

couldn’t describe the differences between bolt action deer rifle and the HK-MP5 commonly carried by the Secret Service.

  After Newtown it was "All we want is to better regulate 'semi-automatic' rifles and their high capacity magazines" Thirty seconds later the same talking head would decree "If only we could just better regulate hand-guns"

  The Anti's want them ALL! Fint locks, Muskets, revolvers, bolt actions, semi autos; composite, metallic or wood framed. And they want those who legally own and responsibly use these guns considered pariah by the rest of society

now they say a Remington 870 and two semi-auto handguns one of which he took off a security officer.  

I wonder who spun the AR-15 into the story . Hmmmm

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