Politics and Religion

Religious conservatives get caught in buggery a hell of a lot though, don't they?
zinaval 7 Reviews 2911 reads
1 / 27

Comedy Central couldn't get a show to write this one better:

Minister Charged With Indecent Exposure
July 31, 2007 - 5:53pm

JOHNSON CITY, Tenn. (AP) - The minister of a Baptist church has been charged with indecent exposure and driving under the influence, and police officers say he propositioned them.

Tommy Tester, 58, of Bristol, Va., was wearing a skirt when he was arrested last week after allegedly urinating in front of children at a car wash, police said.

Police also said Tester offered to perform oral sex on officers who were sent to the scene.

Authorities identified Tester as the minister of Gospel Baptist Church in Bristol and an employee of Christian radio station WZAP-AM in Bristol.

There was no immediate response Tuesday to calls to the church and Tester's home.

WZAP issued a statement Monday asking for prayers and saying Tester had been suspended during an investigation.

"We pray this matter can be quickly resolved," WZAP owner Al Morris said in the statement.

Tester was released Friday on $1,000 bail. A hearing is scheduled for Oct. 25.

(Copyright 2007 The Associated Press. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed.)

NeedleDicktheBugFucker 22 Reviews 1727 reads
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RightwingUnderground 2141 reads
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Are you saying or implying that all or a majority or even a large number of conservative Republicans either condone or participate in this type of activity?

MrSelfDestruct 44 Reviews 2814 reads
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Having said that, Zin, you don't know what that ministers' political affiliation was...but it's likely a good assumption.

RightwingUnderground 2114 reads
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The implication is clearly that conservatives Republicans are all flocking to compete or get in line behind this guy.

He's clearly a freak and a pervert practising this stuff in public. I'm tired of the guilty by association techniques attempted.

zinaval 7 Reviews 1823 reads
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. . . it doesn't count. If they're single issue, they might be very conservative otherwise.  

We already know about Barney Frank.  

zinaval 7 Reviews 1659 reads
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Hypothesis: Those most racked by sin inwardly are those most likely to fight it outwardly.  

Now, you may call it my "prejudice" or cite a "liberal bias" to the news, but I didn't "prejudge" till this happened again and again over a period of years.  As for "liberal bias," conservatives would never let such a thing be hidden if they could.  

There are some exceptions, but liberals have either either "come out" or are caught in heterosexual scandals with matured women. Of course, liberals have the advantage in that department: their constituency can accept it and there's little onus about it.    

You have to go back months or years to find a liberal scandal.  You only have to go back a week to find a conservative one.  

I happen to think that these aren't going to stop.  I bet it cuts across all strict denominations.  The worst thing religious conservatives did for themselves was to become political.

What it means is: Republican political fortunes are going down and down and down as their constituency becomes slow at going to the polls and less enthusiastic once it gets there.

-- Modified on 8/4/2007 2:40:47 PM

NeedleDicktheBugFucker 22 Reviews 3087 reads
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the RumpRangers of NAMBLA...

Live Free, Fuck Little Boys!

It's the Liberal's idea of honesty!!!

NeedleDicktheBugFucker 22 Reviews 2034 reads
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Save this thread to favorites. You'll be able to stick it right back in their faces someday soon.

Me? I play the game so I can't complain. lol

-- Modified on 8/4/2007 3:05:01 PM

RightwingUnderground 1480 reads
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Since your admitting to your thoughts and you're so full of knowledge and hypothesis, just what large number or percentage would you say participate in such activity?

-- Modified on 8/4/2007 3:09:15 PM

RightwingUnderground 2546 reads
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HAHAHAAHAHA LOL. That's the most stupid thing you've said in a long long time.

I know right to lifers that are liberal. Many, many right to lifers are single issue people. Oh, but I'm sure your logic does not apply to them.

-- Modified on 8/4/2007 11:16:30 PM

Jack Daniels 2023 reads
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To say that Evangelical Christians are representative of conservatives or Republicans is like saying Jesse Jackson’s Rainbow Coalition is representative of Democrats.  There are a lot of conservatives who are neither Evangelical Christians nor Republicans.  I for one put the Christian Right at the same level as Jesse Jackson’s Rainbow Coalition which is a couple of clicks below whale shit. The TV evangelists and evangelists in general are among the most dishonest despicable charlatans is society.  They accumulate vast fortunes by keeping people in fear of the unknown.  Their whole scam is based on fear and hate. If they weren’t in the midst of some contrived crisis the fools who follow the slick men of the cloth wouldn’t have a reason group together and financially support their ministries.  At the moment they have gays and lesbians in their sights and have convinced their followers the gay and lesbian community has an agenda to convert all their sons and daughters to homosexuality. A case and point was the fight to have a Constitutional Amendment outlawing same sex marriages.  Anyone with an eight grade education realizes passing such a Constitutional Amendment would be almost impossible. I can’t blame the Republicans for seizing the opportunity and using the issue to gain votes, but I am concerned about the amount of people who would vote for a president based on such scam.  I am neither a Democrat nor a liberal but let’s try to be a objective.

zinaval 7 Reviews 1771 reads
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Could it be that already child molesting is not something conservatives feel so free to bring up anymore?

They might have a liberal method, or front, but if NAMBLA is liberal, then the German Nazi's were democratic. The Nazis seized power via elections and never suspended the constitution.  That's the way NAMBLA would rather do things.  

It's harder to associate liberals with NAMBLA anymore.  Catholic priests have pretty much stepped into that role now, at least as far as jokes are concerned.    

I'm waiting for the liberal politicians to be wracked with massive scandals like conservative politicians.  Specifically, going after children.  Something to show that, in fact, there's no personality correlation, and human beings have free will.  Otherwise, this feels like an episode of "SouthPark."  

"Dude, maybe it's true!"

zinaval 7 Reviews 2080 reads
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Many RTL's are very much against capital punishment, and in economics, they are Roosevelt democrats.  They are truly RTL.  

I don't know if this branch has much influence outside of a few sects, though. It's not the majority from what I see.  

I haven't read any NAMBLA tracts.  There website is not something that interests me.

zinaval 7 Reviews 1718 reads
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I don't think it stops with American culture. This would be something found in some way in every culture.  If you put the same spotlight on Mullahs, you'd find the same thing.  

Judging by Catholic priests, I'd say 2-5 percent in that group.  I don't think it is because of celibacy, though.

Among religious conservatives as a whole, it probably runs a little lower, about 1-2 percent, (because conservative is harder to define, not because there are fewer) but higher than the general population.  

I think it's significant, but I don't think it's large.  However, there is a possibility that it's even more prevalent in the leadership.

-- Modified on 8/5/2007 2:25:02 AM

RightwingUnderground 1723 reads
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Are they made up?

Even if we use your numbers of 1% to 2%, how can you in good faith say that "family values" conservatives are in the "contest". You're painting an entire group with the same brush that by your own estimations only belongs with 1 or 2 percent.

zinaval 7 Reviews 2986 reads
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Maybe a very conservative estimate.  Also the ones who have the inclinations are possibly much higher numbers than the ones who ever act on them.  Thus you have bishops in the Catholic Church who protected priests-- mostly due to the fact that they understood the sin more than the larger society can.  

The numbers are what I would call a wild-ass-educated-guess based mostly on the numbers of priests with allegations of sexual abuse over the years divided by the numbers of priests who took vows in the church over the same years.  A sloppy guess due to lack of data and the impossibility of a rigorous study.  Then extrapolated and compared to events with other religious/social conservatives.  

One hypothesis that I have on the proximate reasons for this: those tempted by the most shameful sex acts are those who seek atonement and redemption in strict religions the most.  Some fail, some make "mistakes."  

Churches, especially the Catholic Church, have called themselves hospitals for the spiritually sick.  I have no problem with that.  But when the same people become political or spiritual leaders, it's literally putting the loonies in charge of the asylum.  

I feel that this should be pointed out.  Furthermore, the values that you need to try to restrain the loonies are not necessarily the best ones applied to society as a whole.

Of course, once it's an "authority" it also attracts people who aren't in self-restraint, but who use the authority as a cover for sexual criminality.

Also, conservatives have other qualities I consider bad correlations as well.  I'll point to greed which is by far the worst problem.        

-- Modified on 8/5/2007 12:34:49 PM

-- Modified on 8/5/2007 12:51:35 PM

zinaval 7 Reviews 2817 reads
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RightwingUnderground 2022 reads
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a wild assed LIBERAL guess (i.e. way too big).

I was asking for documented statistics about your non Catholic numbers. So you have even less documentation on those. Less than none.

You have some terrible misconceptions about religious conservatives being more "greedy” than the norm. I don't have any wild ass guesses to site, but I'd be willing to bet that when it comes to charitable giving, conservative religious folk outdo their liberal brethren. Remember, the liberal's method to "share the wealth" is to have the government stick their hand in your pocket to initiate the handout.

-- Modified on 8/5/2007 8:09:05 PM

zinaval 7 Reviews 2362 reads
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It seems that greed is still good as far as they're concerned.  Didn't make that too clear.  

As for my "documentation," I wasn't trying to persuade you, and didn't expect it to be persuasive.  You asked for my best estimate.  Fact is, I have no good way to make an estimate.  Which of course means also it might be much higher than what I allow for.  

Religious conservatives get caught in buggery a hell of a lot though, don't they?

RightwingUnderground 2123 reads
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While their rate of offense "seems" higher, it could be just that, a perception that isn't true, due to a higher reporting rate, stemming from the "higher standard" thing.

If it is indeed higher, it could stem from a variety of reasons that you haven't either considered or mentioned.

jack0116533 14 Reviews 1874 reads
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like, they could be fucken perverts.

Noooo!!  Say it ain't so!

jack0116533 14 Reviews 1467 reads
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jack0116533 14 Reviews 3224 reads
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that's twice I've told you now.

If I have to tell you a 3rd time, you aren't gonna be covered by Church insurance.

-- Modified on 8/7/2007 4:53:35 AM

jack0116533 14 Reviews 2230 reads
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are the GOP's predictable margin of victory.

The GOP has this to a science - they go to the swing states, even precincts, and mobilize the evangelical churches, supported by the crony capitalist money.

You gotta admit, that is one hell of a winning combo.

jack0116533 14 Reviews 2239 reads
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don't they fire them when they find them?

Instead, you get guys like Gingrich coming on to say that confessing to Jesus relieved him from liability, and REPUBLICANS BUY THIS CONSISTENTLY - as long as it's a Republican.

Look, that's between you & Jesus or whoever.  As far as I'm concerned, you're still a fucking hypocrite.

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