Politics and Religion

Rev up your engines it now looks like Trump is all in and not going anywhere anytime soon....lol
HONDA 153 Reviews 1283 reads

I never thought Trump would ever file his personal financial disclosure with the Federal Elections Commission. Since he has filed his disclosure forms let the circular firing squad clown show begin...lol



-- Modified on 7/15/2015 7:04:14 PM

FOX won't be able lock him out of the debates!  ;)

It sure looks like we're going to have some entertaining political theatre this year.

That's some SERIOUS theatre righ there Honda!  

Put those 4 in a house for a month and tape it!

Shit...don't give Trump any ideas! Lol

...call the Democrats by their first names.  Is that Fair & Balanced or a case of "familiarity breeds contempt?"  Tsk, tsk, what would PitchingWedge say?

Come on BP - this is a Kerfuffle and you know it:)
You can do better...

Sure, a fucking clown like Trump might make for some interesting television this election season, but it's not a good thing when you have the front runner of one of the two major political parties being dumber then Sarah Palin, and more obnoxious then Dubya. Quite frankly, if Trump got into a debate with Hillary, I'd expect Trump to pull down his pants, shit in his hand and fling it in Hillary direction.  

Imagine what would happen if this idiot wins. He could fling nukes too.

she would eat it.

Everyone knows she is full of shit. :

Years ago in a better gone bye job there was this hated by me christian lady. She would tell me I was bad. I would tell her I was good bad. She would say there is no such a thing as good bad only bad or good.
Well, I still believe there is good bad. Bad bad is evil. Bad bad is being criminal, hurting and all that stupid shit.

Good bad is all of us here participating in this board and /or hobby. Good bad is thinking or saying that you want to spit on god's face or his prophets and preferring satan. Knowing that nothing is real. Bad bad would be torching a church or temple.

What all this got to do with politics you might ask. Well, Donald Trump is running for Prez. If you ask some people they would answer like this: Trump es un hombre muy malo. I don't think he is a bad bad guy. he is more like a good bad guy.
he got the money, he wants to put himself in the history books. He will lose money, business partners will walk away. He will be hated by some. Whoever takes him seriously is a moron. But that's not the point. He is having fun  i bet. The man is everywhere, reality shows, politics, controversies and things the public don't know.
I don't think he is a racist. I hope if he becomes President he doesn't become bad bad. Some people considered W. Bush an evil man. I didn't like him. Maybe he had crossed the line into bad bad.

I like Trump craziness and good badness and I also like Hilary. Good luck to both.


About the latest News: Iran is not all bad bad. They just don't like to be push around. Good for them.

"El Chapo" Guzman is not all bad bad. He is loved by the poor he helped.


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