Politics and Religion

Remember, corporations were exempt from ACA compliance in 2014
quadseasonal 27 Reviews 1635 reads
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"If" the ACA is here to stay what part/s would you modify for improvement.
  Gutting it completely is not a valid answer to my question, no matter how much you believe that will happen.  

  I would change the 30 hour mandate to 42 hours.  
   The 30 hour threshold requiring large employers to furnish employee Health care  has cost millions of lower income employees, billions, perhaps  trillions  of dollars of earned income. while drastically raising profits of big business.  
   When lower middle class by the millions are suddenly  turning  poor, there is something drastically wrong .
  Before the ACA many more  companies helped with  health insurance for  employees without Government mandating it,  with as little as minimum 20 hours per week .  
  My job before the ACA required me to work minimum 40  hours per week. Low deductible Health insurance  including dental and  vision,  was included as part of my pay package.  
  Most weeks I could work 50 hours per week, often 60 hours . With some overtime pay I could  afford good food, a decent studio apartment, bus fare and occasional hookers .
  After ACA my boss doubled his work force, we are not permitted to work over 29  hours per week, most of us are scheduled an  average 24. The company no longer furnishes Health insurance
 for any hourly employees.  
  Now I  work three different jobs bringing home less  than  I earned  at one company, while working more total hours now .

 Once again the Government inadvertently hurts lower income Americans when they did not  
   consider consequences of their actions.  
  More often than not there are  bad results  when attorneys out of touch with reality make laws to help the less fortunate.
  My full time job before the ACA      40 hours x 12.00 = 480.00    10 hours overtime =  $ 180.00    
    gross pay 50 hours  $660.00     Health care paid by Company.  
   My same job after ACA                         24 hours @ 12.00  =  288.00  
   My new second job at Burgers4URus         26 hours @ 8.00    =  208.00
   My third part time job at Fry Palace       23 hours @ 8.25    =  189.75
    Totals  73 hours =  $ 685.75 .    After deducting health insurance , extra bus fares going to and from my second and third job, more coffee to help stay awake at work, I have much less disposable income  in my pocket with hardly any time for hookers.  
    Most of my fellow employees are in terrible financial shape, they were not as  lucky as me in finding other part time jobs.  
  if I wasn't willing to swallow my pride and learn to work  outside my janitorial field of expertise, I could also  be in financial dire straits.
  A man too old to learn is already dead.  

   The good news, I'm learning how to weld at my local trade center.  
   I heard there are many new  welders needed in  oil exploration and extraction, and building  the new Keystone pipeline    :-D

wrps07 530 reads
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People who are healthy should be able to get lower price insurance for making healthy choices. Also allow people to remove dependents from corporate insurance plans anytime during the year. The ACA impact has been brutal for folks who have small business. Insurance premiums are like a mortgage payment on a $250,000 house. Many people are opting for the high deductibles and not going to the doctor. So when they get sick the costs will be higher for cancer treatments, heart disease etc.

JackDunphy 622 reads
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So your point may be moot, as even leftys ike Ezra Klein has said this case is an existential threat to Ocare.

Short of that, this law needs so many changes it will render it unrecognizable.

Tort reform, buying across state lines, keep your plan/doctor, eliminating the 50 employee threshold that hurts job creation and incentivizes layoffs, the 40 hour work week as you mention, having small business pool their risks, HS accounts, make premium payments tax deductible for individuals, etc etc etc are all ideas that you will see attached to the bill that repeals Ocare.  

No, it won't override Barry's veto, but the GOP will then send up many of those ideas as separate legislation with wide bi-partisan support that will pass both chambers. Then we will see if Barry really gives a shit about making HC better.

RRO2610 51 Reviews 560 reads
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One should NOT be taxed simply for being a citizen!

wrps07 624 reads
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Also lets see what happens with the economy after the election. Lets see what peoples reaction when they see how much their health insurance goes up in 2015. ACA is a economic growth killer. When you take away an extra $700 to $1000 a month out of peoples income something will have to give. The impact will be disinflation leading do deflation. Before things are fixed if they get fixed the damage will be huge.

I am hearing comments "I though we could be on parents health insurance until we were 26 ?, I have to work just to pay for health insurance". Young people are waking up with the bait and switch politics.

For all the people saying that gas prices are down because extra supply. I don't believe so. The oil industry is very in tune with economic trends. They started dropping like crazy with the recent stock market scare. They dropped the prices due to huge drop in demand. The drop seems more like deflation to me.  Also take a look at all the recent job cut announcements.  They are in the thousands (JP Morgan, Microsoft, HP).

marikod 1 Reviews 853 reads
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You have treated your health care package pre-ACA and post ACA as a wash on the benefit side and a negative on the cost side because you pay higher premiums and have been down sized to 29 hours per week with the accompanying loss in salary.

         But I would respectfully suggest that this comparison is really only valid if you stay healthy and don’t need to use the health care package very often.

      If, for example,  you developed leukemia and needed a bone marrow transplant under your pre-ACA package you would hit the annual benefit limit in a couple of months. Or if you developed a chronic disease like MS, ALS or on anything requiring dialysis, you would hit the $1 million lifetime limit long before you died. In both cases, you would have no ability to pay for the essential health care you needed.

       Under the ACA, there is no “annul limit” or lifetime limit under your policy. If catastrophe occurs, you are protected.

        Now, you may say “hey, I’m willing to take that risk. I don’t like the government telling me to act responsibly.”   That is not an entirely unreasonable position. But the problem is, when you can’t pay for your health care, someone else has to do it. So when I hear that objection from the healthy - and it is always the healthy who raise it -  it always rings phony to me.

        The bottom line – more work for you and fewer hookers – but you are now protected for life so long as you keep paying those premiums.  And you will be entitled to a substantial subsidy to help pay those premiums. Before we start changing the ACA to get rid of some of the troubling but symbiotic provisions, let’s make sure we really understand what we really have now

wrps07 500 reads
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Clearly you be out of touch with reality and what is happening to folks who work for a living. My insurance went for $700 a month in 2012, $800/month in 2013, and now is $1400 a month (my company pays another $1000 a month). It was $500 a month in 2004 (where I covered the whole bill). This is for a family of 4 with 2 kids. All the rates a based on each dependents age who is covered. The older you are the more you pay. By the time I get 64 it will be $1300 for me and another $1300 for my wife if I am still working at the same company and same plan. This is in the state of Maryland that just voted in a republican governor. People are pissed and we saw the results in the landslide election this past Tuesday. Since ACA became the law corporate health care insurance rates have sky rocketed. The only good thing was that my wifes pre-existing health conditions were covered for breast cancer when I switched employers in 2012. Before ACA they were not required to cover pre-existing conditions. I did have to turn down a job in 1991 because they would not cover the wife's pregnancy.  

Many of the liberals that I talk to at work are not paying for health insurance, they are covered via their spouses.  They including yourself they way you talk have no idea of the true cost corporate health insurance.  

Obama needs to fix the problems with the aca law. He risks causing the democrats to loose the election in 2016 and making the democratic party smaller. Who would have thought we would have a black senator from South Carolina....  

One thing you don't do is fuck with folks money. Because when they do folks will retaliate and vote folks out as we saw this past Tuesday.

I curious to know what type of health insurance do you have ? How much do you pay per month ? How many dependents are you paying for per month ?

bigguy30 526 reads
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I don't need the ACA since I already get health insurance from my JOB!

So I pay for it myself.

The ACA just became law and it's a new law.

So a lot of the benefits have not started yet.

If you remember they did it over time.

Why do you think the GOP and their business buddies are trying to stop it?

When 2015 rolls around even more benefits will start!

The increase in people using it and picking the best health care package for them is suppose to improve the rates with Federal subsidies for people who need it.  






Also another thing most Democrats were cowards and refused to stand up for themselves or their party.

I said this before when you have voter suppression, SCOTUS, midterms and cowards as candidates.

The repubscum should have won big and it will be a different story in two years.

Also the color of a person skin does not change what he has supported with the GOP.

So Senator Scott is still a extremist just like the rest of the repubscum!

-- Modified on 11/8/2014 3:40:56 PM

wrps07 514 reads
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Ok how much is yours through your job ? Those were my cost listed via my job. How many dependents do you have ?

You and I can't do ACA via ACA exchanges because we all ready have health insurance via our employers.

I was told by my employer that the rates went because of ACA compliance.

bigguy30 361 reads
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I will say it all depends on your company size and the state you live in with your family!

So I pay around $750 a year with no kids.

I know people on my job like you and pay less for their family healthcare than you do.

The problem may be your company looking for a excuse to blame the ACA.

Also I would talk to other people in your area about their healthcare insurance on their jobs.

Just see what they say and compare it

wrps07 644 reads
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I talked to other people and even went on some private (non aca) exchanges for insurance in the state of Maryland the prices are all the same. People are larger companies are complaining about their premiums also. One big company got big increases in Jan 2013. Possibly moving to Iowa I will get cheaper rates, but who wants to live in Iowa lol. I do know that Maryland has very high cancer rates maybe that is why the rates are so high. Years ago I had Cigna and switched to Blue Cross Blue Shield because Cigna was $700 a month back in 1998 (I thought that as very expensive back then).  

Well the good thing is that my adjusted gross income goes down so much that my taxes are going down a lot in 2014. I just wonder how much this will impact the deficit when you multiple it out. I can smile at my friends at work where both spouses work that are paying the 3% ACA surcharge tax (they support ACA 100%).

DamienScott 503 reads
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If it's a law, how can O'bama keep "modifying" it to his every whim? Please advise Mr Gasbag.  

Posted By: bigguy30
I don't need the ACA since I already get health insurance from my JOB!  
 So I pay for it myself.  
 The ACA just became law and it's a new law.  
 So a lot of the benefits have not started yet.  
 If you remember they did it over time.  
 Why do you think the GOP and their business buddies are trying to stop it?  
 When 2015 rolls around even more benefits will start!  
 The increase in people using it and picking the best health care package for them is suppose to improve the rates with Federal subsidies for people who need it.  
 Also another thing most Democrats were cowards and refused to stand up for themselves or their party.  
 I said this before when you have voter suppression, SCOTUS, midterms and cowards as candidates.  
 The repubscum should have won big and it will be a different story in two years.  
 Also the color of a person skin does not change what he has supported with the GOP.  
 So Senator Scott is still a extremist just like the rest of the repubscum!  

-- Modified on 11/8/2014 3:40:56 PM

bigguy30 515 reads
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Posted By: DamienScott
If it's a law, how can O'bama keep "modifying" it to his every whim? Please advise Mr Gasbag.  
Posted By: bigguy30
I don't need the ACA since I already get health insurance from my JOB!  
  So I pay for it myself.  
  The ACA just became law and it's a new law.  
  So a lot of the benefits have not started yet.  
  If you remember they did it over time.  
  Why do you think the GOP and their business buddies are trying to stop it?  
  When 2015 rolls around even more benefits will start!  
  The increase in people using it and picking the best health care package for them is suppose to improve the rates with Federal subsidies for people who need it.    
  Also another thing most Democrats were cowards and refused to stand up for themselves or their party.  
  I said this before when you have voter suppression, SCOTUS, midterms and cowards as candidates.  
  The repubscum should have won big and it will be a different story in two years.  
  Also the color of a person skin does not change what he has supported with the GOP.  
  So Senator Scott is still a extremist just like the rest of the repubscum!  
 -- Modified on 11/8/2014 3:40:56 PM

bigguy30 25 reads
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So are there problems with the government?
Yes it is but at the same time when you have people wanting it to fail and working for that result.
What do you expect to happen?
I know one thing it's still better now than in 2008 or did you forget about the problems back then!
This is all the repubscum do and people love to forgot who almost ran the world economy into the ground.
The same people now who want to pass blame on the President for everything

anonymousfun 6 Reviews 345 reads
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You couldn’t have. Fabricated Math, you buffoon.

Lower income people did not have insurance you fool. That’s what is called uninsured. Uninsured has fallen in 2014 and expected to fall even more in 2015.

Change should be universal coverage and single payer and let those who can afford private insurance have their own. This is what is done in all industrialized countries where intelligent people live

anonymousfun 6 Reviews 503 reads
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$100/month to $88/month  

My co-pay want from $20 to $10 per visit

My prescription co-pay went from $25 to $15 for generic

My Deductible went from $2,500/year to $1,500 year

You and your company choose a very bad plan besides the fact your company was exempt from ACA in 2014.

Contact me and I will put you in touch with a very good insurance company.

Keeping on lying and putting up unsubstantiated data thinking everyone is a moron like you, makes you look really, really dumb.

Please continue

anonymousfun 6 Reviews 601 reads
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So, your company is fucking you.  

If yours is a large publicly held corporation, they are all self insured. Let me explain what self insured means. They self fund their health insurance and retain an insurance company such as Cigna, United Health Care, Blue Cross, Blue Shiled or AETNA to administer their plans.

Under ACA, these corporations does not have to change any of it. Only thing they have to do is to provide the preventive care, insure pre-exiting conditions, allow to keep children 21 in their parents insurance, and other basic coverage included under patient rights of ACA.

Here is great big surprise, corporations no longer have to insure your spouse if she is employed and her employer provides health insurance (doesn’t apply to children). If your spouses company provides insurance and you decide to keep your spouse under your insurance, your company can charge a premium to insure them.

Here is another big surprise, if you or your spouse looses your job, either one of you can add the other to your insurance at any time (this is known as a status change) without a premium or you can go to the exchange and get your own health insurance.

No more unaffordable COBRA crap.  

While ignorant BSC’s puppeteer Faux News, Tea Party and BSC Repubscums, it pays to learn the benefits. If not, you are the looser while your puppet masters are sitting pretty.

Your open enrollment should be up or coming up soon so, pay attention to the HR representative giving the overview and ask relevant questions that affects you and your family.  

It is all good, if you leave you BSC tendencies at the door and listen and able to discern

quadseasonal 27 Reviews 521 reads
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If you don't believe the majority of part time workers at Walmart , Target, Home Depot  and Trader Joes are poor you must be comparing them with poor farmers in Rajasthan or  children begging for crumbs on the streets of Bombay.
  Thousands of low income people working part time at Walmart did have insurance through their company.
  I should know, I had company insurance when I was a Walmart greeter working 24 hours a  
week, before I found a full time job.......The full time job I had that is now part time.  
    I suggest you read news sources other than TheDailyKook.

   You are  a guy I usually don't read or reply to, since you are  boxed in your own blind  container and usually too ignorant to talk to.
 I'll give you extra credit today, for giving your version of a straight answer to  
               my OP question.  :-D
Posted By: anonymousfun
You couldn’t have. Fabricated Math, you buffoon.  
 Lower income people did not have insurance you fool. That’s what is called uninsured. Uninsured has fallen in 2014 and expected to fall even more in 2015.  
 Change should be universal coverage and single payer and let those who can afford private insurance have their own. This is what is done in all industrialized countries where intelligent people live.  

wrps07 613 reads
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That was for large corporations. For small corporations they are being forced to go to ACA plans. Talk to insurance brokers in Maryland.

quadseasonal 27 Reviews 523 reads
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You are treating the ACA as a miracle cure for the poor with catastrophic illness and financial pain while trapped behind  your iron bar windows, security guards and opulent gates.
  The lower middle class and poor will "almost always" go bankrupt if they develop a rare chronic disease like MLS, ALS, or any disease restricting their ability to work long term, regardless of their Health insurance plan. Once they can't work,  they won't be able to  pay their minimal insurance payment  or afford  enough food to survive.  
  When the poor with good health, with or without Health insurance,  aren't working enough to pay their bills, it's more often than not a short trip to insolvency and bad health.  
  It sounds like you are in favor of the ACA because it's fair by  helping your wallet versus yesteryear, when  the poor downtrodden  walked into the emergency room for free , for the Flu or terminal care, without an insurance policy.
Perhaps you didn't answer my  OP question, instead succumbing  to your own cravings , because you don't fathom  how the majority of poor and lower middle class live week to week.  
   Making laws  that give the poor Health  insurance while  inadvertently taking  away part of their income and ability to feed themselves, is not my idea of truly  helping the less fortunate, though  
 it does looks great on paper, especially among  government paper shufflers.
As I stated in my OP, my biggest issue  with the ACA is the 30 hour rule . Politicians should know by now, most CEO's are much wiser  than them, and usually  find a way to duck around new  rules  
  This isn't the first time laws designed by bumbling bureaucrats to help the poor in one way, hurt them another way.
  If the government's motive  had truly been  to help the poor when writing ACA laws, they would have required  large Companies with employees working one hour or more, guaranteed Health Care.
  In my OP I asked for a 42 hour requirement since I would rather work more than less.  :-D
  If you are really concerned about the poor and their finances during times of catastrophic loss,  why not give lower income employees  a disability income insurance policy, at the same pay as  their annual income, similar to the DI policy  you and your neighbors have ?

The great news, Unemployment numbers quickly dropped when many companies started switching to two or three part time employees instead of one full time.  



Posted By: marikod
        You have treated your health care package pre-ACA and post ACA as a wash on the benefit side and a negative on the cost side because you pay higher premiums and have been down sized to 29 hours per week with the accompanying loss in salary.  
          But I would respectfully suggest that this comparison is really only valid if you stay healthy and don’t need to use the health care package very often.  
       If, for example,  you developed leukemia and needed a bone marrow transplant under your pre-ACA package you would hit the annual benefit limit in a couple of months. Or if you developed a chronic disease like MS, ALS or on anything requiring dialysis, you would hit the $1 million lifetime limit long before you died. In both cases, you would have no ability to pay for the essential health care you needed.  
        Under the ACA, there is no “annul limit” or lifetime limit under your policy. If catastrophe occurs, you are protected.  
         Now, you may say “hey, I’m willing to take that risk. I don’t like the government telling me to act responsibly.”   That is not an entirely unreasonable position. But the problem is, when you can’t pay for your health care, someone else has to do it. So when I hear that objection from the healthy - and it is always the healthy who raise it -  it always rings phony to me.  
         The bottom line – more work for you and fewer hookers – but you are now protected for life so long as you keep paying those premiums.  And you will be entitled to a substantial subsidy to help pay those premiums. Before we start changing the ACA to get rid of some of the troubling but symbiotic provisions, let’s make sure we really understand what we really have now.  

anonymousfun 6 Reviews 589 reads
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Poor farmers in Rajasthan has better Health Care and Educational opportunities than you have.  

What your dumb ass is not able to understand are three fundamentals;

1. With ACA they are able to get healthcare because their income doesn’t meet the threshold so their health care gets paid for

2. Repubscums are the one’s opposing living wage legislation i.e., increasing minimum wage and giving subsidies to  Walmart , Target, Home Depot  and Trader Joes and the like

3. Part time workers never had insurance before ACA, now they can

So, take dumb ass and fuck yourself

ed2000 31 Reviews 510 reads
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overall your points are very well put.

I would also challenge mari on his claim that "substantial" subsidies are available (for you). For a family of 4, then yes but for a single person in the various income ranges you outlined then subsidies are zero to just a few dollars a month. Some people will be incentivised (sic) to further reduce their income (and work) in order to reach the Medicaid threshold.

marikod 1 Reviews 524 reads
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Medicaid coverage is equivalent to an ACA insurance policy coverage as far as  annual or lifetime limits. And Medicaid payments are exempt from creditors, at least if you file under Chapter 7.  See, Quad, Obamacare is still looking out for you. So your suggestion that seriously ill poor go under anyway is misplaced.

       And in defense of the “paper shufflers,” I don’t think the numbers would support your
“giving the poor Health  insurance while  inadvertently taking  away part of their income and ability to feed themselves” theory.  As long as your income is above the poverty line you will not have any problem feeding yourself. Hookers, not so much.

       And when your income drops below 133% of federal poverty level, you qualify for Medicaid, at least in an expanded Medicaid state.   So no matter how you analyze it, you are better off under the ACA than before if you get really sick.

         As to why I didn’t answer your question about which ACA provision should be modified, my answer is “I don’t know.” And the reason I don’t know is that the key provisions are interdependent. Take out the individual mandate and the young and healthy don’t buy health insurance and the insurers wouldn’t make it. Take out the medical device tax and you lose a main source of the funding for those subsidies the lower middle class get to pay their premiums.

      Change the definition of full time employee from 30 to 42 and a lot fewer small businesses will be over the 50 employee limit and, therefore, will not be subject to the employer mandate. This means a loss of income from the employer mandate penalties. Plus many more employees who will be forced out to the exchanges to buy their own health insurance.

      So, if you want a meaningful discussion on changing the ACA, I would suggest asking your question a different way – if you change a provision of the ACA that you don’t like, how would you make up for the income that provision was designed to generate

wrps07 481 reads
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Health Plan Premiums Are Skyrocketing According To New Survey Of 148 Insurance Brokers, With Delaware Up 100%, California 53%, Florida 37%, Pennsylvania 28%.

For the small group market, among the ten states seeing the biggest increases are: Washington 588%, Pennsylvania 66%, California 37%, Indiana 34%, Kentucky 30%, Colorado 29%, Michigan 27%, Maryland 25%, Missouri 25%, and Nevada 23%.

wrps07 325 reads
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Requirement of ACA.

“The biggest driver of the increase is opening up the market to all comers,” said CareFirst CEO Chet Burrell. “The premiums reflect that.

wrps07 412 reads
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INDIANA: 2015 premiums increases ‘as high as ... 46-percent’ “Initial 2015 premiums filed for the Obamacare exchanges in Indiana ranged from as high as a 46-percent hike to as low as a 9-percent cut.” (Indianapolis Business Journal, 5/19/14)

MARYLAND: 2015 premiums could increase up to 30% “Maryland’s dominant insurance company, CareFirst, is proposing hefty premium increases of 23 to 30 percent for consumers buying individual plans next year under the federal health-care law, according to filings released Friday.” (The Washington Post, 6/6/14)

WASHINGTON: 2015 premiums could increase ‘up to 26%’ “If approved, rate increases for 2015 individual health plans proposed by 12 insurance companies may affect most policyholders... [up] to an increase of 26 percent...” (The Seattle Times, 5/13/14)

ARIZONA: 2015 premium increases up to 25.5 percent “New filings trickling into the Arizona Department of Insurance show at least two health insurers plan to increase rates more than 10 percent. Cigna Wants To Increase Rates An Average Of 14.4 Percent And Humana, 25.5 Percent.” (The Arizona Republic, 6/2/14)

LOUISIANA: ‘Double-digit increases’ up to 24% possible “Some Louisiana private health insurers filed for double-digit percentage increases in 2015 for policies sold under the Affordable Care Act's health exchange, according to filings this week with the Louisiana Department of Insurance.” (New Orleans Times Picayune, 7/15/14)

    “Blue Cross Blue Shield of Louisiana, the state's largest provider, is proposing rate increases of between 18.3 percent and 19.7 percent for policyholders in its Blue Saver, Blue Max and its Multi-State individual health plans. The plans cover 52,638 people. ... The 4,947 people who signed up with Human Louisiana face a hike of 15.7 percent, while the 966 insured residents with Time Insurance Company face a hike of 24 percent, according to the filings made public this week.” (New Orleans Times Picayune, 7/15/14)

TENNESSEE: 2015 Premiums Could Increase up to 21.7% “BlueCross BlueShield of Tennessee — the state's dominant health insurance provider — is asking to raise rates by an average of 19 percent for its exchange plans in 2015, according to documents filed with the state of Tennessee. ...the consumer will experience a rate increase between 6.1 percent and 21.7 percent, depending on the product he or she has bought.” (Chattanooga Times Free Press, 7/17/14)

    “Meanwhile, Cigna is requesting an average rate increase of 7.5 percent in 2015, while Kentucky-based Humana would like to boost marketplace rates by an average of 14.4 percent.” (Chattanooga Times Free Press, 7/17/14)

NEW YORK: 2015 premiums could increase up to 19.7% “Insurance firms participating in New York’s ObamaCare health exchange are seeking double-digit hikes for patient medical premiums in 2015, new figures reviewed by The Post reveal. The average hike sought by insurers for individual plans is 12 percent—but a number of firms serving large numbers of patients want to boost individual premiums by nearly 20 percent. Leading the charge is Excellus Health Plan, which is seeking to sock more than 24,000 customers with a 19.7 percent hike.” (New York Post, 7/3/14)

VERMONT: 2015 premiums could increase up to 18.3% “The two companies that sell policies on the state’s online health insurance marketplace — Vermont Health Connect — have filed requests with state regulators for big rate increases for 2015. Blue Cross Blue Shield of Vermont has asked for an average increase for its plans of 9.8 percent. … the increases would have averaged 3.3 percent if not for federal and state mandates. ... MVP Health Care proposed an even bigger rate increase — an average 15.4 percent, with a range starting at 10.7 percent and rising to 18.3 percent.” (Burlington Free Press, 6/3/14)

MICHIGAN: 2015 premium increases up to 18 percent “Most people buying their own health insurance in Michigan could see near double-digit premium increases next year. State insurance regulators said Wednesday that dominant insurers Blue Care Network and Blue Cross Blue Shield want to raise rates by an average of 9.3 percent or 9.7 percent in 2015. ... Humana is the insurer with the third most customers in Michigan's individual market and seeks an average 18 percent rate increase affecting 16,600 customers.” (The Associated Press, 6/26/14)

VIRGINIA: 2015 premiums could increase up to 14.9% “…the Anthem HealthKeepers Inc. plan offered by a unit of WellPoint Inc. said it would raise premiums by an average of 8.5% across its individual plans in Virginia, which cover about 110,000 people and are sold on the online insurance exchange set up by the health law, as well as directly to consumers. ... The Virginia filings show other health plans proposing rate increases ranging from 3.3% for Kaiser Foundation Health Plan of the Mid-Atlantic States, Inc., with around 10,000 members in the state, to 14.9% for CareFirst BlueChoice Inc., which said it had about 32,000 members.” (The Wall Street Journal, 5/11/14)

IOWA: 2015 premium increases up to 14.5 percent “About a quarter of a million Iowans would see their insurance rates rise next year should the state approve a request from Iowa's dominant health insurer. Wellmark Blue Cross and Blue Shield announced Friday that it is seeking to raise premium rates for 253,000 policyholders in Iowa. Those rate increases would affect individual policyholders and small businesses. Most — 92 percent — of the proposed rate increases would be less than 5.9 percent, according to numbers provided by Wellmark. ... For the remaining 7.5 percent of policyholders — those who have post-Affordable Care Act plans for individuals under 65 — Wellmark is asking for a rate increase between 11.9 percent and 14.5 percent.” (Des Moines Register, 6/20/14)

OHIO: “Premiums would increase 13 percent next year for Ohioans who buy health coverage through the federally run insurance exchange, the Ohio Department of Insurance said yesterday.” (The Columbus Dispatch, 5/30/14)

OREGON: 2015 premiums could increase up to 12.5% “Moda Health captured more than 40 percent of the state's exchange enrollees this year, with about 95,000 people covered under its plans. The company is proposing to increase prices by an average of 12.5 percent. Only one other carrier proposed a double-digit price increase.” (The Hill, 6/11/14)

RHODE ISLAND: 2015 premium increases ‘averaging 12 percent’ Blue Cross & Blue Shield of Rhode Island is proposing 2015 premium increases averaging 12 percent for individuals and families, and 8 percent for small groups.” (Providence Journal, 5/19/14)

DELAWARE: 2015 premiums could increase 5% “Delawareans could face higher insurance costs under the Affordable Care Act next year under new rate requests from insurers. Highmark Blue Cross Blue Shield is seeking average premium increases of 5 percent for individuals who bought insurance through Delaware's exchange.” (The Associated Press, 7/15/14)

anonymousfun 6 Reviews 473 reads
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Walmart, Target and Homedepot doesn’t require anyones permissions to make cuts.

With ACA, part timers are able to get insurance and their premiums is subsidized.

Why is it so damn hard to understand this? Even those are dense gets it.

This exactly what happens when you post shit without reading and comprehending

anonymousfun 6 Reviews 507 reads
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Didn’t think so, you are not that intelligent to understand

anonymousfun 6 Reviews 318 reads
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your brain is non-existent and the last time you read something and comprehended something is in the fourth grade.

Maryland does not have different ACA

Neither you or quad understands shit, you both bloviate.

wrps07 379 reads
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Average total premiums and employee contributions (in dollars) for private-sector establishments for areas within States: United States, 2013

Average total premiums and employee contributions (in dollars) for private-sector establishments by firm size for 20 largest metro areas: United States, 2013

anonymousfun 6 Reviews 367 reads
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ed2000 31 Reviews 392 reads
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You are having difficulty understanding English as well as writing it.

What is your aversion to working at being better understood by English speakers?

wrps07 425 reads
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Lets talk like we are intelligent adults instead of calling folks silly names. You are frustrated in loosing the debate. You should have done some more research and you would have found out that health insurance is cheaper in Georgia than Maryland.

Plans are very expensive in Maryland. I guess it is time for me to go to place where the plans are cheaper. I talked to my buddy in Atlanta and the plans are more cheaper. My employer offers better deals than on the Maryland ACA site. The plans are expensive in Maryland because Blue Cross Blue Shield controls 70% of the market. The CEO came out and was quoted the reason why the prices have gone up was to be complainant with ACA.

Looks like the cat is out of bag. ObamaCare architect says lack of transparency helped law pass, cites 'stupidity of the American voter'

For the economy sake I hope this stuff gets fixed soon. This is family killer. Why on earth would a guy want to get married and have kids.  


I find it funny that the ACA folks are not trying to get people to dump the corporate plans. The cat is out the bag. They are more expensive than the corporate plans. Plus most folks won't be able to have the premiums lower their adjust gross income (making over 95K) in places where the cost of living is expensive

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