Politics and Religion

Re:You're right, having an alias for your handle.
RightwingUnderground 1794 reads

I don't understand the alias objectors. What's the difference between using a registered cartoon character vs. an unregistered cartoon character?

I don't flit around (much) from one alias to another.

Probably my only objection to aliases would be if someone used two different ones in the same thread. (I have never tried it so it may not be possible). It could become a little too much like MPD.

Lots of venom flowing on this board the last couple of days. If you have something to say, then have the GUTS or BALLS to identify yourself. Anyone can spit out bullshit about Bush, or Imus, or Sharpton, or whatever. But if you don't have the huevos to back up and stand for your words publicly, then I, and most likely many others will think very little of your opinion. If you stand behind your words, or actions, whatever they may be, then you have an opportunity to educate people. Remember, opinions are like assholes, everybody's got one. But when you support your words publicly, people HAVE to respect you. If they don't, then they're not worth dealing with. It is of their own choice not to want to be part of the process of debate. They are not interested in bettering themselves or their community. Next time anyone has something to say about Bush, Imus, or whatever, please try and use it to educate, not humiliate.


2sense1882 reads

...nothing more despicable than someone who uses an alias to post!

RightwingUnderground1952 reads

I could give you a call by looking up either

bigliguy ?
or 2sense ?
or karmaexpress ?
or even Brian?

There might be a point: at least they could identify opinions coming from the same person.  It is annoying when somebody wants to distance themselves from one of their more anti-social opinions by creating an alias.

RightwingUnderground1795 reads

I don't understand the alias objectors. What's the difference between using a registered cartoon character vs. an unregistered cartoon character?

I don't flit around (much) from one alias to another.

Probably my only objection to aliases would be if someone used two different ones in the same thread. (I have never tried it so it may not be possible). It could become a little too much like MPD.

I've been known to play with aliases now and then... Prophet of Doom and The Marovingian were mine. But those were off the wall, intended only to amuse.

To use two examples from the active folks here...

I take no issue with someone like RWU who uses an alias instead of their usual id. I may disagree, but their points are usually delivered in a civil adult manner. So why the problem of the name used. His Alias is probably more indicative of his perspective  than his logon id, and maybe thats why. (not meaning to be presumptuous here RWU... work with me) And why should RWU using an alias have any more or less cachet than, for example, BillKile, who can be very brusque and bellicose from time to time. He uses his "logon" id. Good for him, he's always had a good set of huevos, whether you agree or disagree.

You know where you stand, you know where they stand,and you know who each personality is within the dynamic social structure of this board.

ok now... someoneis bound todig up a poast i made a long time ago about hiding behind aliases.... I still feel that way when someone is being an obvious dick about it.

But whether you use your logon id or an alternative monicker, its how you represent that should be the defining issue of the moment.

Just my opinion.

Thats right.

this is one of a bunch of aliases I use.

I use them  just for funny one-liners.and not four my topics of primarly interst.

merely for the crime of opining conversely (or causing them to open their fuck'n dictionary)I've become acutely sensitive to affixing my username to comments any edgier than those of 'mrfisher'.

 Here on the P & R board aliases are not so readily necessary. I still have a couple I break out occasionally for topical, humorous or sardonic reasons; but for the most part there are no demonstrable repercussions for not being in agreement with someone, or god forbid; NOT PC

Ben Dover1324 reads

..."Only contact providers on their websites via internet-cafe' or public-WiFi access-points! NEVER NEVER NEVER give a provider an opportunity to collect info on your static-IP or home ISP!!!

Ben Dover1667 reads

...and what wicked webs some of you weave, lmao!

Some people actually apear "bi-polar", since they offer up complete out-of-character posts when behind the mask of an alias...

Just think of it as a "masqurade ball", some people just let loose when they are no longer "keeping up appearances"...

Personally, I'm kind of an attention-whore, I usually sign my username in the body of my post when using an alias... To me an alias is just humorous window-dressing...

William Jeff Clinton1911 reads

I can score some puss!  I do feel your pain when you're a little dude with no reputation to get the gals! lol!!  Hey, anyone know where I can get me a good cuban.....   Cigar that is... huh huh huh......

That is how you spell a dude who can help ya right... it is impotent.... don't want to confuse that with an out of work politician.... I am runnin for First Husband....

-- Modified on 4/13/2007 7:05:03 AM

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